Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Why are men stronger than women? The answer may surprise you | Mickey Z.

Dec. 29, 2015

Recently, a group of Aymara women amazed the world by doing something unexpected. They not only took on the 19,974-foot high Huayna Potosi Mountain in Bolivia but did so while dressed like, um… well, women (read: traditional Aymara clothing). This got me thinking about the carved-in-stone “reality” that the vast majority of men are supposedly bigger, faster, and stronger than the vast majority of women. 

We’ve all heard the immutable biological factors -- skeletal structure, testosterone, lung capacity, etc. -- but absent from most discussions is the possibility that a social construct like, I don’t know, maybe patriarchy is playing a role. Could our beliefs be causing us to make girls smaller, slower, and less powerful?

In a 2009 Newsweek article, Sharon Begley wrote about a study in which mothers were asked to estimate how steep a slope their 11-month-olds could crawl down. “Moms of boys got it right to within 1 degree,” Begley explained, but “moms of girls underestimated what their daughters could do by 9 degrees, even though there are no differences in the motor skills of infant boys and girls.” (emphasis added)

She wondered if this prejudice may cause parents to unconsciously limit their daughter's physical activity. How we perceive children -- sociable or remote, physically bold or reticent -- shapes how we treat them and therefore what experiences we give them,” wrote Begley. “Since life leaves footprints on the very structure and function of the brain, these various experiences produce sex differences in adult behavior and brains -- the result not of innate and inborn nature but of nurture.”

It’s widely held that a window of opportunity exists for a human child to acquire the efficient and effective use of spoken language. Such windows exist for other forms of development.

"These ‘windows' are neurological wiring timetables," says Pam Schiller, an early childhood consultant. "As a parent, you're laying the foundation for a lifetime of learning," she adds. "Wiring outside a window will not result in optimal learning opportunities.”

We also believe, at least anecdotally, that the mastery of diverse activities from chess to ballet to musicianship to mathematics to gymnastics requires a rigorous and early start.

Photo credit: Mickey Z.Photo credit: Mickey Z. 
Let’s recap: We know some women will break the mold when given the chance. We know about the proven and perceived windows of learning opportunity We know about well-meaning parents inadvertently stifling their daughters’ growth. We also know about the pervasive presence of patriarchy.

Now, I’d like to propose two more possibilities: 
  • The optimal acquisition of attributes like speed, strength, balance, reflexes, and endurance is based, in part, on the types and intensity of activities performed by toddlers.
  • Since most boys are jumping, running, climbing, lifting, wrestling, throwing, catching, and physically competing more than most girls, this imbalance eventually contributes to sexual dimorphism.
While you ponder this, I’ll add the most important possibility of all: The repressive gender roles proscribed and imposed by patriarchal dominance are consciously designed to keep women smaller, slower, weaker, and in need of male protection (especially when combined with restrictive fashion).
Before you cite this study and that textbook to mock my line of inquiry, please allow me to pre-empt your sexist science and phallocentric facts with a question or three: What could be the downside of encouraging girls to reach their physical potential? Are you satisfied with the way girls and women are currently treated as a class? What are you afraid of?

If you wish to encourage all children to explore and reach their truest potential, free of the totalitarian tenets of gender and male supremacy, it’s time we join together to abolish the patriarchal construct of gender before it’s too late.

Mickey Z. is the author of 13 books, most recently Occupy these Photos: NYC Activism Through a Radical Lens. Until the laws are changed or the power runs out, you can “like” his Facebook page here and follow his blog here. Anyone wishing to support his activist efforts can do so by making a donation here.
Creative Commons License
"Why are men stronger than women? The answer may surprise you." by Mickey Z. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://worldnewstrust.com/why-are-men-stronger-than-women-the-answer-may-surprise-you-mickey-z.
  • Created
    Tuesday, 29 December 2015
  • Last modified
    Tuesday, 29 December 2015



Wednesday, December 23, 2015


December Edition

On “Speaking Truth to Empire” on KFCF 88.1 Free Speech Radio for Central California Dan Yaseen interviews Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, he is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror. He is Host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO, a weekly LIVE call in radio show. He also has appeared on Fox, CNN, PBS and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications. 

Monday, December 21, 2015

10 Ways to Change the World in 2016! | Mickey Z.

Mickey Z. -- World News Trust
Dec. 21, 2015

1. Wear a "Black Lives Matter" t-shirt 

2. Focus on privileged, individual lifestyle choices 

3. Blame Donald Trump and look down your nose at his supporters

4. Memes! ALL the memes!

Popular Internet Memes

5. Change your Facebook profile picture on a crisis-by-crisis basis

6. Become one of them male-inclusive feminists 

7. Join a trustworthy group, especially if they have cool matching t-shirts

8. Drive a hybrid SUV

Beijing traffic jam. Credit: basykes. Wiki Commons. (CC BY 2.0)Beijing traffic jam. Credit: basykes. Wiki Commons. (CC BY 2.0)

9. Chant for peace in your yoga class

10. Vote for a Democrat 

Bonus Pro Tip: Never, ever, under any circumstances should you dare name the problem. (Leave that task to the experts.)

Mickey Z. is the author of 13 books, most recently Occupy these Photos: NYC Activism Through a Radical Lens. Until the laws are changed or the power runs out, you can “like” his Facebook page here and follow his blog here. Anyone wishing to support his activist efforts can do so by making a donation here.
Creative Commons License
"10 Ways to Change the World in 2016!" by Mickey Z. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://worldnewstrust.com/10-ways-to-change-the-world-in-2016-mickey-z.


Sunday, December 20, 2015

Breast Cancer Messed with the Wrong Chick by Cindy Sheehan

Dede Miller Beating Cancer Everyday

Near the end of April 2015, I found out by an email message from my sister, friend, and peace comrade Dede Miller that she had a lump on her right breast (the size of 1/2 a tennis ball) that had erupted and bled copiously. Dede lived in L.A. County with our brother who rushed her to the ER when her lump began to hemorrhage. 

Through subsequent tests and doctor visits, she was diagnosed with (at that point) Stage 3 "triple-negative" breast cancer (TNB). Triple-negative breast cancer is rare for Dede's age and race, but is more common in young women of color. "Triple-negative" refers to the fact that there are no hormone (progesterone, estrogen, HER 2) receptors and does not respond to the prevailing treatment option for women whose breast cancer is hormonal. The more research I did on TNBC, the more depressed I became. Also, Stage 3 is not a good stage to begin treatment with. Also, I was dismayed to learn that Dede had been hiding the fact she had an alien growing on her chest for a year and a half.

Dede has been working with me off and on (mostly on) since Casey died on April 04, 2004. After Camp Casey in 2005, she quit her "day job" (personnel director for a local K-Mart) and worked full-time for/with me. I have been responsible for her pay for all these years and as War Tax Resisters, we have tried to live simply and under the radar, so health insurance was almost impossible and we are both opposed to the fascist aspects of "Obamacare." (Being forced under penalty of fines to purchase insurance from a private company IS NOT heathcare--it's corporate welfare). So, Dede was advised by the ER doctor she saw to get involved at USC-LAC (USC-LA County) Medical Center for care.

I would travel down to LA (about 6 1/2 hours south of my home) for her appointments. Each appointment took a minimum of three hours---usually more and that was just for exams. If she had a test, it was even longer. I would sit in the waiting room with her watching the other women with cancer. USC-LAC resembled many jails I have been in, with not a lot of seating and quiet despair as the prevailing emotion: Women with scarves around their bald heads leaning up against walls and that was AFTER we healthy ones had already given up our seats. The rush to the snack cart which wheeled in every so often to sell processed carcinogens to people who already had cancer broke my heart---I wanted to scream in frustration and even talked to one of Dede's doctors about it who told me that it was "Okay" for people going through chemo to eat whatever they wanted to "keep up their weight." He sputtered some bullshit when I asked him if it were also possible to keep weight on eating healthy food (I am a perfect example of that). 

The ultimate insult from USC-LAC came when Dede was in the chair at the chemo center getting ready for her first treatment when she was pulled out and sent to the financial office where she was told she would not be receiving treatment because she had the "wrong" Medi-cal provider. She was sent home to die and it made me wonder when insurance scofflaws will just be summarily executed for their transgressions? Dede phoned me and we decided she may as well come up to Vacaville to visit us and we could see if we could get her into a county hospital up here for treatment.

When she arrived here in mid-June, I was shocked at the degradation of her health and energy. A friend suggested we phone an integrative health doctor in Sebastopol, CA (Dr. Brian Bouch) and he immediately put her on some supplements (more later) and gave her an infusion of 50,000 IUs of Vitamin C. On the way home from that appointment, Dede felt the tumor recoiling in a good way, and Dr. Bouch and his colleagues became an integral part of Dede's recovery. Some dear friends of ours offered to pay for her visits to Dr. Bouch's office and are also an integral part of Dede's cure.

Dede's tumor began to bleed badly on June 22nd, and I rushed her to the ER here in Vacaville which is connected to North Bay health and she was immediately admitted and transferred to the big hospital in Fairfield where she was given the care she needed at that time. Her ER doctor pooh-poohed the fact she didn't have "the right kind of Medi-cal" saying, "You need help and it's the right thing to do."

During her first stay at the hospital, she had a test done which confirmed that the cancer had spread to soft tissue near her esophagus and she was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma a "metastasis" and she was downgraded to "Stage 4-incurable." Well, never say never to a Miller.

Since June, she has lived with me and her care has consisted of chemo for 20 weeks and visiting Dr. Bouch in Sebastopol about once a week for Vitamin C infusions and nutrition/supplement counseling.

Dede had a PET scan on December 5 and this past week we found out that she is completely cancer free (metastasis gone) except for her breast tumor and she meets with a surgeon on December 29th to hopefully have this approved.

People ask us all the time how WE are beating it---well, it's been from help from so many people who have raised money and given us valuable advice and with an integrative approach.

First of all, when Dede moved here, I refused to take her to buy cigarettes and refused to feed her junk food. She has kicked fast-food, processed food, dairy, and sugar. Her diet consists of fruits, vegetables, organic meats, whole grains, beans, nuts, and everything as pure to nature as possible. Right now, she is eating the seeds of one pomegranate per day which are in season. Lemon juice for stabilizing her Ph balance and Matcha tea are also in her daily regimen.

Some supplements that are essential are Vitamin D3 (there's been establishment studies linking TNBC to a VitD3 deficiency) and turmeric which is an anti-inflammatory and her breast cancer is classified as "inflammatory." 

One important factor in her ongoing cure is Rick Simpson Oil---I will not go that much into it because there is a great documentary here: Run From the Cure--The Rick Simpson Story.

Dede's oncologist is amazed that she has done so well when she was so ill. She felt very little nausea from chemo, but in her first go round, I was sure she was dying. I think all of the alternative measures we have taken have helped ameliorate the effects of the toxic chemo. With the advance of the disease, even Dr. Bouch recommended chemo, but I feel so grateful that we were given the resources to fight this multi-pronged attack.

I am not saying it has been easy: Dede and I have not lived under the same roof since I got married at 19. When we shared a room as kids, we often put tape through the middle of the room as a border for our constant sisterly battles. So, the tension for me has been that--getting used to a full-time patient/roommate and I have terrible bedside manners. I am more on the vein of "suck it up, Buttercup" and have had to learn that strength comes in all kinds of shapes and stripes and some days Dede even had difficulty walking to the bathroom.

Last year, Dede came up to spend time with me and our family for Christmas. I was shocked at how bad her energy was. I begged her to lose weight and quit smoking and start exercising. I had no idea she was growing an inflammatory breast tumor. This Christmas, even though she has cancer, I believe she is far healthier than this time last year. Right now, she is cleaning the kitchen and playing with my 5-year old grandson. 

I don't believe in miracles, but I do believe in Dede and am proud of her determination to be cancer-free.

The Force Slumbers (SOAPBOX PODCAST 12/20/15)

 December 20, 2015

TOPIC: Dick Statue and Hypocrisy of Democrats

Anthony designed the cover for my book (available now):

 Anthony and Cindy at Occupy Peace

Dear Friends,

The Soapbox will be entering it's 8th year of existence in January!

The overriding theme has been the hypocrisy of the "left" and the abdication of movements in being just as critical and organized against the many crimes of the Obama regime--which changed nothing significantly from the Bush abomination.

Imagine a situation where 100 people are in a room and one person is being a jackass and causing all kinds of woe for the other 99--would 99 people allow the one to rampage over them? I doubt it--yet the 99% will not effectively rise up against the 1%. I don't think it's fear, I think it's decades of conditioning which conspire to rob us of our power, or even the idea that we have any.

In 2005 when I set up Camp Casey outside of George Bush's fake ranch in Crawford TX, I proved that one person could make a difference, but in the intervening Obama years, it has been so hard to organize people, even while the Global Powers That Be are ushering in World War (fill in the blank).

If a Republican is elected in 2016 will the people finally care about Peace again? Only until the Dems are back in power.

The Force Awakens is a new movie in the popular Star Wars franchise and the only thing I wish for in 2016 is for Force of collective outrage Awakens in real life and we claim our power.

However you celebrate, or don't, I wish you all the best--as I wish it for the world.

Love & Peace
Cindy Sheehan



Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Trump Not Wrong When He Said That Hillary “Has Killed Hundreds of Thousands of People”

By Claire Bernish

December 14, 2015
(ANTIMEDIA) Donald Trump may be known for many things, but mincing words certainly isn’t one of them. While most of his inflammatory remarks — including an outright entry ban for all Muslims attempting to immigrate — have most of the U.S., if not the world, up in arms, his latest accusation that Hillary Clinton “has killed hundreds of thousands of people” might be closer to the truth than many people realize.

Hillary is a war hawk of the highest order, and as Tru
mp pointed pointed out, her record as Secretary of State under Obama evidenced the transformation of that hawkish attitude into prolific opportunity.

In 2011, the U.S. invaded Libya using its favorite, tired ‘humanitarian’ excuse — and Hillary helped make it happen, becoming a “strong advocate” for intervention, as the Washington Post reported. But military intervention had little to do with compassion for an oppressed populace, and far more to do with the economic threat posed by Qaddafi’s move away from the petrodollar toward the gold-backed Dinar. As reported by the New York Times, NATO forces dropped some 7,700 bombs and missiles during their seven-month air campaign, and the number of civilian casualties — though reported by NATO to be a low-ball 70 — could be far closer to 1,500, including a number of journalists, with scores injured and many others reported missing. Of Qaddafi, she ultimately told CBS, “We came, we saw, he died” — as did many innocent civilians.

Hillary Clinton’s bellicose policies could further be summed up by her push to send more troops to Afghanistan and spend yet more billions intervening the war-torn nation — a battlefield the National Interest characterized as “one of the most consequential foreign-policy decisions of President Obama’s first term in office.” That interventionist policy, called his “biggest foreign policy blunder to date” by Foreign Policy in 2012, had Clinton cheerleading the effort — despite a brutal attack by a rogue U.S. soldier that left 16 Afghan civilians dead. As Stephen M. Walt put it, “the United States can’t fix that country, it is not a vital U.S. interest that we try, and we should have been gone a long time ago.”

Fast forward to 2015, and Hillary’s at it again, supporting Obama’s recent decision to keep 5,500 troops in Afghanistan — past the end of his term. “We have invested a lot of blood and a lot of treasure in trying to help that country,” Clinton stated, “and we can’t afford for it to become an outpost of the Taliban and [Islamic State] one more time, threatening us, threatening the larger world.” Or, perhaps, threatening the West’s opium supply? Of course total civilian casualties in that country in the fourteen years since the U.S. invasion of 2001 may never be known, but with an estimated 1,592 dead in just the first half of 2015 alone — which is considered a low estimate by many — one has to call to question the human cost of continued U.S. presence, however eager Hillary may be for perpetual involvement.

And then there’s Syria. With the U.S. embroiled in a complex web of military action in the Middle East — which, incidentally, led to the rise of the Islamic State Qaddafi warned about and the U.S. wanted, that it now also claims to be fighting — the number of civilian casualties has reached unknown, and no less epic, proportions. It’s estimated that the rate of death to displacement is typically around 1 to 5, and with 8 million or so refugees fleeing war-ravaged Syria, that figure alone could trump Trump’s accusation. Hillary Clinton, of course, has been a strong backer of military action in Syria, despite questions surrounding the U.S.’ true motives in that country — including securing the vast oil supply.  

Also pertinent in the conversation of Hillary’s hawkishness is her support of Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine — and its continued policy of human rights atrocities. And we can’t forget Iraq, of course, and her advocacy for troop retention there, ostensibly to prevent a resurgence of al-Qaeda — the same fighters the U.S. and Israel now back in their supposed fight against the Islamic State — despite as many as two million civilian non-combatants who have already perished as a result of intervention there. Iran can’t be ignored as a possible site for military intervention, either. As Hillary asserted, she “will not hesitate to take military action if Iran attempts to obtain a nuclear weapon.”

Confused? You aren’t alone. But one thing is clear: a Hillary Clinton presidency will only bring more of the same meddling, belligerence, and innocent death, causing growing resentment of the U.S. around the world — which inarguably places the U.S. at greater risk of terror attacks than any slam-the-door-shut-on-Muslims immigration policy Trump and his supporters vocally and contentiously advocate.

This article (Trump Not Wrong When He Said That Hillary “Has Killed Hundreds of Thousands of People”) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Claire Bernish and theAntiMedia.org. Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11pm Eastern/8pm Pacific. If you spot a typo, email edits@theantimedia.org.

Monday, December 14, 2015

The Secret Behind Donald Trump’s Popularity | Mickey Z.

 2011 in Washington, D.C. Credit: Gage Skidmore. Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Mickey Z. -- World News Trust

Dec. 13, 2015

What if I told you about a nativist rally in which a charismatic white man drew a massive crowd of avid followers, using hate speech to whip them into a racist frenzy before pledging to cleanse America of a foreign threat -- all while 1,300 local policemen stood guard outside the building? 

You’re probably thinking: Trump.

However, the particular event I refer to took place on Feb. 20, 1939, at Madison Square Garden where 22,000 frenzied members of the German-American Bund cheered Fritz Kuhn as he stood before a 30-foot high portrait of George Washington flanked by black swastikas, leading them in a chant of “Free Amerika!” 

A U.S. citizen who served in the German Army during WWI, Kuhn stirred up his loyal supporters by “explaining” how both Lenin and J. P. Morgan were Jewish and Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s real name was “Rosenfeld.” (Other Kuhn-spread rumors were often aimed at the high-profile First Lady, e.g. Eleanor gave the president gonorrhea -- which she’d “contracted from a Negro” -- and visited Moscow to learn “unspeakable sexual practices.”)

Kuhn’s proselytizing did not go unnoticed by the Third Reich; he attended the 1936 Olympics as an honored guest and met Adolf Hitler by special invitation.
The Land of the Free™, you see, has a long history of embracing and supporting fascists. This tendency, ever evolving in sophistication, is mocked or ignored at our own peril.

“America’s most powerful radio commentator”
Donald J. Trump is hardly the first wanna-be dick-tator to both use and attack the media as a method of spreading his xenophobic vision. During the Depression, for example, Father Charles Coughlin was preying on the fears of everyday Americans. the Canadian-born Catholic priest rose to prominence as a radio commentator with as many as 40 million listeners on 47 stations.

“Coughlin believed that Professor Felix Frankfurter and labor leader David Dubinsky exercised undue influence on FDR,” says historian Robert Herzstein. “He called them communists.”  
When Coughlin was asked by a Boston Globe reporter to prove this allegation, the priest belted the journalist in the face.

While his anti-Jewish attacks cost him some of his audience, Coughlin remained popular and undeterred in his rants against the “Christ-killers and Christ-rejecters.” In 1938, he reprinted the notorious anti-Semitic tract “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” in his newspaper, Social Justice
For his efforts, the Nazi press labeled Coughlin “America’s most powerful radio commentator.”

Trump with Wings?
While Coughlin was creating fertile ground, Charles A. Lindergh, Jr. was bringing fascism to the skies. Still wielding international clout thanks to his Spirit of St. Louis exploits, Lucky Lindy received an invitation to visit Germany in 1936 “in the name of General Goering and the German Air Ministry.” 

After touting German air power, the Lone Eagle was feted by Goering and attended the opening ceremonies of the Berlin Olympic Games where he characterized Hitler as “undoubtedly a great man” who’d “done much for the German people” and helped make Germany “the most interesting nation in the world.” On his next excursion to the Fatherland, Lindbergh flew himself and his wife to Munich in 1937 for more aviation-related meetings. 

“Lindbergh returned to America to become an outspoken leader of the isolationist ‘America First’ movement, funded with Ford money, that tried to keep the United States out of World War II,” writes historian Kenneth C. Davis. Lindbergh, in one speech, told American Jews to “shut up” and accused the “Jewish-owned press” of pushing the United States into the war.

In his diaries, Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels highly praised Lindbergh, e.g.:
April 19, 1941: “Public opinion in the USA is beginning to waver. The Isolationists are very active. Colonel Lindbergh is sticking stubbornly and with great courage to his old opinions. A man of honour!”

April 30, 1941: “Lindbergh has written a really spirited letter to Roosevelt. He is the president’s toughest opponent. He asked us not to give him too much prominence, since this could harm him. We have proceeded accordingly.”

June 8, 1941: “These American Jews want war. And when the time comes they will choke on it. Read a brilliant letter from Lindbergh to all Americans. It really tells the Interventionists where to get off. Stylistically magnificent. The man has something.” 

After America entered WWII, Lindbergh became a target of derision. Because he had sided with America’s enemies, popular opinion quickly turned against him. The “Lindbergh Beacon” atop a Chicago skyscraper was renamed the “Palmolive Beacon,” and the Colorado Rockies mountain dubbed “Lindbergh Peak” was judiciously re-christened “Lone Eagle Peak.”

However, the damage done to his image was eventually forgiven, thanks to his storied efforts as a pilot in the Pacific war. In the end, Lindbergh’s reputation remained intact.

“Part of the beauty of me is that I'm very rich”
The above quote is Trump, of course, but the predatory pursuit of profit long ago transcended national borders/loyalty. The “very rich” were doing their fascist thing long before The Donald got his first “small loan.” 

In the decades before WWII, doing business with Hitler’s Germany or Mussolini’s Italy (or, by proxy, Franco’s Spain) proved no more unsavory to the captains of industry than selling military hardware to Saudi Arabia does today.

“Many leaders of Wall Street and of the U.S. foreign policy establishment had maintained close ties with their German counterparts since the 1920s, some having intermarried or shared investments,” writes investigative reporter Christopher Simpson. “U.S. investment in Germany accelerated rapidly after Hitler came to power.” Such investment increased “by some 48.5 percent between 1929 and 1940.” 

Among the U.S. corporations investing in Germany during the 1920s were Ford, General Motors, General Electric, Standard Oil, Texaco, ITT, and IBM -- all of whom were thrilled to see the German labor movement and working-class parties smashed. For many of these companies, operations in Germany continued during the war (sometimes using concentration-camp slave labor) with overt U.S. government support. 

“Pilots were given instructions not to hit factories in Germany that were owned by U.S. firms,” writes Michael Parenti. “Thus Cologne was almost leveled by Allied bombing but its Ford plant, providing military equipment for the Nazi army, was untouched; indeed, German civilians began using the plant as an air raid shelter.”

Occupied Wall Street
The support for global fascism also included Sullivan and Cromwell, the most powerful Wall Street law firm of the 1930s. Allen and John Foster Dulles -- the two brothers who guided the firm boycotted their own sister’s 1932 wedding because the groom was Jewish while simultaneously serving as the contacts for I.G. Farben, the company putting the gas in Nazi gas chambers. 

During the pre-war period, the elder John Foster led off cables to his German clients with the salutation “Heil Hitler,” and blithely dismissed the Nazi threat in 1935 in a piece he wrote for the Atlantic Monthly. In 1939, he told the Economic Club of New York, “We have to welcome and nurture the desire of the New Germany to find for her energies a new outlet.”  

Little brother Allen, who actually got to meet the German dictator, promoted the post-war idea that multinational corporations are instruments of U.S. foreign policy and therefore exempt from domestic laws. This concept eventually took root in institutions like the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, etc.

Leonard Mosley, biographer of the Dulles brothers, defends Allen by evoking the all-purpose alibi of anti-communism. The younger Dulles, Mosley claims, “made his loathing of the Nazis plain, years before World War II … (it was) the Russians (who tried) to link his name with bankers who financed Hitler.” However, in 1946, both brothers would play a major role in the founding of the U.S. intelligence community and the subsequent recruiting of Nazi war criminals. 

“Import shock troops to help him run for president”
A Third Reich supporter with perhaps the most similarities to Trump was Henry Ford, the autocratic magnate who despised unions, tyrannized workers, and fired any employee caught driving a competitor’s model. Ford, an outspoken anti-Semite, believed that Jews corrupted gentiles with “syphilis, Hollywood, gambling, and jazz.” In 1918, he bought and ran a newspaper, The Dearborn Independent, which became an anti-Jewish forum. 

The New York Times reported in 1922 that there was a widespread rumor circulating in Berlin claiming that Henry Ford was financing Adolf Hitler’s nationalist and anti-Semitic movement in Munich,” write James and Suzanne Pool in their book Who Financed Hitler. “Novelist Upton Sinclair wrote in The Flivver King, a book about Ford, that the Nazis got $40,000 from Ford to reprint anti-Jewish pamphlets in German translations, and that an additional $300,000 was later sent to Hitler through a grandson of the ex-Kaiser who acted as intermediary.” 

An appreciative Adolf Hitler kept a large picture of the automobile pioneer besides his desk, explaining: “We look to Heinrich (sic) Ford as the leader of the growing Fascist movement in America.” Hitler hoped to one day “import some shock troops to the United States to help (Ford) run for president.”

On Henry Ford’s 75th birthday in 1938, he was awarded the Grand Cross of the Supreme Order of the German Eagle from the Führer himself. He was the first American (GM’s James Mooney would be second) and only the fourth person in the world to receive the highest decoration that could be given to any non-German citizen. An earlier honoree was none other than kindred spirit, Benito Mussolini… you know, the guy who equated fascism with corporatism.

Trump 2016
I could go on (e.g. U.S. support for Mussolini) but I’m hoping you don’t need further evidence that fascism, xenophobia, and demagoguery are as American as genetically modified apple pie.

What sets Trump apart from his predecessors is that he’s not siding with official enemies. He’s demonizing the already-demonized. He first slandered Mexicans, then Black Lives Matter. When his poll numbers rose, he raised the rhetoric to another level.

Once the United States joined the Good (sic) War, the Nazi supporters discussed here had to become more covert and publicly contrite. The average 1940s American was conditioned to temporarily loathe Germans (and Japanese) thus, you’d win no votes extolling the virtues of Nazism.

Today, however, every time ISIS (or any such group) kills Americans or American allies, Trump’s support grows, with voters saying stuff like: “Even though people don’t want to hear it because a lot of what he says is inflammatory toward certain groups, it is the truth” AND “He’ll keep a sharp eye on those Muslims.”

To anyone consciously and intensely programmed to fear and hate Muslims (and most non-white humans), Trump probably sounds sensible. He’ll stand up to the bogeymen and allow frightened Americans to sleep at night. Decades of relentlessly effective military-industrial propaganda sowed these seeds and now Trump is reaping the low hanging fruit. 

In 2016, we’ll discover how many bad apples he can find.

Mickey Z. is the author of 13 books, most recently Occupy these Photos: NYC Activism Through a Radical Lens. Until the laws are changed or the power runs out, you can “like” his Facebook page here and follow his blog here. Anyone wishing to support his activist efforts can do so by making a donation here.
Creative Commons License
"The Secret Behind Donald Trump’s Popularity" by Mickey Z. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://worldnewstrust.com/the-secret-behind-donald-trump-s-popularity-mickey-z.
  • Created
    Sunday, 13 December 2015
  • Last modified
    Sunday, 13 December 2015


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Liberal Democrat Presidential Candidate Quiz: #FeelTheBern Edition | Mickey Z.

Photo: Gage Skidmore. (CC BY-SA 3.0)Photo: Gage Skidmore. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Mickey Z. -- World News Trust

Dec. 9, 2015

Greetings Presidential Elections Fans:

Below are brief excerpts from seven different speeches by seven different candidates over the past 25 or 30 years. All seven candidates were deemed “liberal” or “progressive” by the corporate media and the malleable voting public. 

Without using a search engine, can any of you dedicated lefty types identify the candidates or even tell these speeches apart? Could one of these snippets actually be the words of your latest savior, Bernie Sanders?

Okay, Sandernistas, here we go! 

1. “All of us know what those challenges are today -- a war with no end, a dependence on oil that threatens our future, schools where too many children aren't learning, and families struggling paycheck to paycheck despite working as hard as they can. We know the challenges. We've heard them. We've talked about them for years.”

2. “Dr. King understood this, many years ago when he said the war in Vietnam was destroying the people of two nations. We don’t have enough money to build bridges in this country, yet we blow them up in Iraq. We don’t have money to build schools in this country, but we have seen schools and hospitals and other institutions destroyed in Iraq. We cannot take care of matters here at home, and yet we have leaders who want to go all around the world and tell people what to do. Let’s come back home. Let’s take care of things here. Let’s have a country that we can be proud of, with housing for all and jobs for all and education for all and healthcare for all. That’s the kind of America that people will love; the kind of America that will be an example to people all over the world as a country that you believe in, a country that you want to see succeed. Are we ready to take the path towards that kind of an America?”

3. “What's the fundamental challenge of our day? It is to end economic violence. Most poor people are not lazy. They're not black. They're not brown. They're mostly white, and female and young. Most poor people are not on welfare. I know they work. I'm a witness. They catch the early bus. They work every day. They raise other people's children. They work every day. They clean the streets. They work every day. They change the beds you slept in in these hotels last night and can't get a union contract. They work every day. They work in hospitals. I know they do. They wipe the bodies of those who are sick with fever and pain. They empty their bedpans. They clean out their commode. No job is beneath them, and yet when they get sick, they cannot lie in the bed they made up every day. America, that is not right. We are a better nation than that. We are a better nation than that.”

4. “Today, we stand here and say loudly and clearly that; ‘Enough is enough. This great nation and its government belong to all of the people, and not to a handful of billionaires, their Super-PACs and their lobbyists.’ Brothers and sisters: Now is not the time for thinking small. Now is not the time for the same old – same old establishment politics and stale inside-the-beltway ideas. Now is the time for millions of working families to come together, to revitalize American democracy, to end the collapse of the American middle class and to make certain that our children and grandchildren are able to enjoy a quality of life that brings them health, prosperity, security and joy -- and that once again makes the United States the leader in the world in the fight for economic and social justice, for environmental sanity and for a world of peace.

5. “Our democratic system has been the object of a hostile takeover, engineered by a confederacy of corruption, careerism, and campaign consulting. And money has been the lubricant greasing the deal.”

6. “Don’t tell us unemployment is not a problem, when we see that African American unemployment is now above 10 percent -- double the rate for whites. It is unacceptable in the wealthiest nation on earth that we tolerate vast and growing pockets of poverty -- from the hills of Appalachia to the streets of Philadelphia. Making life better for the working poor is part of my vision for a stronger America. We can do better… and we will. Don’t tell us crumbling and overcrowded schools and underpaid teachers are the best we can do. We have the means to give all our children a first-rate education. We can do better… and we will. Don’t tell us we have to accept racial profiling, hate crimes, or the assault by right wing judges on our precious civil rights progress. We can do better and we will.”

7. “For millions and millions of Americans, the dream with which I grew up has been shattered. The ideal that if you work hard and play by the rules you'll be rewarded, you'll do a little better next year than you did last year, your kids will do better than you. But that idea has been devastated for millions of Americans. How did this happen? I would argue it happened for two reasons. No. 1: We lost our economic leadership. Other nations began to do some things better than we do, and their economies started growing faster and faster as ours slowed down. No. 2, and this is why I'm running for President: We elected people to high office who had the wrong response to the problem. And that's what this election is all about. Three or four big, simple ideas, even though the problems are complex.”

So, dear “comrades,” who said what? More importantly, did any of these seven supposed subversives mean a single word of it? Most importantly: Where has all this willful denial gotten us, except a few decades closer to utter collapse?

As you begin to regret not-studying for this quiz, I’ll leave you with a single sentence from a genuine radical, the venerable Lucy Parsons: “Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.”

Mickey Z. is the author of 13 books, most recently Occupy these Photos: NYC Activism Through a Radical Lens. Until the laws are changed or the power runs out, you can “like” his Facebook page here and follow his blog here. Anyone wishing to support his activist efforts can do so by making a donation here.
Creative Commons License
"The Liberal Democrat Presidential Candidate Quiz: #FeelTheBern Edition" by Mickey Z. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://worldnewstrust.com/the-liberal-democrat-presidential-candidate-quiz-feelthebern-edition-mickey-z.
  • Created
    Wednesday, 09 December 2015
  • Last modified
    Wednesday, 09 December 2015



Mickey Z. -- World News Trust

Dec. 9, 2015

Greetings Presidential Elections Fans:

Below are brief excerpts from seven different speeches by seven different candidates over the past 25 or 30 years. All seven candidates were deemed “liberal” or “progressive” by the corporate media and the malleable voting public. 

Without using a search engine, can any of you dedicated lefty types identify the candidates or even tell these speeches apart? Could one of these snippets actually be the words of your latest savior, Bernie Sanders?

Okay, Sandernistas, here we go! 

1. “All of us know what those challenges are today -- a war with no end, a dependence on oil that threatens our future, schools where too many children aren't learning, and families struggling paycheck to paycheck despite working as hard as they can. We know the challenges. We've heard them. We've talked about them for years.”

2. “Dr. King understood this, many years ago when he said the war in Vietnam was destroying the people of two nations. We don’t have enough money to build bridges in this country, yet we blow them up in Iraq. We don’t have money to build schools in this country, but we have seen schools and hospitals and other institutions destroyed in Iraq. We cannot take care of matters here at home, and yet we have leaders who want to go all around the world and tell people what to do. Let’s come back home. Let’s take care of things here. Let’s have a country that we can be proud of, with housing for all and jobs for all and education for all and healthcare for all. That’s the kind of America that people will love; the kind of America that will be an example to people all over the world as a country that you believe in, a country that you want to see succeed. Are we ready to take the path towards that kind of an America?”

3. “What's the fundamental challenge of our day? It is to end economic violence. Most poor people are not lazy. They're not black. They're not brown. They're mostly white, and female and young. Most poor people are not on welfare. I know they work. I'm a witness. They catch the early bus. They work every day. They raise other people's children. They work every day. They clean the streets. They work every day. They change the beds you slept in in these hotels last night and can't get a union contract. They work every day. They work in hospitals. I know they do. They wipe the bodies of those who are sick with fever and pain. They empty their bedpans. They clean out their commode. No job is beneath them, and yet when they get sick, they cannot lie in the bed they made up every day. America, that is not right. We are a better nation than that. We are a better nation than that.”

4. “Today, we stand here and say loudly and clearly that; ‘Enough is enough. This great nation and its government belong to all of the people, and not to a handful of billionaires, their Super-PACs and their lobbyists.’ Brothers and sisters: Now is not the time for thinking small. Now is not the time for the same old – same old establishment politics and stale inside-the-beltway ideas. Now is the time for millions of working families to come together, to revitalize American democracy, to end the collapse of the American middle class and to make certain that our children and grandchildren are able to enjoy a quality of life that brings them health, prosperity, security and joy -- and that once again makes the United States the leader in the world in the fight for economic and social justice, for environmental sanity and for a world of peace.

5. “Our democratic system has been the object of a hostile takeover, engineered by a confederacy of corruption, careerism, and campaign consulting. And money has been the lubricant greasing the deal.”

6. “Don’t tell us unemployment is not a problem, when we see that African American unemployment is now above 10 percent -- double the rate for whites. It is unacceptable in the wealthiest nation on earth that we tolerate vast and growing pockets of poverty -- from the hills of Appalachia to the streets of Philadelphia. Making life better for the working poor is part of my vision for a stronger America. We can do better… and we will. Don’t tell us crumbling and overcrowded schools and underpaid teachers are the best we can do. We have the means to give all our children a first-rate education. We can do better… and we will. Don’t tell us we have to accept racial profiling, hate crimes, or the assault by right wing judges on our precious civil rights progress. We can do better and we will.”

7. “For millions and millions of Americans, the dream with which I grew up has been shattered. The ideal that if you work hard and play by the rules you'll be rewarded, you'll do a little better next year than you did last year, your kids will do better than you. But that idea has been devastated for millions of Americans. How did this happen? I would argue it happened for two reasons. No. 1: We lost our economic leadership. Other nations began to do some things better than we do, and their economies started growing faster and faster as ours slowed down. No. 2, and this is why I'm running for President: We elected people to high office who had the wrong response to the problem. And that's what this election is all about. Three or four big, simple ideas, even though the problems are complex.”

So, dear “comrades,” who said what? More importantly, did any of these seven supposed subversives mean a single word of it? Most importantly: Where has all this willful denial gotten us, except a few decades closer to utter collapse?

As you begin to regret not-studying for this quiz, I’ll leave you with a single sentence from a genuine radical, the venerable Lucy Parsons: “Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.”

Mickey Z. is the author of 13 books, most recently Occupy these Photos: NYC Activism Through a Radical Lens. Until the laws are changed or the power runs out, you can “like” his Facebook page here and follow his blog here. Anyone wishing to support his activist efforts can do so by making a donation here.
Creative Commons License
"The Liberal Democrat Presidential Candidate Quiz: #FeelTheBern Edition" by Mickey Z. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://worldnewstrust.com/the-liberal-democrat-presidential-candidate-quiz-feelthebern-edition-mickey-z.
  • Created
    Wednesday, 09 December 2015
  • Last modified
    Wednesday, 09 December 2015
