“Speaking Truth to Empire” on KFCF
88.1 independently owned and locally operated since 1975 in
Fresno, Dan Yaseen
interviews David Swanson,
an author,
activist, journalist, and radio host. He is the director of WorldBeyondWar.org. He is the author of
several books. Swanson
has spoken on a variety of topics related to war and peace all
over the United
States and in many countries. He blogs at DavidSwanson.org
and WarIsACrime.org.
They will
talk about an anti-war conference called ‘NoWar2019 Pathways
to Peace’ that
took place on October 5 and 6 in Limerick, Ireland organized
by World Beyond
Monday, October 21, 2019
Friday, October 11, 2019
It's a Beautiful Day to Rage! (March on the Pentagon Press Release)
For Immediate Release
Emma Fiala:
Where: Meet at the White House
(Lafayette Parkside)
When: 11 Am
(10 Am for poster making; Civil Resistance Training)
Where: Meet at the White House
(Lafayette Parkside)
When: 11 Am
(10 Am for poster making; Civil Resistance Training)
After 18 years that the U.S. has been in Afghanistan, in a war that never should have taken place anyway, today is the day that activists from all over the U.S. will gather in the nation's capital to Rage Against the War Machine.
Building upon last year's successful "Women's March on the Pentagon," antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan and many others will take to the streets of D.C. to Rage Against Trump at the White House; Rage Against Sanctions at the I.M.F.; Rage Against the Democrats at Farragut Square; Rage Against Think Tanks at the Atlantic Council; Rage Against War Profiteers at Booz Allen Hamilton; and finally, Rage Against the Corporate Media and the 1% at the Washington Post.
Cindy Sheehan, speaking from Washington D.C. had this to say about the strategy of marching through D.C. on a Friday, "too many times, I have come to D.C. and marched on a weekend, where all we were doing was shaking our fists at empty buildings and performing for tourists. On a Friday, we may not be able to gather as many people with us to protest, but we will be able to hit the Beast where it counts and reach out to workers and citizens who may not otherwise be seeing the entire picture of what this Empire does to people."
For more information go, please click on the Mascot for March on the Pentagon, #BadassBillie
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Two Days Until We Rage (For Immediate Release: March on the Pentagon Press Release)
October 9, 2019
For immediate release:
Two Days Until We Rage!
CONTACTS: Cindy Sheehan
Emma Fiala
Where: The White House; 1600 Pensylvania Ave
Date: Friday, October 11th
Time: 11 AM
Who: Activists from all over the US who are outraged by the continuing wars and devastation wrought by the
USA and its allies in war crimes.
What: An unpermitted march through the seat of violent
imperial power to Rage against the institutions,
people, and corporate power that make the wars and
other oppressions possible.
![]() |
Please read this statement by Black Alliance for Peace about Rage Against the War Machine.
Watch interview of Cindy on Mintpress News
Listen to this interview of Cindy on Loud and Clear
Monday, October 7, 2019
Rage Against Trump, the Democrats and the War Machine October 11th and 12th (For immediate release)
March on the Pentagon Presents
Rage Against the War machine
Anti-Imperialist Revolution Summit
When: October 11th and 12th
Where: Various Locations in Washington, DC
Emma Fiala
This Friday, October 11, at 11 am, activists from all over the country will gather in front of the White House to Rage Against Trump and Republicans and then begin an unpermitted march through the streets of the "Belly of the Beast" where they will march from location to location that represent the "worst of the worst" of organizations/corporations that support the US War Machine.
Since the US War of Terror began 18 years ago with millions of deaths and lives destroyed, "Peace Mom" Cindy Sheehan, whose oldest son Casey was killed in 2004 in another illegal and immoral US war for profit and resource control, is once again calling activists and other concerned humans to join her in demanding an end to the US war machine.
As alternative media and peace activist Mnar Muhawesh from Minnesota recently wrote:
Some 2.7 billion dollars per day. That’s how much the U.S. government will spend next year to prop up the military and the more than 800 bases it maintains in over 70 countries. The U.S. military also drops a bomb every 12 minutes on foreign countries most Americans can barely make out on a map. That money is more than enough to pay for four years of college for every college student in this country, to fund food stamps and other social safety nets that help our most vulnerable including our veterans, and to fund programs that would cut fossil-fuel emissions by 40 percent by 2035.The day after the march and rallies, MoP is presenting the Anti-Imperialist Revolution Summit at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Mount Pleasant at 1525 Newton St NW from 11:30 to 9:00 PM.
Despite this, there has been an utter failure by both the media and grassroots activists to address the growing waste and greed of the military-industrial complex. The several millions of victims of our war machine pay theis heavy price and their voices are censored by the media.
An estimated 4 million people just took part in worldwide climate strikes that put the issue of climate breakdown at the forefront of the media conversation. Missing from this conversation, however, is an analysis of the role militarism and empire plays in driving the chaos. The U.S. military is the world’s largest polluter and emits more carbon dioxide than a hundred countries combined.
Now is your chance to speak up and join the anti-war movement. Let's rage against the war machine together October 11th.
More information about both events is here.
If you'd like to interview Cindy Sheehan, or anyone else involved, please email the above contacts!
BadAss Billie
Mascot of March on the Pentagon
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Stand Up Against Endless Wars—Rage Against the War Machine October 11th and 12th
Stand Up Against Endless Wars—Rage Against the War Machine This October
September 26, 2019 Emma Fiala 1 Comment
Join March on the Pentagon to Rage Against the War Machine This October
September 25, 2019 — March on the Pentagon invites all those outraged by the War Machine, U.S. imperialism, and endless wars to join us in Washington D.C. on October 11 and 12. From the mind boggling cost which strips money from basic human needs like healthcare, education, clean water and more, the stomach churning death toll, the irreversible environmental impact, the fueling of militarized police, the uptick in right-wing domestic terrorism, the too often ignored contribution to climate change as well as the resulting and potentially deadly PTSD, substance abuse, domestic abuse and rape suffered by those who have served in the armed forces to the toll war takes on women across the globe—from rape and loss of children to raising one’s family as a refugee in a foreign land—there is something for everyone to be outraged about. If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention.
We have had more than enough and will not stand for these atrocities being done in our name and with our tax dollars while the pockets of the elite are lined and average people suffer the world over. Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed thanks to the war on terror, innocent children are born with life threatening abnormalities (if they even survive that long), toxic “forever chemicals” in our water are poisoning military families and refugees alike, the U.S. military is the world’s biggest polluter, the radioactive residue of abandoned uranium mines are wreaking havoc on the lives of the Navajo people, suicides among active-duty soldiers are up 20%, the Pentagon has emitted over a billion metric tons of greenhouse gases, U.S. sanctions killed over 40,000 people in Venezuela since 2017, 14 million people are at risk of starvation and death due to disease in Yemen while the death toll could reach over 230,000 by 2020, all the while Julian Assange sits in solitary confinement in Belmarsh prison for simply revealing the War Machine’s crimes—you get the idea.
The anti-war movement died a disappointing and uneventful death during Barack Obama’s two terms as president when, thanks to his promise of “hope and change,” many Americans went to sleep, falsely thinking such a charismatic leader wouldn’t dare lead us into more war. Similarly, a fair number of those who voted for Donald Trump expected him to be an anti-war candidate. He is not. The truth is, war is one of few things that Democrats and Republicans unite over—year after year. Whether it is to approve massive military budgets and involvement in the murder of innocent lives abroad or to cover up incomprehensible war crimes, the two halves of the War Party are determined to keep our War Economy growing.
In addition to the human cost of what was mentioned above, the War Machine and the War Economy siphon money from every aspect of life in the United States. A quick glance at our 2019 discretionary budget says it all.

Taking on the War Machine is no easy task. The military is massive. A whopping 3.5 million people are directly employed by the Department of Defense and this does not include the many military contractors—upwards of 560,000—working for the DoD. And the majority of the world’s largest weapons manufacturers are based in the United States—including Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, United Technologies, and L-3 Technologies—employing who knows how many Americans while raking in profits that most Americans cannot even begin to comprehend. We have a war based economy.
The approach to taking on the War Machine must be multipronged. Annually, March on the Pentagon plans and hosts an anti-war and anti-imperialism march, rally, and educational gathering. Last October around 2,000 people marched on the Pentagon in Arlington, VA.
This year, we invite you to join us in Washington DC on October 11 at 11 am to visibly express your outrage at the War Machine, but this is only a piece of the puzzle. The following day we will host an Anti-Imperialism Revolutionary Summit to learn more about what we can take home to our own cities and towns and how we can be anti-imperialist every day. This is one piece of the puzzle.
This year, we will meet at the White House on Friday, October 11 at 11 am where we will rage against President Donald Trump and his administration. From there we will visit the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Booz Allen Hamilton, Farragut Square where we will rage against the Democrats, the Atlantic Council, and we will end at the Washington Post where will we rage against mainstream media, Jeff Bezos, and Amazon where we will hold a brief rally and engage in an act of civil disobedience.
While holding this event on a Friday may make it more challenging for some to travel to Washington DC to join us in our efforts, it will ensure that war profiteers, government employees, and tourists will see and hear us. Visibility and disruption are pieces of the puzzle of dismantling the war machine.
Learn more about the march here and RSVP on Facebook here.
The following day we will gather from 11:30 am to around 9 pm at St. Stephen Church in Washington DC for the Anti-Imperialist Revolutionary Summit. The goal of the summit to bring activists and interested people together to learn why we should be anti-imperialist and what can we do to continue the struggle against militarism and US wars of aggression after we return to our homes across the country. The summit will consist of several panels of experts talking about various aspects of US imperialism and militarism, live music, organizational tabling and information, networking, and childcare in our Peace Place for Children.
Cindy Sheehan is slated to be our keynote speaker and will speak on the USA's endless war against Afghanistan near the 18th anniversary of the 2001 invasion.
Panels include:
- Local Organizing with Women Against Military Madness
- Struggles Against Imperialism in North America
- Killer Sanctions
- Enough is Enough: End the Endless Wars
Summit tickets are $10 each. Scholarships are available for those who need them—we will not turn away anyone who cannot pay. We are also accepting pay it forward donations to cover ticket and travel costs for those in need of assistance.
Learn more about the summit here, RSVP on Facebook here, and purchase your tickets here. Interested organizations may set up a table during the summit for a fee.
If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention. The time to act is now. It’s time to get uncomfortable. It’s time to take risks and force real, actual change. The health of our planet, the lives of our neighbors, and the futures of our children depend on it.
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