Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Why Does Society Hate Our Children So Much? by Cindy Sheehan

(copy of a Letter to the Editor I sent to my local paper, the Vacaville Reporter--without the links, or picture)
As a concerned grandparent of five Vacaville residents, aged 5 to 12, I feel I must write to express my outrage over the continuing measures that give our young residents very little hope in this world.

First of all, I must express that ages 0-25 RARELY get Covid-19 and there have been many credible studies (From the University of Vermont Medical School, Sweden and Germany) that say that even if children do contract it, they do not spread it. The verifiable death rate for that age group is so near zero percent, it may as well be. It seems like the harshest measures are against seniors (who are vulnerable, but are confined with recovering Covid-19 patients in Skilled Nursing facilities, per Newsom's orders) and children, who are the least vulnerable to Covid-19. Why is this?

Just today, I witnessed at least 16 adults playing doubles tennis on the four tennis courts at Orchard Park. I am not "ratting" them out, I am glad they are doing enjoying free and healthy recreation. However, there was no social distancing (how could there be) and they were not wearing masks, which I also applaud: Breathing fresh air is imperative to our health.

What I do have a problem with, however, is I walked 50 feet to the playground and there is a big notice that it is closed to prevent the "spread of infection." As I already stated, children rarely get Covid-19, and don't spread it, so why is it possible for adults who do get it and do spread it to enjoy a healthy and free recreational activity, but not the children?

Playgrounds are egregiously closed all over the city; basketball hoops have been taken down; twice the police have been called on my grandsons who were practicing baseball with their teams; AND now VUSD is tearing up all of the ball fields at their schools and putting notices on the fences that there is no play allowed on school grounds! Libraries which are a refuge from the heat and a favorite place for my grandchildren to hang out are also closed. The wonderful free programs we enjoyed are tragically gone.

What are our children supposed to do for recreation? Being outdoors is the healthiest place to be, but in this heat, we should be enjoying the community pool like in past years: We could, if we could get into or afford swim lessons, but children can't even swim laps at Walter Graham Aquatic Center until they are 13!

I recently read where Vacaville is considering putting businesses in public parks so they can survive, but the children for whom the playgrounds were designed, cannot use the facilities? Can't anyone else see how backwards this is? Save the parks for profit, but not for play?

Do we want a city, state, nation filled with couch potatoes and ill-educated children?

Is recreation only available to families that can pay to play?

Even in the midst of Covid-19, Vacaville can and should be doing better by its youngest citizens.

Cindy Sheehan
Vacaville, Ca


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Speaking Truth to Empire with Dan Yaseen (JULY 2020 EDITION)

July 2020

 “Speaking Truth to Empire” on KFCF 88.1 independently owned and locally operated since 1975 in Fresno, Dan Yaseen interviews Shireen Al-Adeimi, she is an assistant professor of education at Michigan State University, my alma mater. She received her PhD from Harvard Graduate School of Education.  Having lived through two civil wars in her country of birth, Yemen, she has played an active role in raising awareness about the U.S.-supported, Saudi-led war on Yemen since 2015. Through her work, she aims to encourage political action among fellow Americans to bring about an end to U.S. intervention in Yemen. The topics of discussion include “War, Militarism and the Police State”.


Monday, July 20, 2020


July 20, 2020

(Former Candidate for Green Party POTUS, now Independent Candidate for POTUS)




Wednesday, July 15, 2020

State Governors Use Bio-weapons Against our Elders by Cindy Sheehan

"....akin to premeditated murder."
Geriatrician Dr. Michael Wasserman on hearing that Governor Gavin Newsom of California ordered Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF) to admit Covid positive patients.

Also speaking of the policy, Dr. Michael Wasserman:
"It's naive and and it's ignorant. If I'm a resident or a family member of a resident, I'd be calling my county and state and government officials and screaming at the top of my lungs, asking them, why they are doing this and whether they want to be elected again."

As I  have exposed before, at least seven state governors have ordered SNF to take patients who were diagnosed with Covid 19. Although, I don't feel that the numbers coming from government agencies can ever be trusted and we probably won't know the entire scope of Covid-19 and the fall-out, I consider any death of any Elder resident of an SNF since about the middle of March pre-meditated murder. Besides not being re-elected, these mass murderers should be in prison for their acts.

It's obvious that the only governor that is facing harsh scrutiny for this policy is Andrew Cuomo of New York. He has been very busy covering his behind. New York's health department exonerated itself and Cuomo has reflected blame back on the facilities saying that they could have "disobeyed" his order. Besides Cuomo who has killed over 5300 Elders with his "orders," I feel that the other governors should be put on the hot seat over this:

Newsom of California: 48% (of C19 deaths were in SNF)
Wolf of Pennsylvania: 68%
Walz of Minnesota: 77%
Baker of Massachussetts: 64%
Whitmer of Michigan: 33%
Hogan of Maryland: 61%

Some uncomfortable (for the governors) questions need to be asked:

"Why was this policy put in place when hospital staff were being furloughed for lack of patients and makeshift hospitals and facilities that were empty could have been utilized?"

"Why were regulations on visitors tightened up while standards were loosened in some cases?"

"Why was the advice of doctors, epidemiologists, geriatricians, and Nursing Home Resident Advocates ignored?"

"How much money in health care, Social Security, pensions, and other elder benefits being saved by state and federal governments?"

"Why is this policy continuing in some states?"

"Who will be held accountable for these barbaric policies?"

"What if it were your mother, father, grandmother, or grandfather?"

"What steps are being taken to improve Skilled Nursing Facilities and increase their standard of care?"

"Why are the rest of us in the general population forced to live under harsh measures to 'protect the vulnerable' when your very own policies have contributed to the killing of thousands of them."

If we allow this wanton Eldercide to be forgotten, then we are saying that our Elders didn't matter and we should just forget about them: That, just because they were near the end of life they had become dispensable, "useless eaters," and hyper-vulnerable to the violence of the state. 

Is this how the US honors Elders? With isolation, deplorable living conditions, and bio-attacks in their residences? Is this how we want to be treated?

The entire Covid19 issue, not just the Eldercide scandal, in particular, has exposed the illegitimacy and failure of health care for profit system that ruins the lives of millions here in the U.S. You can bet your last dime on the fact that Covid19 was an economic bubble as much, if not more, than a contagious disease. Billionaire wealth has increased dramatically while our Elders are being hung out to dry.

Consider this: If it's this easy to murder Elders today, how automatic and easy will it be when you (hopefully) enjoy living to be an advanced age? Will you take the pill? Will you accept by government diktat a bio-weapon in the form of a contagious person in the bed next to yours?

If we don't do anything today, will we even have a choice?

Read stories of personal anguish and loss at our website:
