Wednesday, November 4, 2009


One year ago today, I was running around San Francisco doing last minute campaigning in my independent run against House Speaker and nine-term incumbent, Nancy Pelosi. In case you didn't hear, I lost. I lost big time, but I came in second in a field of about six.

I am still proud of that campaign, though, because for not being able to get any media attention and very few endorsements from clubs and zero from local unions, I did receive almost 50,000 votes.

Yesterday, during another election day, (that saw the rejection of the weak-kneed Democratic Party Politics), my second grandchild, Jovie Lee, was born at 6:24 am.

Jovie Lee weighed in at a very healthy 8 lbs 10 oz and we are so grateful that we have a health system in California (so far) where mothers without insurance can get great pre-natal and birthing care. Although my daughter works very hard as a massage therapist, like so many of us, she has no health insurance. I am thrilled to report that Mommy, Daddy, Brother and New Baby are doing very well! (As is Gigi---me).

So besides being blessed with two wonderful grandchildren (Jovie's older brother, 17 months old, Jonah, was my first) what else have I been doing since the elections of '08?

Well, in the beginning of the year, still reeling from the election (not mine, Obama's) and the continued violence of the US Empire and the silence of the lambs who once fought against Bush, I wrote the first edition of Myth America: 10 Greatest Myths of the Robber Class and the Case for Revolution and hit the road doing book events to what was at first smaller crowds that have grown. I went to about 40 cities in about 4 months and realized that I barely skimmed the surface of the great class divide in the USA.

So, between protests in Martha's Vineyard, Pittsburgh, DC, Dallas, etc, I rewrote Myth America and expanded it to: Myth America II: 20 Greatest Myths of the Robber Class and the Case for Revolution.

Myth II is at the editor and will be available probably in less than two weeks.

My book sales are what keep me financially afloat (barely) and traveling from community to community to spread the word of a true grassroots rebellion to wrest control of our economy, our security, our environment and our survival out of the hands of the Robber Class.

To preorder Myth America II, please click on the image.


At this point in the Declaration's evolution, we are stalled because we need a website and a place where people can enroll in this true grassroots movement for peace on earth.


A broad coalition of activists will be meeting in DC this weekend to further plan this bold new plan to force our government to finally bring the troops back home from Iraq-Af-Pak. More details will be forthcoming.




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