Sunday, November 22, 2009

Three cheers for women behaving "badly"

This Sunday on Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox, one misbehaving woman interviews another one. Thank goodness for women who do buck the system and resist "going with the flow," just so as to appear socially acceptable to a society that is not so polite.

Cindy interviews Malalai Joya, a female Afghan Parliamentarian who courageously stands up for female rights and peace against the warlords of Afghanistan and America. Cindy and Cliff (videographer--video of the interview will be available soon) caught up with Malalai when she was in Berkeley to talk about her book: A Woman Among Warlords.

Cindy loves to bust Myths (and is almost finished with Myth America II: 20 Greatest Myths of the Robber Class and the Case for Revolution) and was thrilled when Malalai busted the stuffing out of the Myth that US and NATO forces must remain in Afghanistan to "protect the women."

Please listen to this interview on Sunday at the website after 2pm (PACIFIC):


1360am Rational Radio in Dallas, TX at 3pm (central)


On this week of gluttonous eating and shopping, American Style, Cindy urges her listeners to perhaps forego a treat and seek out a local food pantry and donate food, time or money: even if it's a can of corn or five bucks, everything helps especially at this time of year!



Watch the entire video of Cindy's interview last week with Professor Chomsky here.



We will have a special edition of the Soapbox up before the shopping hell of Black Friday with none other than consumer advocate and perennial presidential candidate: Ralph Nader!

We will let you know when the new show goes live at the website.




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