Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Peace of the Action Video Contest

Peace of the Action would like to initiate a short video contest with a winning prize amount of $200 and a POTA sweatshirt (we know that's a bit low but budgets are very tight).

– Subject: Peace of the Action and/or attendance to our event Camp OUT NOW in Washington, DC.
– We would like to see a general sense ...of promoting the search for solutions outside of the establishment and the status-quo.
– Time Length: three to five minutes.
– Must promote non-violent Civil Resistance (no promotion of violence allowed in any way).
– Closing: must include request for donations at end and give POTA web site address.

CONTEST DEADLINE: March 12th, 2010 (12 noon EST)

SUBMISSIONS: For initial submissions please make video private on your YouTube account and send the link to info@peaceoftheaction.org. Once we have viewed and verified that the video is an original submission from you, you can then make it public.

WINNING ANNOUNCEMENT: To be made on the starting day (March 13, 2010) of our Camp OUT NOW event, which will be held in Washington, DC on the lawn of the Washington Monument.

JUDGING: Judging will be conducted by Peace of the Action Camp OUT NOW organizers.

The contestant(s) will retain rights to their videos but Peace of the Action may use any or all content with attribution for promotional purposes.

For more information regarding Peace of the Action in context to this event/contest please view our web site at: www.peaceoftheaction.org

QUESTIONS: info@peaceoftheaction.org

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Please limit your comments to the content of the posts---not your self-perceived, self-righteous, personal opinions of the authors/activists who post at this blog. Personal attacks, or threats of violence will not be posted....moderator.