Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Where's Cindy?

Come Out and Meet Cindy This Week:

Thursday, April 8:


10:30 a.m. - Press conference will be

held at the St. Francis of Assisi church

1031 Chenango St., Binghamton, NY. (Room 104 - School Building)

12:00 Noon - Pot Luck luncheon for press conference attendees, committee members and local peace group leaders - Location: St. Francis church hall

3 - 5 pm - Book signing at River Read Books, Court St. Binghamton

7 - 9 pm - Presentation at Binghamton University - Lecture Hall 8 - Open to Community

For more information on Binghamton events contact: George McAnaman -


Scranton, PA

12 NOON to 2PM

Email Jack Gilroy for details:

Friday Evening:

7 p.m. – Words & Music for Peace – First United Methodist Church, 53 McKinley Avenue, Endicott, NY. This event will include a talk by Cindy with Q & A, folk music by Janet Burgan and a performance by Expressive Drumming. The community is invited. Refreshments and Book signing


Ithaca Events:

7 - 9 Evening Event - Women's Community Building - 100 W. Seneca St. Open to the Public

For more information on Ithaca events Contact:

Bob Nape - 607-592-7692 or

Andrea Levine - 908-461-8491


Listen to the Soapbox

Sunday's guest, available 2pm Pacific Time is

hero: Daniel Ellsberg


Read Cindy's New Blog:
Take This Empire and Shove It!

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