Monday, May 2, 2011

Support Peace & Justice in Sacto

Dear Family, Friends, and Colleagues,

Over the last 24 hours global attention has been monopolized by a certain event, but our work in California goes on. We aim to occupy the State Capitol beginning May 9, 2011, and seek to sustain that occupation as long as possible.

Two days ago, we met with numerous teachers’ unions in Oakland, California, to further strengthen the ties that bind us together: challenging gross austerity measures brought to bear by a Democratic governor (here), Republican administrations elsewhere, and a federal government that seems clueless from the top on down to the plight of people nation-wide.

Three days ago, we met with colleagues at a university in Sacramento outside a meeting where students were being intimidated and threatened with university and criminal punishment for exercising their rights to free speech and organization.

Four days ago, we maneuvered Interstate 80 joining together tax-reformers, anti-war groups, prison-reformers, climate activists, indigenous peoples, and more for more than simple solidarity.

We aim to take the power back. We strive to Take California.

In 7 days we will descend on Sacramento with thousands of others suffering at the hands of elitist, corporate power structures and systematic failures. Prior to that, we have much, much more to do.

And we need your help doing it. We do our damnedest to operate on a shoestring budget, but we still need shoestrings, and we ask you to contribute what you can to this cause.

There are several ways to do so. Please pick one.

Drop us a line, if you wish, and we will give you our thanks directly.
Love and Peace,
Cindy and Gregory

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