Sunday, September 18, 2011


These videos below were recorded as part of a 10 day long bus trip across the West Coast. 

Cindy Sheehan and her Radical Vet supporters traveled in the veteran owned and operated Squadron13 Anti-War bus out of Eugene, Oregon, visiting seven communities; Eugene, Hood River, Newport, Arcata, Garberville, Fresno and Oakhurst in a quest to find a new and more effective kinds of activism.

Please feel free to distribute this list unedited and in whole, or any or all of the videos directly via electronic means. Note that any of the videos may be "embedded" on your website by using the YouTube embed code available at each vid.

Here are the videos from Hood River! More to come!

Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan talks about RevCom, our trip, our problems and our future.

9 minutes

Sprouts, a middle school program

Maria McHale, educator from Wy'east, shares her passion with the SPROUTS program at her school where composting is as matter of fact, as is having students growing the vegetables to make salsa which is then available at their cafeteria, or selling many variety of veggie plants in the Spring.

6 minutes

Aaron Morehouse on education

Aaron Morehouse, Executive Director of Columbia Gorge Ecology Institute, informs on his role with view of changes in education and what he does in the schools (SECRETS Program) and out of the school. He describes the need for children to be exposed to nature/the outdoors, and how societal influences have led to children being plugged into the screen and into a sedentary lifestyle which negatively affects their health and intelligence.

18 minutes

Dr. Doug Lyon, on medicine

Doug Lyon, executive Director of LaClinica, compared the past models of providing medical service to people ( we have four similar hospitals in the Gorge that have to prove themselves to get costumers) to what is needed to provide the current intensive medical care. LaClinica provides care to the underserved, uninsured, migrants/seasonal farmworkers, as well as those who have insurance. Their staff primarily works there because they believe in the mission, not because the pay is competitive.
32 minutes

FISH, a local food bank

Billy Stevens, FISH's (our local food bank) public relations coordinator, spoke on the changes she has seen in the increase of need and response to that need.

7 minutes

Gorge Grown, localized food

Ann Kramer provided an overview of how the Gorge Grown supports local farms and consumers to be healthy and have better access to food grown locally.

8 minutes

Grange Communities

Linda Short explains how granges were/are a powerful community based organization whose missions supports small farmers, community/country living and the environment. Granges are dying out because of the aged membership. Younger community members are starting to join and revitalize the grange, including those newer grange members who have started a 'Green Granges'. Granges started to protect the farmers from the Railroad Barons. They supported labor unions and woman having the right to vote and have positions of leadership. They also brought postal service, electricity (PUD), better roads, farm supplies, the extension services, 4H, and aid to the needy.

4 minutes

Mike Kitts, local building contractor

Mike Kitts, local building contractor, told his story of building affordable houses using local supplies and workers for the local community members who couldn't necessarily buy a Hood River home. He sells to a lot of working people. His homes have a smaller footprint and are more energy efficient.
16 minutes

RiverHours, a local currency

Theresa North explains how important it is to keep our money in our community rather than letting it being sent elsewhere by using a local currency. This concept increases local sustainability and security.
16 minutes

TOXIC organic fertilizer

David Berger detailed how his garden, and many others were devastated by toxic "organic" horse manure.

4 minutes

Paula Friedman on CAT, a local transit system

Paula Friedman urged people to be acquainted with the local Columbia Area Transit system. She urged people to attend the meetings and broaden its scope of services.
7 minutes

Robbie Lapp, closing comments,

6 minutes

Cindy Sheehan, a Gold Star mother, maintains a website and listserve which may be accessed and subscribed to from this link for her latest statements and opinions:  You may also make donations there to support Cindy's non-stop efforts and legal battles

Squadron13's Radical Vet's publishes the "Radical Vet Gazette", an openly viewable and subscribable list serve at this link: Donations toward the Squadron13 radical bus and internet projects may be made at the Paypal link on the homepage:

MANY, MANY THANKS to the following folks:

To each of the speakers who selflessly contributed their talents and time in the hope others would benefit.
To Trish Leighton for organizing this days amazing array of speakers and events on short notice.
To Sola' & Inayat who hosted us for the night at their beautiful home in Hood River.
To all those present in Hood River who contributed towards our trip expenses.
To Chris Zilca for his numerous days of hard labor getting the bus ready.
To Malcolm Chaddock from Portland VFP 72 who also contributed numerous days of hard labor getting the bus ready, AND "endured" the entire 10 day trip with us!
To Gregory Vickrey who funded the start of our trip with generous contribution.
and last but definitely not least, to Tom Dwyer Automotive in Portland Oregon for the generous support which launched the severely underfunded bus back into pro-peace action, and made this RevCom trip possible. 

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