Dear Friend,
Last week on the Soapbox, I presented a young activist named Edmund Berger who has written some detailed and well-researched articles about how movements and people are "astro-turfed" by establishment foundations and donors. The show (listen here) illicited quite a response from people who had differing opinions, but the differing opinions didn't come in the form of details or research, just on the order of "how dare you!" As I point out in the enclosed article I wrote called: Inscrutable Icons of Liberaldom no one should be above analysis and knee-jerk attacks on the messenger are not helpful. This week's show is something special as I interview our very good Soapbox friend, Brother Larry Pinkney, and we chat about Obama's "Hit List." Brother Larry is an editor and writes a column called, Keeping it Real at Black Commentator. Brother Larry has quite an impressive resumé, which can be read here. Our new show called, The Political Plantation, after what Brother Larry calls the attempts of the establishment to keep us tied to the slavery of partisan political politics.
Happy Father's Day to all fathers out there, but if you have some time at 2pm Pacific, the show can be heard at: Community Progressive Radio or anytime at the archives: Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox. Love & Peace Cindy Sheehan |
From Cartoonist Ted Rall
The Inscrutable Icons of Liberaldom
by Cindy Sheehan
"In all affairs, it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted." – Bertrand Russell “Are you a good witch or a bad witch?” Glinda the Good to Dorothy Gale, Wizard of Oz I am always happy to get feedback about my radio show, Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox, even if it’s bad—because I am happy that someone is listening—we work really hard to produce a relevant show... CLICK HERE TO READ THE REST |
Cindy Back in Cascadia to talk about
Revolution, A Love Story and other topics of relevance.
Sunflower is a symbol of the anti-nuke movement and this Thursday,
Cindy Sheehan, will be in federal court in Santa Barbara for her arrest
at Vandenberg AFB in February opposing the test launch of the Minuteman
Cindy, Daniel Ellsberg and others are pleading "Not guilty" and the trial for this arrest will be on October 17th in Santa Barabara. Civil Resistance, arrests, trials, etc, are time consuming and financially draining--please donate to help Cindy cover expenses for her trip and loss of time. |
their are a lot of people who claim to be Liberal just like our current POTUS (My wife and I voted for a real liberal, Cynthia McKinney). It's amazing how fast so called Liberal crawled back under their rock while sticking their heads back in the sand about the illegal middle east wars the second a "Democrat " was elected! These "Liberal" settled for Insurance written health care over single payer as well. At least we know the right wing Dominionist are doing everything they can to defeat American Liberal Ideals. The people who are against us in our own camp are the ones that take us surprise and allow our American Liberal Ideals to be defeated.
ReplyDeleteagreed, and I am also happy with my vote for Cynthia McKinney.