Tuesday, February 19, 2013


The US President and US Congress: End wars and the attack on our civil liberties here in the US 

The US President and US Congress: End wars and the attack on our civil liberties here in the US

We the undersigned, exercising our human right to petition our government for redress of wrongs, hereby do demand:

That all wars against our brothers and sisters in other countries are ended, and all U.S. military bases on foreign soil be closed and the money spent on Empire be spent on social programs and infrastructure improvement here in the U.S.

That indictable Members of previous and current U.S. administrations and Congressesare tried for war crimes, and crimes against humanity

That the Obama regime end the assault on our Bill of Rights by ending the practices and policies of warrantless spying, indefinite detention, and targeted assassination

That all use of fossil fuels be replaced with clean energy sources through a process of conversion that draws on funding and resources currently devoted to wars and war preparation.

That government and corporate whistleblowers be protected and not persecuted.

That governance by Wall Street and war profiteers be ended, and that public servants begin serving the interests of the people.

We have biked across town or across the country to present these demands to the President and the Congress of the United States. We are serious and we pledge to continue and increase our activism until our demands are met.

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