Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Cindy Sheehan for Cal Gov Supports the AFSCME 3299 One Day ULP Strike

Cindy Sheehan stands with all workers and is in complete solidarity with the One Day Unfair Labor Practices Strike against the University of California system of AFSCME 3299 on Wednesday, November 20th.

Cindy Sheehan for Cal Gov is a campaign that is working to ensure that 100% of this state's wealth and resources are owned and managed by 100% of our citizens. Working-class solidarity is the only thing that can create this necessary condition.

For more information about the strike, please click this


  1. You should support these purple goons, as you will need them later to help with the voter intimidation.

  2. My mistake. The purple goons are SEIU, while the AFSCME thugs are blue.


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