Thursday, November 7, 2013

Comandante Fringe by Cindy Sheehan

Comandante Fringe
Cindy Sheehan

Sometime last week I was contacted by the USA Today, which is apparently a "newspaper" which caters to the lunatic status quo of this country.

The paper contacted me because it received a reader question about whatever happened to me, so the paper did a video response (link below). To summarize: In 2005, I represented a growing opposition to the Iraq War, but now, I "represent a fringe." The kind of "fringe" that believes that "Nancy Pelosi is right wing." 

The dude cherry picks some things from the platform of the Peace and Freedom Party (of which I am a proud member and candidate for governor of California) that he believes will offend his readers the most. However, I want to say that it is tragic that we live in a nation where the things that I fight for and believe in are considered "fringe."

These are some of the issues that the USA Today did not choose to tell its subscribers:

I believe in peace: not just the absence of war, but a society organized around the principles of non-violent conflict resolution and economic and human equality.

My heart aches at the growing income and wealth disparity in this country. I believe that it is immoral that over one million of our children don't get enough food or that millions of our fellow citizens do not have roofs over their heads each and every night. Are these humans considered disposable "fringe?" In a society where about .01% of the population own about 50% of the wealth, it makes me sick to my stomach to know that advocating for a more just distribution of wealth and resources is considered "fringe."

The USA Today somehow left out the fact that the PFP and I are an environmentalist party. I told the "reporter" that contacted me that I rode my bike across the country this year advocating for the reduction and eventual elimination of the exploration and use of fossil fuels. Of course, mainstream politicians and rags like USA Today are in the pockets of Big Oil and the destruction of life on this planet is the "normal" position. No mention was made of my urgent advocacy for an international response to contain the multiple nuclear meltdowns at Fukushima, either. Hmmm...same explanation. Ignoring radioactive Armageddon is also mainstream. I am proudly on the "fringe" for environmental sustainability and health!

I advocate for education from pre-K to University and health care as rights, not privileges for the wealthy. In most industrialized countries of the world, these positions are normal and not fringe. What about the fact that our government, the ones that are supposed to work for us, actually spy on all of our communications and collect them to mine data? This is not a fringe view or conspiracy theory, the government brags about it and people like Nancy Pelosi (the leftwinger--LOL) defend the policy.

According to the puppet man on this video, the media also stopped covering me in 2012 because I ran for VP on the Peace and Freedom Party ticket with comedian Roseanne Barr. I think the media stopped covering me (unless it wanted to marginalize me) in 2006 when the establishment figured out that I figured out the game of the "elites." It's about the system, not about Bush, or Obama. That little secret cannot get out, or there might be a revolution of we the ones who have been oppressed for generations.

I am not angry at the USA Today throwaway hotel-hall rag for participating in my demonization and marginalization, I am brokenhearted that beliefs and positions which advocate for the greatest common good are considered disordered in the nation where I was born, live, and the one that killed my son in another illegal and immoral war.

Yesterday, I battled the LA Times for the same marginalization of me and my message. One thing these attacks tell me is that the "norm" in this country is terrified of the fringe--because the fringe represents the heart and soul of what a healthy and lovely society should look like.

 I am in the 99.9% majority of this world and I devote my energy, resources, heart and soul to insuring that the psychotic fringe of the .01% doesn't get away with its murder and oppression and for a world that is free from war, economic terrorism, and environmental destruction. What we stand for is good and correct, what the USA Today protects is demented and wrong.

All I can do is thank establishment propaganda tools like the USA Today and LA Times the for showing me that I am on the right path. 




  1. I have always admired how grounded and forthright you are, dear Cindy ... but it's the fire in you I embrace the most ... your natural ability to say so eloquently and succinctly exactly what's going on and how you feel about it ... this direct, visceral ability is only truly palpable in those who speak from the heart ... BRAVO! I believe you give hope more than anyone knows. Thank you for being exactly who you are.

  2. You are running for gov and they consider you a threat. Don't rise to the level of vitriol that will vindicate their assessment. Stand ob your record as a mother who gained wide sympathy for your calling for your country's accountability for your sons service to his country.

  3. Beautiful explanation of what we're up against, and the upside-down world we live in. May I make a suggestion?

    The site focuses on: "a message of peace, justice, environmental sustainability and economic equality."

    But I think, that, in point of fact, it also focuses on freedom. For a more detailed discussion, see, e.g.,

  4. ALOHA CINDY:..... mahalo for all of your efforts and energy all of these years; as a long time, 20+ year member, candidate and activist with the green party and the green party of hawai'i, your positions, politics and beliefs are aligned and in harmony with all of the GPUS and GPH..... aloha from the north shore of maui..... ♥

  5. They are the ones who are twisted and warped ; what you represent and fight for is a society with social justice and equality. What they can't stand is that you are a creative individual ; and one that can take the mike and if you really wanted to you could easily win in the battle of ideas ... that is what the attacks on you is all about. They know that in the medium of communications you and the alternative press far out does them and the rest of the mainstream press in presenting the ideas. we move on ... if they like the status quo then we move on and keep working to bring to fruition the society that you stress in your article. in the end we are going to win because reason is on our side and not theirs. we stand by you always ... and until people realize and wake up to what is being done in their names but not necessarily with their permission and try to do something to change things we keep moving forward. How rich people must feel, how thankful they must be to have creative radio broadcasters such as you and others on the web to expose them to something different. imagine if we did not do the work to inform others, how culturally improvished people in this nation would be. I always really dig the left and their organs of the means of communication and cultural events. i can't imagine living without it it would definitely be a dull place.

  6. They are the ones who are twisted and warped ; what you represent and fight for is a society with social justice and equality. What they can't stand is that you are a creative individual ; and one that can take the mike and if you really wanted to you could easily win in the battle of ideas ... that is what the attacks on you is all about. They know that in the medium of communications you and the alternative press far out does them and the rest of the mainstream press in presenting the ideas. we move on ... if they like the status quo then we move on and keep working to bring to fruition the society that you stress in your article. in the end we are going to win because reason is on our side and not theirs. we stand by you always ... and until people realize and wake up to what is being done in their names but not necessarily with their permission and try to do something to change things we keep moving forward. How rich people must feel, how thankful they must be to have creative radio broadcasters such as you and others on the web to expose them to something different. imagine if we did not do the work to inform others, how culturally improvished people in this nation would be. I always really dig the left and their organs of the means of communication and cultural events. i can't imagine living without it it would definitely be a dull place.

  7. Just keep doing what you're doing, Cindy. It's more effective and more important than anything USA Today could hope to do.

  8. Thank you Cindy for your eloqient appraisal of our morally defunked society. You stated beautifully the vision of what America should be. I am going to re-print your words. They are lovely.

  9. I could not agree more with your take on USA Today. It is pablum designed to keep its readers dumb, fat and happy while giving them the illusion of being informed.
    On the other hand, to define you as anything other than the current queen of the fringe is just as disingenuous.
    You must not listen to the tiny minded sycophants who facilitate your delusional belief in Utopia. You are an irrelevant pest, at best. You are no threat to the evil powers that be, although you could not do a worse job than previous Governors.
    But don't let the truth dismay you. The beauty of mental illness is such that you need never accept reality and are free to waste as much time as you want. This freedom is yours courtesy of people who pay their taxes, and your way in life.

    1. Why is brother McAvoy here? Doesn't he recognize that the real big money in pseudo (pop) psychology is on the idiot tube. He should apply for an internship with Doctor Phil.

  10. 'Anonymous'...really, Cindy, at least have the honesty to reply in your own name!
    If, by some chance 'anonymous' is posting so, then you have nothing to say, you nasty little coward.
    There is no 'pop psychology' at play here, nor am I interested in making money from people suffering from long term depression.

    Cindy is suffering from an aggravated depression brought on by the loss of her son.
    There is no dispute there.

    Her goal of a socialist world has been rejected in every nation foolish enough to entertain the flawed concept. To continue to tilt at windmills proves that Cindy is delusional.

  11. What Would Sigmund or Carl DoNovember 14, 2013 at 4:03 PM

    Brother McAvoy. Is that the latest in therapies they teach at pop pyschology school these days?

  12. McAvoy is a bit out of his depth. The wit and witticism that he reserved for all the really snarky comments and "commentary" he used to scrawl on the inside of public restrooms just will not suffice here.

  13. Golly, you really put me in my place. How very nice for you. You are hung up on the pop-psy thing, aintcha?

    If I were to write on restroom walls I would use a Sharpie. Unlike your 'commentary', which smells suspiciously of shit.

    Do you really mean to say that what passes for analysis on this blahg is in any conceivable connotation or intellectualism?

    1. Troll Dork McAvoy, you troll for free? -This is not Cindy btw.


Please limit your comments to the content of the posts---not your self-perceived, self-righteous, personal opinions of the authors/activists who post at this blog. Personal attacks, or threats of violence will not be posted....moderator.