Thursday, February 13, 2014

CINDY SHEEHAN FOR CAL GOV SAYS: "Stop Bullying And Racism In Education At The CTC -Equal Justice For al"l

Stop Bullying And Racism In Education At The CTC -Equal Justice For all

Stop Privatization, Charters and the Corruption In Public Education

California education workers and students are under attack from bullies through charters and privatization.

The California Commission On Teacher Credentials is run by Governor Brown who appoints the commission members. On January 24, 2014 teachers, parents and public education advocates went to the Committee of Creditials to testify about the physical abuse of an African American special education student at the San Francisco  Martin Luther King Middle school in February 2012 by the principal Natalie Eberhard.

Ms. Eberhard sat on a student, injured a member of the UESF and also her assistant principal Anthony Braxton had falsified a report on this incident.

After the incident took place instead of the District Superintendent Richard Carranza taking action he denied the abuse had taken place and the District Attorney Gascon refused to properly investigate and prosecute. Complaints were filed by material witnesses about this abuse and under California law those who make complaints are supposed to be informed about the hearing and given the opportunity to testify.

Instead the Commission and it's assistant lawyer Michael Barth refused to allow the material witnesses to testify in the closed hearing and only allowed public comment after he and the commission were challenged. This flagrant violation of the education code and California law for due process by the Commission and it's staff has been known by Governor Brown for years.

At present there is a lawsuit by the former Commission lawyer Kathy Carroll who was bullied, retaliated against and fired for exposing the violation of the law by the Commission. She presently has a suit against these systemic violations by the Commission and this lawsuit is being defended by Attorney General Kamala Harris.

Governor Brown must be held personally accountable for this ongoing retaliation and bullying both at the Martin Luther King School in San Francisco and the bullying of the CTC staff and whistleblowers. The CTC must have representation of African Americans on this commission but they have refused to follow the law an appoint an African American representative to this commission.

He has also appointed people to California governmental positions that have personal financial conflicts of interest in charters and privatization of education and who are intent on bullying and harassing California public teachers and the public education system.

The chairwomen of the Commission Linda Darling-Hammond who is a supporter of President Obama's "Race to the Top" and "No Child Left Behind" has pushed the CTC for these attacks on teachers and further supports for the "common core" and charters in our public school system.

I call for full prosecution of those in the California Commission on Teacher Credentials and that Governor Brown should be charged with obstruction of justice for continuing to cover-up the criminal and civil violations by the CTC which he is responsible for.

For video on this hearing

For more information on these issues:

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