Sunday, August 9, 2015

Update on Dede Miller

Dede, Cindy, Amy Branham: On the Road to Crawford

August 9, 2015

Dear Friends,

Many of you write me to ask how my sister Dede is doing.

She has been under treatment up here in Northern California for about six weeks now. Dede actually lives in Los Angeles County, but had been denied treatment for her aggressive breast cancer at LA County/USC hospital--so she came up to stay with me here in Vacaville while we explored our options. 

In June, I had to rush Dede to the hospital because her tumor had started to bleed badly and she was admitted and stayed six days at North Bay Medical Center in Fairfield and, since then, has been undergoing chemotherapy there. Dede spent another five days in the hospital in July when I, again, had to rush her to the hospital ont the 4th when she contracted a fever after her first chemo (suppressed immune system).

Due to amazing support from our dear friends, Dede is also able to go to an integrative clinic to receive vital vitamin c infusions and counseling on diet and other natural supplements to help her body not only rid itself from cancer, but survive the poisonous chemotherapy. Because of donations to Dede's GoFuneMe page, we are also able to get her Rick Simpson Oil (cannabis therapy).

We got some bad news while Dede was in the hospital for the first time in June. Her cancer has metastasized to soft tissue around her lungs. According to her integrative doctor, it is a small metastasis and, with proper care, Dede can still "live long and prosper."

Since her nephew, my son, Casey was killed in Iraq, Dede has been working almost full-time in the activist milieu and also became a war-tax resister. This means that disability benefits are not available and, through donations to the Soapbox, I also have to shoulder the entire financial burden for us both.

Since Dede moved up to NorCal with me, our living arrangement is changing and I have to come up with $1500 for a deposit to stay in the place we have been sharing with my daughter and her family, who are moving out. We feel that Dede is not up to a move right now as all of her energy (and much of mine) is focused on getting her healed. I am also trying to keep Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox going!

Please share Dede's GoFundMe page, donate, and keep us in your good thoughts.

Even though this is not such a great time for the Miller Sisters, we are so grateful for the love and support you have all shown us. It helps sustain us through this new challenge.

PO BOX 6264

Love & Peace,



  1. some $$ on way from upstate NY sent yesterday, via snail-mail xo

  2. Please share yr GO FUND ME page again so I can send it around. Prayers for Dede and you

  3. My best friend and business partner of 27 years passed away in our home a few weeks ago. He had been living with my wife and I for the past 14 months, after being diagnosed with esophageal cancer. After a painful chemoradiation series, the cancer metastasized anyway. I held his hand as he left us.
    Calvin had worked very hard his whole life, and had planned his retirement well, but that didn't stop the cancer.
    I admire and respect your devotion and care for your much so that I will donate to your sitch as soon as Cal's funds are made available to me.
    Good Luck and God Bless you both.

    1. Very sweet, Kevin.

      Sometimes (most of the time?) politics are irrelevant.

      Sounds like Cal was lucky to have you, too.


  4. What a bummer. Only just became aware of this. Deepest love and healing thoughts to you all. Glad you have access to the wonder weed, hope it's helping.
    Pat Monk.


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