Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Recently, Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont who is running to be the Democrat nominee for president of the USA in 2016 responded to an "attack" on him by a Super PAC (Political Action Committee) that supports one of his opponents, Hillary Clinton.

The "attack" linked Sanders to deceased Democratically Elected populist Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. I emphasize "Democratically Elected" because Chavez survived several elections and one recall attempt in what ex-president Jimmy Carter called, "the world's most valid elections." I also emphasize Democratically Elected because instead of Sanders doing the right thing and speaking courageously about President Chavez who had so much courage and integrity himself and provided low cost heating oil to residents of Vermont and other places in the Northeast USA through the US subsidiary of Vz oil, CITGO (no other oil company did so), Sanders used the deceitful language of the US Empire and propaganda media to call Hugo Chavez a "dead communist dictator."
The slur came in a fundraising letter from the Senator's campaign and signed by the Senator himself on September 15, 2015.
Chavez did much good for Venezuela and Latin America (indeed, the world) in his public career and was a good friend to the poor and oppressed of the planet. Chavez opposed US imperialism with his whole heart and survived many attempts by the US to overthrow or undermine his administration. Many of us were devastated when he lost his courageous battle against cancer and are devastated that politicians and media in the US won't allow him to simply rest in peace, or give him his rightful place in history as a very important and influential figure.
While slamming a very popular humanist, Sanders said this to CNN on August 9. 2015 of his "opponent" Hillary Clinton, who is an imperialist, corporatist,  war monger,  "So all that I can say is I have known Hillary Clinton for 25 years. I admire her. I respect her. I like her. "
We the undersigned demand that Bernie Sanders retract his statement about President Hugo Chavez (RIP) and apologize to the people of Venezuela and to we who are admirers of Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian Revolution.



  1. The we-Peeps need a socialist-Coalition (4-5 socialism parties) to bring together a pact for americans to stand together and not be preyed upon...

  2. Nobody gives a hoot about Hugo. Nobody cares about Sanders. Venezuela will heal from the horror of Hugo, if the people abandon the outdated socialist dogma. No nation on earth has ever prospered under the thumb of tyranny.

    1. Ho-hum, Same old Kevin McAvoy ignorance.

    2. They'll do socialism right somewhere, sometime, you just wait and see.

  3. That certainly was a short 'Warsaw Spring, wasn't it!

  4. Just another example (among so many) why Bernie isn't a 'Socialist' and why he is clearly 'sheepdogging' for HRC, who's the DNC's candidate regardless of Sanders' misguided & deluded grassroots support.

    1. That's right, but I disagree with cindy on chavez.

  5. Ok,OK, how 'bout 'Dead Socialist Dictator'? Or maybe 'Deceasedsocialiallyprogressivedemocraticallyelectedpresidentthat onlywonelectionbymurderingtheopposition'?

    Are you aware of how that SOB will be remembered?

    1. Yes, I am completely aware of how Chavez will be remembered by informed people. Clearly, you are not.

      I would like to have a conversation with you about all the times you've been to VZ and what your experiences were there. This comment can't possibly come from your Fox News love fest, can it?

    2. Do you ever read anything that might challenge your preconceptions, Cindy?
      Are you capable of any reason?
      Hugo left Venezuela with a ruined economy, and a fractious people, who may now be able to rethink that whole commie biz.
      You only loved the jerk because he hated GWB, maybe as much as you. And, as we know, you won't be happy until you see George on a gibbet.

  6. is my general policy to not travel to nations whose prpaganda apparatus tells people to hate me. My excursions have been limited to yearly vacations in Europe since 2002.
    Bur South America? No, too hot. And too corrupt. Venezuela, no. But that doesn't mean I am ignorant of the Adventures with Hugo nonsense there. The people will shake off the socialist silliness and get back to their real concerns. Like how to get rich selling oil.
    That you were treated to a gladhand from the DCD and shown all the marvels of Hugosity speaks only of your gullibility and limited use as a helpful idiot.
    Note that I did not name call. Just using some of that good ol' commie doctrine.
    So, anytime you'd like to have a chat, let me know. I am home alone most of the time since my best friend died of cancer a couple of months ago.


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