JULY 24, 2016
GUEST: Leonard Eiger
TOPIC: No Nukes!
BIO: Leonard Eiger coordinates media and
outreach for Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action (
Since retiring from a career as an occupational & environmental
health professional, Leonard has devoted much of his time to the
abolition of nuclear weapons. He initiated the NO To NEW TRIDENT
( campaign to stop production of the Navy's new fleet of
ballistic missile submarines and maintains a blog, The Nuclear
Abolitionist ( ),
to educate and engage people to work for a nuclear weapons-free
Controversial bus ad gets green light for Seattle streets
Contacts: Leonard Eiger (425)
Glen Milner (206) 365-7865
Rodney Brunelle (425) 485-7030
Hans Kristensen, (Federation
of American Scientists and expert
source cited in bus ad) (202) 454-4695 See
cited source material here
and here.
July 18, 2016 / Seattle, Washington - On June 23, and continuing
for eight weeks, 14 Seattle Metro downtown buses are displaying the
following paid advertisement: 20 MILES WEST OF SEATTLE IS THE LARGEST
advertisement is a map showing the proximity of Seattle to Naval Base
Kitsap-Bangor, home port for 8 of the Navy’s 14 Trident nuclear
powered submarines.
The statement in the ad
refers to the combined number of nuclear warheads deployed on Trident
D-5 missiles on SSBN submarines based at Bangor and nuclear warheads
stored at Strategic Weapons Facility Pacific (SWFPAC). More than
1,300 nuclear warheads are deployed 20 miles west of Seattle at the
Bangor submarine base.
King County Metro was
initially hesitant to run the ad, and questioned the accuracy of the
statement of fact regarding the number of nuclear weapons at Bangor.
Hans Kristensen, director of the Nuclear Information Project at the
Federation of American Scientists, provided corroboration of the
statement. Kristensen provides the public and government agencies
with analysis and background information about the status of nuclear
forces worldwide and the geopolitical implications of nuclear
The bus ads are an effort
by Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action, a grass roots
organization in Poulsbo, Washington, to reawaken public awareness of
the dangers of nuclear weapons.
Ground Zero member, Rodney
Brunelle, said of the bus ad campaign, “We hope to generate a
measure of citizen interest, and to begin a public discussion of
nuclear weapons in the Puget Sound region. In this election year the
danger of nuclear weapons ought to be a topic of discussion.”
On March 11, 2016, the
10th bi-annual Nuclear Deterrent Symposium was held in Silverdale to
discuss the future of U.S. strategic forces. Rear Adm. Charles
Richard criticized opposition to the Navy’s $100 billion plan for
12 new replacement SSBN submarines, proclaiming, “It's a matter of
priorities.” The new SSBNs would replace the submarines at Bangor.
Rear Adm. Richards noted that the USS Ohio arrived at Bangor in 1982
to much protest, and stated, "We have taken that [nuclear
weapons] out of the national psyche."
The issues
* The U.S. is currently spending
more on nuclear
weapons programs than during the height of the Cold War.
* The U.S. currently plans to
spend an estimated $1
trillion dollars over 30 years for rebuilding the nation’s
nuclear facilities and modernizing nuclear weapons.
* The New York Times reported that
the U. S., Russia and China
are aggressively pursuing a new generation of smaller and less
destructive nuclear weapons. The buildups threaten to revive a Cold
War-era arms race and unsettle the balance of power among
* The U.S. Navy states that SSBN
submarines on patrol provide the U.S. with its “most survivable and
enduring nuclear strike capability.” However, SSBNs in port and
nuclear warheads stored at SWFPAC are likely a first target in a
nuclear war. The latest Google imagery
shows three SSBN submarines on the Hood Canal waterfront.
* An accident involving nuclear
weapons occurred on November
2003 when a ladder penetrated a nuclear nosecone during a routine
missile offloading at the Explosives Handling Wharf at Bangor. All
missile-handling operations at SWFPAC were stopped for nine weeks
until Bangor could be recertified for handling nuclear weapons.
top commanders were fired but the public was never informed until
information was leaked to the media in March 2004.
* Public responses from
governmental officials to the 2003 missile accident were generally in
the form of surprise
and disappointment.
* Due to ongoing modernization and
maintenance programs for warheads at Bangor, nuclear
warheads are routinely shipped in unmarked trucks between the
Department of Energy Pantex Plant near Amarillo, Texas and the Bangor
base. Unlike the Navy at Bangor, the DOE
actively promotes emergency preparedness.
* Ground Zero Center for
Nonviolent Action and Washington
Physicians for Social Responsibility are involved in an
environmental lawsuit against the Navy’s second
Explosives Handling Wharf at Bangor. As a result of the lawsuit,
plaintiffs discovered that while the Navy insisted the second wharf
posed no new safety risk at the base, the federal agency
responsible for explosives siting refused to grant approval. The
case was filed in federal court in June 2012 and is currently pending
in the 9th Circuit
Court of Appeals.
* On December 14, 2015, the Navy
a lawsuit in federal court to block the release of emergency
response plans that might benefit the public in the case of a nuclear
accident at Bangor. The lawsuit is still pending.
The bus ad
The bus ads measure 30 inches tall
and 144 inches in length and are posted on the sides of 14 Metro
buses in downtown Seattle. An interactive map of the bus routes may
be viewed at
The blue lines show routes that are scheduled for buses with the ads
and the black lines show routes of buses that may carry the ads.
Nuclear weapons and resistance
In the 1970s and 1980s, thousands
demonstrated against nuclear weapons at the Bangor base and
were arrested. Seattle Archbishop
Hunthausen had proclaimed the Bangor submarine base the
“Auschwitz of Puget Sound” and in 1982 began to withhold half of
his federal taxes in protest of “our nation's continuing
involvement in the race for nuclear arms supremacy.''
One Trident SSBN submarine at
Bangor is estimated to carry about 108 nuclear warheads. The W76
and W88 warheads at Bangor are equal respectively to 100 kilotons
and 455 kilotons of TNT in destructive force. One submarine deployed
at Bangor is equal to more than 1,400 Hiroshima sized nuclear bombs.
The Ground Zero Center for
Nonviolent Action was founded in 1977. The center is on 3.8 acres
adjoining the Trident submarine base at Bangor, Washington. The
Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action offers the opportunity
to explore the roots of violence and injustice in our world and
to experience the transforming power of love through nonviolent
direct action. We resist all nuclear weapons, especially the Trident
ballistic missile system.
Upcoming Ground Zero events:
* Numerous activities with the historic peace vessel, the Golden Rule and Veterans for Peace throughout the summer. Our first event with the Golden Rule will be in Poulsbo on June 28. See http://www.
* The annual Interfaith Peace Walk led by Bainbridge Island Nipponzan Myohoji Buddhist Temple takes place from July 24 to August 9.
* Ground Zero Peace Fleet with the Golden Rule in Elliott Bay on August 3.
* From Hiroshima to Hope event at Green Lake on August 6 commemorating the victims of the Hiroshima bombing 71 years ago.
* The Annual Ground Zero Hiroshima/Nagasaki Commemoration on August 7 and 8 at Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action with a vigil and nonviolent civil resistance at entrance to Bangor.
* Boats by Bangor on August 9, will be a flotilla of small boats, the Golden Rule and other sail boats in the waters of Hood Canal out past the perimeter of Naval Base Kitsap Bangor.
Please check our website at for updates.
Bus photo (see attached)
by Mira Leslie taken on June 21 at 2nd and Madison in downtown

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