Monday, August 1, 2016

Cindy Sheehan's Statement on Trump vs. Khan

I have been pretty much confined to my home for the past year because I am the main caregiver for my sister and peace comrade, Dede Miller as she battles metastatic breast cancer. Imagine my surprise when my name started to pop up on the internet in response to the Trump/Khan controversy. 

First of all, I have immense sympathy and empathy for the Khan family and am sorry that their grief had to be used by the Democratic Party and attacked by the Republican nominee for president, Donald Trump. I have been through this and have been attacked thoroughly by the Bush administration and its minions in the press. It's not fun, but I know the Khans have the strength to withstand these attacks, as I did.

Secondly, even though I don't support either Clinton or Trump, Mr. Trump was correct when he has stated that Hillary Clinton was/is an enthusiastic supporter of the war based on deceit that killed my son and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Khan. 

Finally, Trump's rhetoric is despicable (why doesn't someone take away his iPhone?), but Hillary Clinton's policies and support of war are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Arab/Muslims in the Middle East and Northern Africa. Which is worse, background checks or mass murder?


  1. Well said Cindy, much love to you and Dede. Keep being with woman you are and keeping it real.

  2. Thank you, Cindy. As you may have guessed, what you wrote are my sentiments exactly.

  3. Cindi
    What they're trying to do to Khan reminds me of what they did to you. You have my greatest respect for what you endured.

    1. I recalled reading Cindy Sheehan's book " Dear President Bush " while the mainstream news media and Hillary Democrats were using the Khan's lost son story in the service of false war patriotism.
      I recalled pages in Sheehan's book ( with an introduction by Howard Zinn ) where Hillary is very much pro-militarist Hillary -not very empathetic to this Gold Star mother.
      It is no surprise that Hillary Clinton is the favorite of Wall St. and the Pentagon.
      Vladimir Putin is not paranoid in seeing her-not Trump- as the most probable war maker.( now Libya in ruins )
      I did mention Cindy Sheehan on line and in my blog [ ]
      Thank you for your service, Cindy. To the cause of peace.

  4. This is part of what Hillary is quoted as saying during the congressional debates on the authorization of use of power in 2002: “This is a difficult vote. This is probably the hardest decision I have ever had to make. Any vote that may lead to war should be hard, but I cast it with conviction. … My vote is not, however, a vote for any new doctrine of preemption or for unilateralism or for the arrogance of American power or purpose.” A vote for the resolution, she argued, “is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our president. And we say to him: Use these powers wisely and as a last resort.” On that same date in the senate, October 10, 2002, she was also quoted as saying: “Even though the resolution before the Senate is not as strong as I would like in requiring the diplomatic route first … I take the president at his word that he will try hard to pass a United Nations resolution and seek to avoid war, if possible. Because bipartisan support for this resolution makes success in the United Nations more likely and war less likely—and because a good faith effort by the United States, even if it fails, will bring more allies and legitimacy to our cause—I have concluded, after careful and serious consideration, that a vote for the resolution best serves the security of our nation.

    Hillary Clinton was not an "enthusiastic" supporter of this war by any stretch of the imagination. And she has said that this was a mistake and regrets her support of the action. Hillary needs to be more clear and forthright with how she responds to these kinds of history twisting comments. That is her weakness - her unwillingness to smoothly, quickly and undefensively say, "I made a mistake but this is why I did what I did....."

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Its spelled wacko. Just in case your interested. Curious, are you a result of public school, private school, home school or no school.

    3. In reference to interventionalists/mass murderers like the Bush's and Hillary, the "h" in "whacko" is appropriate in that it conveys a violent action that criminals so often employ.

  5. "We came, we saw, he died" war criminal Killery Clinton upon being questioned about the extra judicial lynching of Muammar Gaddafi by alCIAda death squads.

    Killery's pathological tendencies and condition for prevarication does make her quite adroit at double speak, newspeak and malarkey: however it fools no one here.

    After she gets to prison she should seek help.

    1. that witch is also responsible for the deaths of 4 brave soliders in the Benghazi which means hildabeast killed another son (sean smith), she has to be stopped before it's too late.

  6. I have the greatest respect for you, Cindy, and your family, especially Dede, for "putting your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus," and trying to make it stop. You are inspirational to any of us who are trying, in smaller ways, to do the same. Take care. with Love, Linda


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