Sunday, June 16, 2019

US/Israel/Saudi vs. Iran? That's Debatable! (SOAPBOX PODCAST 6/16/19)

June 16, 2019

Earlier today, March on the Pentagon and Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox hosted a debate moderated by our friend

Ali Musawi: Journalist residing in the Middle East
Will Stroock: Author of 18 books (three on Israel) and pro-Israel commentator.

The issue was increasing US/Israel/Saudi tensions AGAINST Iran and Israel's part in the continuing war in Syria.

Please use the MEDIA PLAYER above to listen to this important conversation and share it with people you know who are on both sides of the issue! 




  1. This mainstream touting dude is very hard to listen to. His voice is invasive and colonizing to my ears, and his opinions are black and white as well as pre-determined. I had to struggle to get through the whole thing.
    Perhaps it’s hard for me to believe that anyone looking st the facts could arrive at opinions like his. It is the USA that has bases everywhere and is aggressive. I believe it was Bolton who sloke of celebrating in ‘Tehran’ in a speech. How this person could perceive that Iran is the aggressor here is beyond me.
    And trying to get us to feel sorry for Israel and Saudi Arabia for being thrown together.
    Poor things . I guess facist countries have to find solace somewhere ...
    Idk. Difficult to listen to

    1. I also had a very hard time. This was the first time in almost 11 years that I had someone like Will on---I was muted myself most of the time and I said "oh, bullshit" and rolled my eyes every time he talked. It was an experiment and I think it was useful to have Sarah and Ali on to dispute the Zionist line, but I don't think I will be doing something like that again. We know the Zionist line; we know the colonial line. Thanks for your comments, Pamela. xo


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