Wednesday, February 6, 2013


To send Lynne a letter, write:
Lynne Stewart #53504-054
 Federal Medical Center, Carswell
 PO Box 27137
 Ft. Worth, TX 76127

Latest from Lynne – Feb 3rd, 2013

February 5th, 2013

2/3/13; 9:00 am

Family, Friends, Comrades, Supporters All,

I have been reminded of the need to update my message now that the
Cancer is confirmed and we are about to start treatment.  This is
definitely Bad news but somehow in the toxic climate in which prisons
in particular, but the whole country operates, I am determined that it
can be beaten.

Factually, when I went (finally) for the hysterectomy in June of last
year, a routine chest X ray showed a spot on my lung.  Further Pet
scans, sonograms, biopsies revealed (as of September) that there was
my old Breast cancer back in my lymph node (armpit) and lung.  In
January another Pet scan revealed that both lungs are involved as is
my scapula (maybe).  So now we are working on a treatment.  I am fond
of and have faith in my doctor–a young woman Oncologist.  Other
medicos have concurred in that opinion. The treatment (Chemo, pills,
shots not necessarily in that order) will be given to me in Fort Worth
at a hospital called The Center, part of one of the big places here.
There are Problems :

1. It Ain’t New York City with Sloan Kettering or New York Hospital
where I was originally treated.  Cutting Edge Places –excuse the pun !

2.  All things in Prison move VERY slowly, as you can see by the
history here.  it’s now February and I have had two sets of shots,
estrogen related.

3. I am still transported and held in leg irons, belly chain and cuffs
for each of these trips.  The guards are not unkind but of course,
follow orders.It is most difficult to say the least.

Let me assure you all, though, that I am feeling good and have a high
level of energy.  This may change but so far so good.  I do need a nap
every afternoon but my doddering old age may have something to do with
that !

We Might Have to Call on All you Folks if we decide to take action to
Try and force the Bureau of Prisons/Department of Justice to
ameliorate conditions etc.  Stay tuned to the website.  Ralph and our
daughter, Dr.Zenobia Brown did an excellent program on WBAI( Sally
O’Brien’s show)  and Dr. Z as we call her also went on with Bob
Lederer.  These are archived.  My good friends and comrades, Mya Schon
and Ralph Schoenman, along with Ralph also did a great show on Taking
Aim, a web broadcast that has been distributed widely on the net.  I
am hoping that my electronic geniuses can hook those up to this site.
From the heart –all of this work and running both ways–them to me and
me to them !!

Meanwhile, it is dreary in Texas.  I will soon be sharing with you our
petition for Cert to the Supremes and the outlook there–also dreary !!

I urge all of you to carry on our work politically.  Now More than
Ever, all able bodied and those less so, need to be out there
harassing the enemy and organizing the People, Yes!

Love Struggle,

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