Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tour de Peace in Ann Arbor, Michigan

Meet Peace Activist extraordinaire Cindy Sheehan on her Cycling trip across the US from California to Washington DC (deceit), on the Michigan leg of her Tour de Peace April 4th - July 3rd. She will be in:
Ann Arbor rally on the Campus Diag, 2-5pm, June 5th.

Co-sponsored by:
Ann Arbor Coalition Against the War, Green Party of Michigan,
Jewish Witnesses for Peace, Meta Peace Team,
Movement for a Democratic Society,
Organization for a Free Society, Peace Nick,
Socialist Party of Michigan, Veterans For Peace,
Washtenaw Community Action Team, Washtenaw Reds

Meet Cindy Sheehan - the Peace Mom speaks to end:
- all wars
- immunity for US war crimes
- supression of our civil rights
- persecution of whistleblowers
- partisan apathy and inaction
- the use of fossil fuels

With a special performance by Detroit's own political activist rock band The Insurgency!
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