Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Cindy Sheehan and Tour de Peace at Hush House in Detroit. June 7-9

Cindy Sheehan and Company will be hosted overnight for two nights (6/7 and 6/8 by The Hush House Black Museum and Leadership Training Institute for Human Rights Family, Dr. Charles Simmons and Rev Sandra Simmons, CEOs and Directors
The Hush House is located at 6179 Wabash Detroit, Mi 48208 Contact Person and Lead Coordinator, Ms. Sara Willis of Hush House and Pres. Womens Aux. Of UAW,
6-7-13 Friday
6pm Guests, Cindy Sheehan & co., arrive to Detroit, hosted by The Hush House.
Upon Arrival, There will be a light Vegan Supper served.

6-8-13 Saturday
7am-8am Breakfast (Vegan/Vegetarian choices avail.) at Hush House
9 am Press conference at the Hush House –6179 Wabash Ave., Detroit MI 48208
9:30am Neighborhood Peace Walk to Historic King Solomon Church for
10:00 Cindy Sheehan Addressing National Action Network Weekly Rally (Rev. Charles Williams, President (Local/State)-Pastor of Historic King Solomon Bapt. Church

3pm Conversation with Grace Lee Boggs (Transport provided by Rich Feldman, Boggs Center Board Member
4:30pm Arrival at Hush House
5:00pm Dinner for invited guests (Vegan/Vegetarian/Reg.)
6:pm “Whose Peace Is It Anyway?” Round Table Discussions Moderated by Dr. Charles and Mama Sandra Simmons
Filming Conversations and Interviews by HYMMM
6-9-13 Sunday
7:45 am Cindy Sheehan Addressing Youth Day Celebration
Liberty Temple Bapt. Church 17188 Greenfield Rd., Detroit, MI  48235
10am Depart to Toledo, OH Transportation arranged by Mike Ferner (Veterans for Peace)
** I haven’t gotten a confirmation on the time of arrival yet.
Be Blessed Today!
Sara Willis, Coordinator for the event
Approved: Mama S. Simmons, HH
Monday, June 03, 2013 Phone: (313) 896 2521


Tour De Peace makes final Michigan stop in Detroit June 8-9 at Hush House

DETROIT –Nationally renowned anti-militarism activist Cindy Sheehan’s Tour De Peace cross-country bike ride will stop in Detroit for the final leg of her Michigan tour June 8-9. The tour will be hosted locally by The Hush House Black World and Leadership Training Institute for Human Rights and the Green Party. Activities will include a press conference on Saturday, June 8 at 9 am at Hush House. That will be followed by Neighborhood Peace Walk at 9:30 am to a peace rally with the National Action Network at the Historic King Solomon Church.

WHO: Tour De Peace, Hush House Black Community Museum and International Leadership and Training Institute for Human Rights, Green Party of Michigan, Boggs Center, National Action Network

WHERE: The Hush House at 6179 Wabash, Detroit, MI 48208

WHEN: Saturday, June 8 at 9 a.m. Press Conference: 9:30 a.m. Neighborhood Peace Walk at 9:30: 10 a.m. Rally with National Action Network: 6 pm ” Panel Discussion: "Whose Peace Is It Anyway? Detroiter's History of Survival"

The theme of the Tour De Peace is “The Road Less Taken.” The goal is to rally grassroots support to call on President Barack Obama and national leaders to end U.S. wars, end U.S. immunity for war crimes, end suppression of civil rights, end the use of fossil fuels, end persecution of whistle blowers and end partisan apathy and inaction in the U.S. Congress.
Following the death of her son, Army Specialist Casey Sheehan during the Iraq War in 2005, Sheehan gained national recognition for Camp Casey outside then-President George Bush’s ranch in Texas. She has since gone on to run for a California congressional seat in 2008 and as a Vice Presidential candidate on the Freedom and Peace Party ticket in 2012. The Tour de Peace began in Vacaville, California on the April 4 anniversary of Sheehan’s death. It has since through traveled seven states stopping in cities like Sacramento, Phoenix, Albuquerque, Tulsa, St. Louis and Chicago. In Michigan, the tour visited Kalamazoo and Ann Arbor en route to Detroit. The tour will conclude July 3 with a press conference at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington D.C.
In Detroit, the Hush House and the Green Party link “The Road Less Taken” to the ongoing struggles for serious alternatives to the offshoring of the auto industry; the plans of the bankers and Emergency Managers to privatize Detroit’s resources to benefit financial investors; and the dismantling of public education through the Educational Achievement Authority (EAA).

1 comment:

  1. Cindy you know how to walk with kings & queens & yet still have the common touch! It was a pleasure to spend time with you & your crew! Love Debra


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