Sunday, December 29, 2013

2013 Recap and Looking Forward to 2014 for the Soapbox!

December 29, 2013

Dear Friend,

2013 was quite a year for our Soapbox and me.  We accomplished a lot for our cause, and we also had a chance to sit back and watch the Empire crumble from within, and root for its inevitable collapse.

As humans we can rightly decry the violence inflicted on little children in their Kindergarten class in Connecticut, and still be ashamed of the hypocrisy of a president who cries crocodile tears over their loss, but then orders the drone bombing of weddings and funerals in other parts of the world. The citizens of Boston were exposed to what citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan and other colonies see everyday: Tanks and troops infesting their streets.

Who predicted the disaster of ObamaCare? (Me and a lot of other people, by the way). The total cluster-fudge of the “roll-out” combined with the CYA scrambling of the administration would have been amusing if so many people weren’t already harmed because of lack of health insurance in this country, and so many people losing the insurance that Obama promised they could keep. 

On the beach in Santa Monica (April 07, 2013)

Somewhere in Missouri

While all that was going on, we took positive action. From April 04 to July 03, Tour de Peace had a successful bike trip for peace and justice from California to WashedUp, DeCeit. The crew and I had many wonderful adventures and hopefully in 2014 we are going to put out a “travelogue” called: 2013: A Bike Odyssey. When the pressures of life and of being an activist overwhelm me, I think, “hey lady, you rode your bike across the country—that’s pretty badass—you can do anything!”
At the end of 2013, I published my seventh book: “I Left My Marbles in San Francisco: The Scandal of Federal Electoral Politricks” about my run for Congress against Nancy Pelosi, with an After(math)word about my run for VP with Roseanne Barr.

Besides throwing my hat in the ring to run for Governor of California in 2014, I will make sure that the Soapbox will continue as a counter-balance to the BS propaganda of not just the “Robber Class” media, but the so-called “liberal” media that seems to be going to the right, right along with the Democratic Party. Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox will celebrate our five-year anniversary with our first show of the year on January 5th which will feature Icelandic Parliamentarian Birgitta Jonsdottir who will tell us about the wonderful things happening in her country—like the jailing of big bankers--and how we can model their fight here in the homeland of the Empire.

Listen, or re-listen, to the most popular show of 2013 with Dr. Helen Caldicott about Fukushima entitled, “Use your head, Cindy.”

On April 04, my family will not just be mourning the 10th year of our dear Casey’s death in Iraq, but also the tragic continuation and expansions of the longest “wars” in US history

Along with campaigning for Governor and continuing the Soapbox, I will be working on a documentary I hope will be released on August 6th, 2015, which will be the 10th anniversary since we set up camp in Crawford, TX, at what became known as Camp Casey. The working title is Prairie Fire: The Camp Casey Story, and we will let you know more information as it comes along.

We at Team Soapbox are so grateful for your support and would be so happy to get your end of year (tax deductible, if you desire) DONATION.

You can count on me to be persistent in my quest for peace. I won’t stop until the Empire does!

Hoping 2014 brings (true) peace, prosperity (for everybody), and environmental healing. Arm in arm, we are going to make some real progress.

Cindy Sheehan

PS: Let's never forget the good people that left us this past year, including, but certainly not limited to Nelson Mandela and Hugo Chávez (not eulogized by Obama, but loved by his people). Presente! May we all find healing in love and solidarity.


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