Friday, April 10, 2015

Hillary H.W. Obama, 2016 by Cindy Sheehan

Hillary H.W. Obama, 2016
Cindy Sheehan

Hillary H.W. Obama

Hi, I am going to try and write this piece with as little vitriol as I can muster, but war criminals and their voracious appetites for grabbing as much power as they can by any corrupt or violent means really anger me.
I am speaking of the recent news item that Hillary Clinton will announce her candidacy for POTUS (President of the United States) on Sunday, April 12. First of all, no one should be surprised, and secondly, all liberal-progressives should (but most won’t) vigorously oppose this person.
Hillary Clinton is proof in living color that for one to rise to the top of Imperial dung-heap in the WaMPO (White Male Property Owner) dominated paradigm, she, or he person-of-color, MUST fully conform and be fully invested in that dominant paradigm.
For example, during the run up to the invasion of Iraq, Clinton joined her Secretary of State predecessor (female and person of color) Condoleezza Rice and other neocons in ramming the false propaganda of Saddam/Osama and WMD down the throats of a too frightened, gullible and revenge-seeking US population. While Secretary of State, Clinton never met an invasion or overthrow of any government (i,e:, Honduras, Libya) that she didn’t absolutely adore.
Clinton’s most recent abomination is the appointment of an ex-Monsanto corporate lackey attorney Jerry Crawford to her cadre of campaign minions. Besides representing one of the most EVIL corporations on the planet: Monsanto, Crawford has long been a political functionary for the most conservative Democrats and Republicans in the "crucial" state of Iowa.
There’s a list of H. Clinton’s un-accomplishments that is long enough to choke an elephant or certainly, a donkey, but the worst problem is that the very people that should be opposing a Clinton candidacy because of all of her participation in war crimes and corporate capitulations will support her and look the other way because, god forbid, a Republican with the exact same mega-faults as Clinton may be elected.
So, many people will say, “Cindy, you always whine about the problems, but don’t offer any solutions.” Of course, I have offered many solutions and opportunities to be involved in a revolutionary movement that looks beyond Federal electoral politricks, but the faux-gressives look the other way about those inconvenient facts, too.
However, here are just a few more productive activities that one can be engaged in besides voting for Clinton or her doppelganger on the “R” side:
1)  Grow an organic garden
2)  Participate in anti-police state violence activities
3)  Support an orphanage in Iraq/Afghanistan, etc
4)  Engage in independent media production or support
5)  Work on local campaigns for good people or initiatives
6)  Read a good book
7)  Volunteer at a homeless shelter/food bank
8)  Take a walk
9)  Support organizations that are truly a-partisan (Like Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox)
10)  Literally, millions of other things that are far more productive than putting your hope in this capitalist dope. 

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