Sunday, June 5, 2016

DAVID SWANSON: Talk Nation Radio: Sam Husseini on Greatness of Katharine Gun, How to Vote, and Hillary v. Muslims

Talk Nation Radio
David Swanson

This week, The Soapbox welcomes David Swanson and his show: Talk Nation Radio.

We will be cross-posting his show each week.

THIS WEEK David chats with Sam Husseini

Sam Husseini is the Communications director of the Institute for Public Accuracy, whom I have to thank for having found and promoted many of my previous guests on this show. Husseini wrote an article titled "Katharine Gun’s Risky Truth-telling" about a British official who crucially leaked evidence of NSA spying against UN officials during the buildup to the Iraq invasion. The Intercept has now published copies of the NSA's internal newsletter that fit into that story. 


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