Monday, December 21, 2020

Fit and Informed for the Struggle with Lisa Davis (SOAPBOX PODCAST DECEMBER 21, 2020)


December 21, 2020



GUEST: Lisa Davis

TOPIC: Covid Vaccine

Promoting Healthy Immune Systems

Community Health vs. the Death Care System



Lisa Davis

Lisa Davis is a long time NJ community activist, the vice-chair of the Black is Back Coalition (BIBC) and chair of its Healthcare Working Group, which is tasked with the  mission of establishing an advocacy network of revolutionary people within the Black community who are involved in healthcare, be it naturopathic or allopathic,  and who are committed to challenging the paradigm of this current racist, for profit, medical system.    After learning at a very young age the important role that nutrition plays in our health and emotional well being, she has been on a 30 year journey that leads her back to the power of African ancestral medicines and the true, definition of “Science.”   Science in the ancient African tradition involves the study of the boundless energy of the earth and the synergistic relationship that exists between humans, the earth, plant life and other life forms.   Unfortunately today,  it is the colonizer’s view of science, which is steeped in racism, violence, biochemical warfare and profit that governs most of our world view.  And whereas she commends the Black Liberation Struggle for being on the forefront of fighting against the abuses of a racist judicial and law enforcement society, she is adamant that we must become equally as vocal about the devastating manifestations of colonialism and structural racism in today’s concept of medical science.  



Links from Lisa

Kickass Home Remedies from Black is Back Health Care Committee

Covid-19 Vax. Where are the Data? 


COVID-19: Federal Efforts Accelerate Vaccine and Therapeutic Development, but More Transparency Needed on Emergency Use Authorizations


Covid-19 Vaccine Protocols Reveal That Trials Are Designed To Succeed


Uhuru Comrades!   This is very serious.

Please look at this from the CDC.

As of December 18th, out of 112,000 vaccines that have been administered, there have been six cases of anaphylaxis reactions!    Anaphylaxis reactions are a very severe and potentially deadly allergic reaction.    Please look at pages 4, 6 and 7 from the report.    Page 6 of the report states that there have been over 3,000 case of people experiencing health events after the 1st dosage where they were either unable to continue with daily activities, unable to work, or required the care of a doctor/medical professional.    And that is just with the first dose of the vaccine.   I hear that with the trials the reactions from the second dose was much stronger. 





Sunday, December 20, 2020

Truth Frequency Radio's 100th Show with Cindy Sheehan, and MORE!




AIRED: 12-18-2020

Don Jeffries talks with New York Times best-selling author Naomi Wolf, international peace activist Cindy Sheehan, and former Congressional Rep. Cynthia McKinney, about the lockdown and political corruption.



Speaking Truth to Empire with Guest: Cindy Sheehan (December 2020 Edition)


Speaking Truth to Empire

December 2020

 This month, Dan Yaseen interviews antiwar leader and podcast host of Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox about elections in Venezuela, the U.S. and the Coronavirus measures.







Friday, December 11, 2020

Ending U.S Wars by Honoring Americans Who Work for Peace (SOAPBOX PODCAST DECEMBER 11, 2020)


December 11, 2020







In this new book, Dr. Michael D. Knox, founder of the US Peace Memorial Foundation and Distinguished University Professor, says it’s time for Americans who work for Peace to be honored as national heroes. From war epics that portray American soldiers as unfailingly noble, to public monuments that glorify war-makers, to a national education curriculum that rarely asks students to debate the value of war, the U.S. is a nation that venerates its warriors above all others.


The U.S. has bombed thirty countries since the end of World War II, killing millions of people, maiming tens of millions more, disrupting and destroying education, healthcare, housing, businesses, infrastructure, the environment, and creating untold numbers of refugees. Knox, who practiced clinical psychology for over 40 years, describes a behavioral approach to ending U.S. war. The book also documents the actions of hundreds of role models for peace in hopes of inspiring other Americans.


ENDING U.S. WARS by Honoring Americans Who Work for Peace aims to change the U.S. culture to one that celebrates its peacemakers. “In a culture that funds and esteems war-making, respect for peacemaking must be taught and modeled. We can change our cultural mindset so that it will no longer be acceptable to label those who speak out against a U.S. war as disloyal, anti-military, or unpatriotic. Rather,” says Knox, “they will be recognized for their dedication to a noble cause and to saving lives.”


Chapters include A CULTURE OF WAR, A CULTURE OF PEACE, and:


THE US PEACE PRIZE. Recipients of the US Peace Prize since 2009 include Chelsea Manning, Medea Benjamin, Noam Chomsky, Ajamu Baraka, Dennis Kucinich, and Cindy Sheehan. In 2020 the US Peace Prize went to Christine Ahn “for bold activism to end the Korean War, heal its wounds, and promote women’s roles in building peace.” Detailed profiles of all 12 recipients are included. 


THE US PEACE REGISTRY. A collection of 270 American individuals and organizations who work for peace, demonstrating a broad range of peace and antiwar actions and activities. The Registry appears for the first time in print.


THE US PEACE MEMORIAL. The Foundation’s most ambitious goal is to establish a monument on the National Mall. ENDING U.S. WARS offers a sneak peek at this exciting project. Plans include an inspiring and creative design that features a peace sign that can only be seen aerially and aims to serve as a reminder to government officials who fly over the Mall. As the US Peace Memorial is currently envisioned, twelve walls, or facets, will contain engraved peace quotes from famous Americans such as Jane Addams, Muhammad Ali, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Ernest Hemingway, Helen Keller, Martin Luther King Jr., and Margaret Mead, and a variety of U.S. presidents who are not widely known for their antiwar statements. Until it is built, this book is the US Peace Memorial.


“Many years ago, Michael Knox saw a need in this violent empire of the USA for a memorial to peace workers in a country where war is glorified and recklessly memorialized. I was honored to be the first recipient of the US Peace Prize and do highly recommend this book as a furtherance of Michael’s quest for peace. I hope it inspires the next generation of peace workers.”—Cindy Sheehan, mother of Casey Austin Sheehan, KIA Iraq: 04/04/04.





Monday, December 7, 2020

When Elections Matter with Dakotah Lilly (SOAPBOX PODCAST 12/07/2020)



DECEMBER 7, 2020



GUEST: Dakotah Lilly

TOPIC: Current Election in Venezuela


On this episode of The Soapbox, Cindy and Dakotah chat about the Bolivarian Revolution, Venezuelan elections, in general, and the 12/06/2020 assembly election, specifically.


The real Venezuela is not what you think 

by Dan Kovalik
