Thursday, January 27, 2022

Speaking Truth to Empire w/Dan Yaseen (January 2022 Edition)


 “Speaking Truth to Empire” on KFCF 88.1 independently owned and locally operated since 1975 in Fresno, Dan Yaseen interviews Scott Ritter, a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and author of "Scorpion King: America's Suicidal Embrace of Nuclear Weapons from FDR to Trump" (2020). He served in the Soviet Union as an inspector implementing the INF Treaty and a United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq from 1991 to 1998. They discuss US – Russia conflict in Ukraine.



Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Peace and Justice Organizations call for Freedom for Julian Assange (SOAPBOX PODCAST JANUARY 8, 2022)

January 8, 2022




Topic: Persecution of Julian Assange

Guest: Joe Lombardo


Cindy chats with Joe Lombardo of UNAC (United National Antiwar Coalition)



Assange, London Arrest


 Peace and Justice Organizations call for Freedom for Julian Assange

Imprisoned Wikileaks founder, journalist and free speech champion Julian Assange today faces life imprisonment for telling the truth about U.S. war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan and at the U.S. torture base in Guantanamo Bay.

Assange faces charges under the 1917 U.S. Espionage Act. Prosecution under that WWI anti-democratic law placed thousands of antiwar activists in prison for exercising their free speech right to protest WWI.

Ironically, the Dec 19, 2021 New York Times front-page two-part series entitled, Hidden Pentagon Records Reveal Patterns of Failure in Deadly Airstrikes, follows in Assange’s footsteps in reporting U.S. war crimes, yet The Times staff writers remain free.

Some 100 Times reporters evaluated Pentagon confidential documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. These included reports on 50,000 U.S. airstrikes on Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan conducted under the Obama and Trump administrations. The Times on-the-scene reporters subsequently confirmed tens of thousands of civilian casualties – collateral damage.

“The [Pentagon] documents,” according to The Times, “identify children killed or injured in 27 percent of cases; in The Times’s ground-breaking reporting it was 62 percent.”

The Times and several other major publications worldwide reprinted much of the same Pentagon material that Assange’s Wikileaks released to the world. Yet Assange faces a life in prison for publishing the truth.

The persecution of Julian Assange by the U.S. government is a threat against free speech and free press. It is also a threat to the Peace Movement and all movements for social change since without information and the ability to speak and write freely about U.S. wars and war crimes we are greatly limited, and the people of the world are kept in the dark.

Therefore, Peace and Justice organizations and activists demand:

  • Free Julian Assange!
  • No to U.S. wars!
  • Freedom of the press!
  • Free journalists!
  • Free speech!

Initial signers:

Organizations:  United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC), United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ), ANSWER coalition, Code Pink, Black Alliance for Peace, International Action Center, US Peace Council, Veterans for Peace, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), World Beyond War, Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, Popular Resistance, Alliance for Democracy, Ban Killer Drones, People’s Opposition to War, Imperialism and Racism, Free Palestine Movement, International Solidarity Movement (Northern Calif), Palestine Children’s Welfare Fund, Syria Solidarity Movement, NakbaTour, Resumen Latinoamericano, One State Assembly, Association for Investment in Popular Action, Upstate NY Coalition to Ground the Drones and End the Wars, Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War, Sanctions kill Coalition.

Individuals:  Margaret Kimberley, Ann Wright, Ajamu Baraka, Madea Benjamin, Gerry Condon, Joe Lombardo, Kathy Kelly, Cindy Sheehan, Margaret Flowers, Bahman Azad, Sara Flounders, David Swanson, Brian Becker, Jeff Mackler, Jodie Evans, Bruce Gagnon, Nancy Price, Darien De Lu, Cassia Laham, Judy Bello, Rhonda Ramiro


Click here to add your name to the statement





Sunday, January 2, 2022

"Health" care is an Oxymoron in the USA (SOAPBOX PODCAST 1/2//2022)


January 2, 2022





Don DeBar is a longtime independent news provider;

political analyst,; engineer at The Soapbox; and Don is the founder of CPRMetro a daily news show. 


Saturday, January 1, 2022

2021 in the Rearview Mirror. Top 5 Soapbox Podcasts for 2021. Rest in Power, Chuck Kaufman


Here we go again, Soapbox friends.
Another year down the proverbial drain and another one rushing towards us. Will it be good, or will it be not so good? Or will it be another year filled with ups and downs? (I vote for that one).
Even though there was a very sloppy, semi-withdrawal from the US's longest foreign war, the Biden regime is pushing the world perilously close to more devastating war: pivoting to China with more isolation of Russia and countries in Latin America.
We cannot allow the convenient restrictions to prevent us from organizing against U.S. imperialism, like the powers-that-be want. The Soapbox will still be here to be vigilant against the viciousness of the triple evils identified by MLK, Jr one year before he was assassinated: Capitalism, racism, militarism.
With the criminal U.S. Congress just giving the Pentagon 770 billion of our precious resources (which means more lives ground up by this rampant militarism), we certainly have our work cut out for us.
In the year that we are leaving, the so-called ruling-class has been very successful in pitting family member against family member; friend against friend; neighbor against neighbor; and worker against worker. I suggest for 2022, that we refocus our righteous rage, not horizontally, but at the oppressive power structure that has been busy bombing and bamboozling us into hating each other, and ignoring their crimes.
In 2022, Stay tuned to the Soapbox for Information and Inspiration.
I am posting the Top-5 listened to Soapbox podcasts for the past year (the most read articles will be in a future newsletter) for your consideration. These SHOWS were voted on by YOU by YOUR downloads and clicks. (Not voted on using corruptible voting machines; and every vote was counted).
Solidarity and Gratitude
Cindy Sheehan and Team Soapbox
Coming in at number FIVE was my conversations with our dear Soapbox friend, Don DeBar.

100% Truth on Cuba. Cuba Libre! (SOAPBOX Podcast July 18, 2021)

Our 4th most listened to podcast was with Bruce Gagnon about the billionaires and their diabolical plans for outerspace.

Gold Rush in Space



Sam Husseini on Bio-Terror and Lab Leaks (SOAPBOX PODCAST JUNE 29, 2021)

Number 2, or PEACE

Afghanistan: Jimmy and Zbig's War



TOPIC: The debacle of Afghanistan was no "mistake," it was carefully plotted by Carter and Brezezinski years before 9/11/2001

This show is a deep dive into the mess the U.S. has made in the
"Graveyard of Empires."

GUESTS: Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould.



Cui Bono? Not workers! With John Steppling (SOAPBOX PODCAST 10/02/21)

TOPIC: Can the USG ever be trusted?

GUEST: John Steppling

Cindy and John chat about the current global situation and how being skeptical of USG/global elite propaganda is a very necessary and healthy way to live. Who are the shadowy forces behind the war/pharma profiteer attacks on the working-class?


Chuck Kaufman
1952-2021, Presente!
The shrinking anti-imperialist community lost another awesome fighter, and campaigner, my friend Chuck.
Besides being ferocious in defending Latin America against U.S. imperialism, he always had a smile and a cheerful non-chalance that put everyone at ease.
Chuck was ALWAYS on the side of the oppressed.
Chuck was taken way too soon, and we will miss him.
The organization that he founded Alliance for Global Justice has been the fiscal sponsor for Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox for about 12-years, now.

It is with heavy hearts that we share the news that our friend and visionary comrade, Chuck Kaufman, passed away, peacefully and in his home, on the morning of December 28th. As many of you know, Chuck’s principled dedication to solidarity-led justice formed the bedrock of Alliance for Global Justice. He joined AfGJ’s predecessor, the Nicaragua Network in 1987, almost 35 years ago outraged at Congress’ cowardice during the Iran-Contra scandal.

While fiscal sponsorship was a part of AfGJ’s work since its inception, 2011 marked a major turning point when Chuck received a call from Occupy Wall Street at Zuccotti Park asking about sponsorship. He jumped on a train from where he was occupying Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC, met with the OWS finance team in a McDonald’s and slept that night with thousands in the park. Shortly after, National Co-Coordinator Elane Spivak-Rodriguez joined the team. Together, Elane and Chuck developed and expanded the fiscal sponsorship program until his unexpected passing earlier this week. 

Integral to this team is our bookkeeping duo, Analise Spencer and Evelyn Medina, and our talented project liaisons Maya Hernandez, Madeline McClure, and Devora Gonzalez. 

Alliance for Global Justice's work continues without our visionary but with a solid team who have worked alongside him for years to build a better world. He followed the good advice of Saul Alinsky that the first job of an organizer is to multiply themselves. We’ve always made it a priority to cross-train so that we are as strong as possible to get through difficult times. While we never believed the day would come when we had to do this work without Chuck, we are prepared. 

Chuck enthusiastically supported each and every one of AfGJ’s fiscally sponsored projects. He loved this work and really understood fiscal sponsorship as a powerful movement-building tool. The fiscally sponsored projects he worked with directly– you can be sure that your needs will be met and you’ll receive the same level of service you are accustomed to with Chuck. Your new liaison will reach out soon. Please email with any questions.

If you would like to share AfGJ’s statement on Chuck, you can find it here. We request that people wishing to offer gestures of comfort and remembrance of Chuck do so through their continued support to AFGJ and the causes to which he dedicated his life. A virtual memorial service will be held Sunday, January 9th at 10am PT / 1pm ET and we hope you can attend. More details to come shortly. 


Make a tax-deductible donation to
Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox!
