Saturday, October 20, 2018


October 20- For immediate release

Media Contact: Cindy Sheehan:


Countdown to Women’s March on the Pentagon
We're Here


Women’s March on the Pentagon (WMOP) is excited to announce we are ready and rarin’ to go for our long anticipated march and rally at ground-zero for US imperialism.

This is our schedule of events for the weekend of October 20-21:

Saturday, October 20:

St. Stephen’s of the Incarnation Episcopal Church
1525 Newton NW
(Free, but donations to cover costs of space and refreshments will be accepted)


Workshops covering:

-Women’s Basic Self-defense
-Protest Music History and Current Practice
-Alternative Media and Citizen Journalism
-What’s Really Happening in Yemen
-The Doctrine and Practice of Civil Resistance

5:30 to 8pm
(St. Stephen’s)

Meet and Greet and Open Mic Night.
Hosted by CODEPINK

Sunday, October 21st


Begin gathering at Pentagon City Metro Station
(Click for DC Metro Info)

12 noon to 12:45pm

March on Pentagon

1pm to 4pm

Rally at Pentagon
(Click for Speaker/Performer Line-up)

4pm to 6pm
Clean Up
(Stay to help us, please!)

Monday, October 22

11:30am to 1:30pm

Non-violent Act of Civil Assistance
We will be feeding the homeless in a local park in an act of real civil assistance, not symbolic civil resistance (which is good too in its place)

(Place will be announced at Rally and on Website, and Facebook Event Page on October 21)

For more information or to schedule an interview with a speaker/performer or organizer, please contact

Cindy Sheehan at:
Emma Fiala at:
Bonnie Caracciolo at:





Women’s March on the Pentagon: How To Attend in D.C. & Around the Country

Anti-War Women to Washington

Peace Protesters Prepare to Storm the Pentagon

US Activist Urges Politicians To End Militaristic Paradigm, Redirect Funds To Social Needs


Disclaimer: This is NOT a pink-pussy-hatted event to only oppose Trump and Get Out the Vote for the treacherous and warmongering Democrats: This is a principled non-partisan march on the bi-partisan US war machine.

Saturday, October 13, 2018


Women’s March on the Pentagon

Press Advisory 
Cindy Sheehan: 707.317.8586

Bonnie Caracciolo: 470.328.2186

Emma Fiala: 612.913.6240

After months of planning, the Women’s (and others) March on the Pentagon is one week away!

Despite the fact that our children are getting third rate public schooling; homelessness is a national crisis and disgrace; U.S. infrastructure is failing at an alarming rate; and this nation is being dissolved foot by foot by global warming and unprecedented natural disasters: the Pentagon receives almost .60 of every tax dollar to continue the war machine’s program of global domination for resource control and profit.

We at WMOP reject the thinking that just because the U.S. has long been the world’s dominant hegemonic force, that it has to remain that way. Maintaining the U.S. war machine at its current levels is sucking the life our of our families, communities, nation and world.

Imperialism is the disease and Women organizing in a dedicated and militant (we won't stop until they stop) way for a peaceful and sustainable planet is the answer!

Lead organizer Cindy Sheehan had this to say from her home in California, “Without curing the disease of Imperialism, the symptoms of racism, sexism, and other endemic (to the U.S) violence will never stop.”

From the Boston area, co-lead organizer Bonnie Caracciolo added, "All power to the people."

Join Us!

Friday, October 12, 2018

Protest is a Fundamental Right and a Responsibility by Cindy Sheehan (WOMEN'S MARCH ON THE PENTAGON)

Protest is a Fundamental Right and a Responsibility
Cindy Sheehan

“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.”
― Henry David Thoreau

The first act of protest, or civil disobedience, most of us learn about in schools in the United States is the so-called Boston Tea Party.

Colonists were righteously angry that the British East India Company was getting a “bailout” from the British crown and putting the financial onus on the backs of the colonists to prevent the private company from going broke. (Sound familiar?)

There were many establishment figures of the day who thought that act of protest was a bad idea, including the “Father” of this country, George Washington. However, that action led to further oppression from Britain and finally to the war for independence that would break the fledgling country away from the British.

I can imagine there are few conservatives in the US right now that would disagree with that militant decision of rebellion that led to US independence, even though they may have screamed such nonsense as “over the top” or “EXTREME” (Trump tweet) at the time.

Here in the United States, protest usually does not become “militant” until the people have had enough of repressive treatment.

In 1955, when the legendary Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to white people on a Montgomery bus, a boycott of many other segregated bus lines was sparked and in reaction Southern racists blew up churches and the homes of leaders of the bus boycott, including the homes of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr and Rev. Ralph Abernathy.

Many conservatives label protests of oppressive conditions that they still support, “over the top,” or “EXTREME” but I think any sane person today would have to agree that bombing churches and homes for non-violent acts of civil resistance is EXTREME and few today would still agree or (publicly) admit that segregation in any form was a positive institution.

The above examples are just two of the many principled, courageous and sometimes militant acts that citizens of the United States have had to take against Republican, Democrat, Whig, or Tory governments throughout our history.

If one delves a few inches deeper into US history than the average public school education provides, we find that no gains have been made without principled, and sometimes, yes, militant protest.

Eight hour workdays; more equitable pay for workers and safer workplaces just didn’t happen because the ownership class finally found hearts! Rather, labor reform happened because of militant and dedicated struggle against that ownership class—-which often brought state violence against the workers, yet the workers would not back down!

Did women earn  the right to vote because the male chauvinists of their time finally realized that women were equal? Not quite! Male chauvinists still don’t think that we are equal, but many of our fore-sisters, Iron Jawed Angels like Alice Paul and Lucy Burns were beaten, imprisoned and force-fed when they went on hunger strike for the audacity to want to participate in the civic sacraments of their country.

In fact, women struggled for over a century for the right to vote here in the US, but the actions of those opposing them weren’t EXTREME? Would even the most hardened Republican in the Senate think that women should not vote, today? Maybe they think it, but I doubt if few would have the courage to express it, like the courage it took of our sisters to risk everything they have, even their lives to be able to vote against those who oppressed them for decades.

Socialist/labor activist, Eugene V. Debs was sentenced to prison for ten brutal years for speaking against the US entrance into World War One—a war that serves as the epitome of a “bad idea” and one based on lies and deception and the crushing of dissent by the Wilson administration—but sentencing an older man to do time for “peaceably” gathering to express his opposition was not the EXTREME reaction?

Many protesters of the incredibly barbaric US war against Vietnam were beaten and four students slaughtered at Kent State in Ohio, for protesting the further incursion into Cambodia by the U.S. Which side was EXTREME? The students or the state?

In my own experience of protest, I was literally wrenched from my Soccer Mom life into the forefront of antiwar protest when my son, Specialist Casey Austin Sheehan was killed in another EXTREMIST U.S. war of aggression led by the “Coalition of the Willing” cobbled together by then president George Bush.

When I saw Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testify before the Senate hearings to confirm another misogynist to the Supreme Court, I was slightly triggered. I remember my own experience of trembling nervously while testifying at a hearing in June of 2005 in the basement of the Capitol building. The “Downing Street Memo” hearing was convened by then ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, John Conyers (D-MI) (who has ironically been forced to resign hence do to accusations of sexual improprieties).

The condemnation of our hearing was swift, from conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck to Dana Millbank of the the Washington Post who ridiculed our principled efforts to expose the fact that the Downing Street Memo confirmed that months before the invasion of Iraq high ranking officials in Great Britain and the US were already “fixing intelligence” to fit the already decided invasion.

Then in August of 2005 when I gathered a few intrepid antiwar people and reignited a dormant antiwar movement in Crawford Texas, I understood what it really costs to stand up for something one believes in here in the US, when it’s not a popular position with conservatives.

From the mean to the ridiculous: Glenn Beck called me an “attention whore,” and the questionable Ann Coulter made fun of my (horrors) “legs.” Rush Limbaugh said that my story was “manufactured.”

I was subjected to many death threats and disgusting attacks by the establishment politicians, media, and by their sycophants in the grassroots. Unfortunately, I know what Dr. Ford has been subjected to and it hurts to see it happen to another woman who was only doing what she thought was the right (left? best?) thing to do.

Now, I challenge any of my detractors to point out one error I have ever made in my assessment of the Iraq War.

My son was dead then, and he is still dead. It’s certainly an EXTREME position to continuously murder other people’s children for profit, in my opinion.

Protest, or no protest; support, or condemnation, nothing will change some material facts that finally caused an individual, or a group of individuals to come to their breaking points—but what I, and all the people before and after me have tried to do is to help others by sharing our pain and courageously standing up for what we believe in.

In a recent interview Trump had this to say: “I think it’s embarrassing for the country to allow protesters.”

Actually, it’s embarrassing and against the law for “the country” not to allow protesters. John F. Kennedy, who, no matter what one thinks of him, was no wild-eyed left-winger, said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

Even if no one listens at first, we all just want our voices to be heard.

No matter what the EXTREME establishment does to us, I have a feeling we are never going to back down.

Join us on the weekend of October 20-22 for many opportunities to protest the bi-partisan war machine!

Cindy Sheehan is the mother of Casey A. Sheehan who was killed in Iraq on April 04, 2004. Sheehan came to national and international prominence when she set up a protest camp outside of the vacation home of then president George W. Bush. Sheehan is still protesting US wars of aggression and is organizing the Women’s March on the Pentagon for this upcoming October 21st.


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Final Community Conference Call Prior to Women's March on the Pentagon: Sunday, October 14

Community Conference Call
Women's March on the Pentagon

You are invited to join lead organizers and our special guest, Mnar Muhawesh, for our final Community Conference Call before the 
Women's March on the Pentagon.

Nitty-gritty Time!

It's all over but the Revolution!



The Number is:
code: 248354

Mnar Muhawesh:

 Advisory Committee Member
Women's March on the Pentagon
Featured Speaker at Women's March on the Pentagon


Founder @MintPressNews, Journalism & Palestine adviser. Speaker. Entrepeneur


Special Guest:
Mnar Muhawesh



Tuesday, October 9, 2018

PRESS ADVISORY: Countdown to Women's March on Pentagon!

October 8, 2018- For immediate release

Media Contact: Cindy Sheehan:

Countdown to Women’s March on the Pentagon


Women’s March on the Pentagon (WMOP) is excited to announce we are ready and rarin’ to go for our long anticipated march and rally at ground-zero for US imperialism.

"We envisioned this principled non-partisan march on the bi-partisan war machine at the beginning of this year. Despite obstacles, we are excited that many people have been attracted to this long over-due antiwar march in Washington, DC," said one of the lead organizers, antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan, from her home in California.

This is our schedule of events for the weekend of October 20-21:

Saturday, October 20:

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church 

1525 Newton St NW
Washington, DC 20010

(Free, but donations to cover costs of space and refreshments will be accepted)

Noon to 4:30pm

Workshops covering:

Women’s Basic Self-defense
Protest Music History and Current Practice
Alternative Media and Citizen Journalism

Current Situation in Yemen
Civil Assistance (how to help those harmed by US Imperialism and the Pentagon budget)
(And More!)

4:30 to 6pm

Dinner on your own

6pm to 8pm
(St. Stephen’s)

Meet and Greet and Open Mic Night.
Hosted by CODEPINK

Sunday, October 21st


Begin gathering at Pentagon City Metro Station
(Click for DC Metro Info)

12 noon to 12:45pm

March on Pentagon
(Click for Website)

1pm to 4pm

Rally at Pentagon
(Click for Speaker/Performer Line-up)

4pm to 6pm
Clean Up
(Stay to help us, please!)

Monday, October 22

11:30am to 1:30pm

Non-violent Act of Civil Assistance
WMOP will be feeding people who are unconscionably homeless in the wealthiest nation on earth at a local DC park.

(Place will be announced at Rally and on Website, and Facebook Event Page on October 21)

For more information or to schedule an interview with a speaker/performer or organizer, please contact

Cindy Sheehan at:
Emma Fiala at:
Bonnie Caracciolo at:

Disclaimer: This is NOT a pink-pussy-hatted event to only oppose Trump and Get Out the Vote for the treacherous and warmongering Democrats (or Republicans): This is a principled non-partisan march on the bi-partisan US war machine.

Click here to volunteer!

JOIN HERE and/or DONATE to make our dream of a peaceful, sustainable, and PROsperous (for all) future possible.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Irene and Matt's Soapbox w/guest Stevie Ruiz (SOAPBOX PODCAST 10/4/18)

October 4, 2018

Irene and Matt's Soapbox

Matt Sedillo and Irene Monica Sanchez

Guest: Steve Ruiz

In this episode, we talked to Dr. Stevie Ruiz a professor at CSUN about the recent events surrounding Ethnic Studies, student protests to save it, and dismissiveness of administration as well as remarks made by the faculty senate president. 


Stevie Ruiz is an assistant professor in the Department of Chicana/o Studies.  His research and teaching interests center upon the intersections between race, space, and environmental justice.  He is committed to educational equity and democratizing university settings so that all marginalized communities have a voice.  He is currently completing his book manuscript entitled, Stewards of the Land: Race, Space, and Environmental Justice.
Stevie Ruiz


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Civil Assistance at Women’s March on the Pentagon by Cindy Sheehan and TeamWMOP

Civil Assistance at Women’s March on the Pentagon 
Cindy Sheehan

We organizers of the Women’s March on the Pentagon had planned from the beginning for our action at the Pentagon on Oct. 21st to end with some act of civil resistance, or civil disobedience.

Going to the Pentagon and seeing where we will be, there really is no act of civil resistance there on that day that makes sense, and as someone who has been arrested more than 20 times, most of the time those arrests are “symbolic.”

Through our Steering Committee, we came up with the ideology of Civil ASSISTANCE: real acts of aid and support that would help people in our communities who suffer because of the bloated and indecent US war machine budget.

To that end, instead of planning a symbolic “risk arrest” action on Sunday, October 21st, we are organizing an act of Civil Assistance to feed the homeless in a park in Washington DC on Monday, October 22nd. (The March/Rally will still go on as planned, just the Civil Assistance act is moving to Monday the 22nd). 

If you have been to DC within the last 10 years, we are sure you have noticed the increase in the homeless population and tents popping up on sidewalks merely blocks from the White House. It is against the “law” in dozens of US cities to feed homeless people which is an abomination in and of itself, so our act of Civil Assistance is also a very principled act of Civil Resistance. Also, our act of Civil Assistance in DC could turn out to be a “risk arrest” action. Imperial goons are very adverse to helping people help other people.

We are not divulging our exact plans yet, because we found out that the Powers that Be certainly keep tabs of our social media and website and we don’t want them to have more information than necessary, but, as with The Women’s March on the Pentagon, we hope our program of Civil Assistance spreads and we begin to create the world that we want to see instead of waiting around for an insane and murderous government to do it for us!

If you are not going to be in the Washington DC area, please organize your own act of Civil Assistance that day (Oct 22). It doesn’t have to be feeding homeless people, perhaps your immediate community has a different need?

Let us know if you plan on joining us in DC for Civil Assistance, or if you are planning an act in your community.
