Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Soapbox Crew are thankful for our listeners, supporters and guests!

Four more shows and Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox will have been on for one year already!

Our Soapbox has seen some fabulous guests like Howard Zinn, Roseanne Barr, Noam Chomsky, John Perkins, Cynthia McKinney, Graham Nash, Gore Vidal, Gov. Jesse Ventura and many others! The archives are always there to re-listen to a favorite or catch up on shows you have missed.

We have covered topics that are so crucial to our lives and important to our education and edification. Besides war and peace, we talked about politics, the environment, health care and social justice issues like racism, poverty and the prison industrial complex.

Cindy has taped the show from all over America and we have even done live interviews in the field and played your listener Soapbox Rants and have answered "Ask Cindy?" questions galore.

Truthfully, it's been a struggle to keep Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox airing, but we are now heard in George Bush's hometown of Dallas on 1360am Rational Radio and we just had to increase the bandwidth of the website because of an increase in traffic!

Thank you for listening and thank you for supporting YOUR SOAPBOX.

We couldn't do it without you and we love and appreciate each and every one of you!


The Soapbox Team

Please consider making a donation to keep this important and dynamic show on the air!


This week's Soapbox has a super-special guest, so we are starting to air it at a super-special time.

Friday is what we consumers here in America call "Black Friday" (I don't know why, maybe it's because people get trampled fighting each other for cheap consumer crap), but we at the Soapbox want to brighten up that day a little, and we are airing the show on Friday at noon!

Please tune in this Friday beginning at noon to hear Cindy's interview with Ralph!

The portrait is by Maine Artist, Rob Shetterly and is included in Rob's Americans Who Tell the Truth exhibit. Check Cindy's protrait out, too!


Click on this link to watch the video of Cindy's interview with feminist and Afghan Parliamentarian, Malalai Joya from the November 15th Show

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