Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy First Anniversary to Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox!

Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox


It's our Anniversary!

Against all odds and many obstacles we have been able to stay on the air and deliver high quality shows!

With Twenty-Ten being the YEAR OF RESISTANCE, the Soapbox will become an integral part of true change to benefit WE THE PEOPLE for once!

Thank you for listening and supporting your Soapbox!



There has been disturbing news coming out of South America:

The apparent U.S. support of the Honduran coup; Colombia signing a pact with the U.S. that will enable the U.S. to construct military bases there and the U.S. drone flights and fighter-plane flights over Venezuelan airspace.

We all know that Vz sits on some of the largest oil reserves in the world and President Chavez has refused to privatize the industry and hand over his people's natural resources to Standard Oil or Exxon--so that has made him a marked man in the eyes of the U.S. Robber Class.

Today on the Soapbox, Venezuelan attorney and bestselling author (The Chavez Code), Eva Golinger dispels the Myths that surround President Chavez that have been instigated by our government and media.

Eva's blog is: Postcards from the Revolution

Please tune-in, it is a fascinating interview!

To further foster understanding between our countries, The Soapbox is arranging an interview in Venezuela with President Chavez and a mini-documentary about the successes and challenges of Venezuela's "Bolivaran Revolution." We are VERY excited about this important evolution in The Soapbox's relevance and influence!

The 2nd part of today's show is an interview that Cindy did with Scott Horton of Anti-War Radio where she talks about Peace of the Action and the dire need for direct action.

If you like the Soapbox, please DONATE TO KEEP US ON THE AIR!

Submit listener rants and "ASK CINDY" questions to:

Cindy at

if you wish to UNSUBSCRIBE from this list, please send an email to: with


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