Wednesday, March 20, 2013

United National Antiwar Coalition Endorses Tour de Peace!!!

Please join Cindy Sheehan for her "Tour de Peace: the road less taken." For more information Click here:

In his inauguration speech, Barack Obama, (the Drone Bomber) said: TIME TO ACT!

We wholeheartedly agree, but we believe that it is

To End Wars
To End immunity for US War Crimes
To End Suppression of our Civil Rights
To End the use of Fossil Fuels
To End Persecution of Whistle blowers
To End Partisan Apathy and Inaction
Please sign the Petition

Monday, March 25
5pm Pacific Time
Number: 218 632 0995
code: 73223#

Listen to 2/18 Conference call

Cindy Sheehan and others are in the beginning stages of planning a bike ride from Casey Sheehan's grave in Vacaville, Ca to WashedUp, DeCeit (Washington, DC) to demand true and positive change. The ride will begin on the day that Casey was KIA in Iraq (April 04) and end in DeCeit on July 3rd.

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