Sunday, April 26, 2015

Call Me Lucky with Guest: Barry Crimmins (SOAPBOX PODCAST 4/26/15)

Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox
April 26, 2015

TOPIC: Call Me Lucky  

Barry with Gold Star Father, Bill Mitchell. Bill's son, Michael Mitchell was killed with Casey in Iraq.

This week on the Soapbox, Cindy Sheehan interviews her friend: comedian, political satirist, and activist Barry Crimmins.

Barry has a very interesting story of political and social activism, but of also overcoming abuse when he was a child to help others.

Barry is the subject of a Bobcat Goldthwaite film called:
Call Me Lucky

Listen to the interview and check the movie out!

Barry and Cindy became friends when Barry came to Camp Casey in the summer of 2005 to support Cindy and the other antiwar activists while Barry was then working for now defunct
Air America Radio.


Friday, April 24, 2015

Take this Survey and Shove it by Cindy Sheehan

 Take this Survey and SHOVE IT!
I ain’t votin’ for you no more!
Cindy Sheehan

In 2007, to much hoopla and derision from what passes for the left in the USA, I publicly exited (Stage Far Left) the Democratic Party. So, imagine my surprise today when I got a letter from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) asking me “as a party leader” to participate in the Official 2015 Democratic Party Survey. I even have a “DNC MEMBERSHIP” number for cripessake!

When I say that I “left the party” in 2007, I did not leave as a party apparatchik, or anything approaching a “party leader.” At best, I had been a loyal Dem voter for the majority of my life, but I had never belonged to the DNC nor had I even ever contributed to any political campaign.

Before I get into the fluff of the survey (which has nothing about foreign policy/war/torture/CIA, because there is nothing there to distinguish the Dems from the Tea Party), for full disclosure, I have always loathed the GOP (I remember crying when Reagan won). However, when the GOP commits crimes, my thought is, “It is the Republicans, what else can we expect?” In 2007, I left the Democratic Party because it broke my heart and I stand on my principles and against the DNC to this very day.  At the time I publicly left, of course, the DNC was only being the DNC, and like any venomous snake, it will bite you to insert its poison. Good thing I jumped out in 2007 before it could do any more damage to me. Even though the difference between the DNC and GOP is negligible when it comes to war, when it comes to domestic policy, the differences seem to be purely rhetorical.

Now on to the fluff of the survey: My first instinct was to say “meat,” but there is no meat in the survey (fundraising scam).

The fundraising scam’s questions are set up in a way to be entirely vague and exploitative at the same time. These questions are professionally designed to inflame a visceral response to the Blue Choir and the chair of the DNC Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-Israel) knows that the base of the DNC not only cares about these issues, but wholly blames the Republicans just as they are supposed to. 

We “party leaders” (shouldn’t one actually be registered in the party to be a “leader?) aren’t given any space to add our thoughts or concerns except for three tiny lines on the back.

The punch line to the entire survey is that I am not even an “official” “party leader” until I: “Complete Your DNC Contribution Form” and send a minimum of $25.

I am going to mail the survey back in the “enclosed postage paid envelope” with a copy of this article attached and without one thin dime. The DNC is lucky that I don't sue it for damages. I may tell them to go ahead and put this Fundraising Scam where the sun don’t shine, though.

Here are the questions and my responses:

1.   Do you agree with the President’s plan to take executive action on issues that Republicans refuse to bring to a vote, like, immigration action?

I am wondering what “executive action” Obama would take on “immigration?”  According to Pulitzer Prize Winning website PolitiFactCheck:

According to current figures from Immigration and Customs Enforcement -- the federal agency responsible for deportations -- Obama has removed 1.4 million people during his 42 months in office so far. Technically, that's fewer than under George W. Bush, whose cumulative total was 2 million. But Bush’s number covers eight full years, which doesn’t allow an apples-to-apples comparison.

If you instead compare the two presidents’ monthly averages, it works out to 32,886 for Obama and 20,964 for Bush, putting Obama clearly in the lead. Bill Clinton is far behind with 869,676 total and 9,059 per month. All previous occupants of the White House going back to 1892 fell well short of the level of the three most recent presidents. (Louis Jacobson August 10, 2012)

The inconvenient truth, though, is that Obama is even worse than Republicans on immigration. However, when it comes to taking “executive action” I opposed it when Bush did it and I still oppose it. The US is supposed to have a system of checks and balances and “executive actions” smack of treasonous behavior and illegal usurpation of power.

2.   Do you support the President’s plan to increase the minimum wage for American’s workers?

No, I am fundamentally against a minimum wage and $10.10/hr is so far below a living wage with dignity that it will keep millions of “American” workers and their families in poverty or barely scraping by. For example, according to a living wage in my county in California (Solano) is estimated to be $12.24/hour; in San Francisco County it’s $15.66/hour (according to Insight). This is the bare minimum wage for one adult and I doubt much dignity is conferred on a person who makes such low wages. Obama's "minimum wage" leaves a huge monthly gap and that's why I support a living wage based on many factors, including cost of living and cost of really living. 

Also, if the US had a comprehensive single-payer healthcare system, then healthcare costs would be removed from the equation and people would have a more comfortable standard of living.

3.   Do you support the President’s plan to make it possible for more American workers to earn sick days and family leave?

Sick days and family leave should be mandatory and natural for EVERY worker on this planet. And, hey, while we are at it how about paid vacations? In my observation, most work these days is “casual” or “contracted” and I know very few people who actually have paid sick days or paid vacation. 

In many “first” world countries, mothers get many months to several years of full or almost full pay when they have children. Here? Six weeks at low pay, if the mom is lucky. In a nation that bombs countries to spread its values, family sure seems like a low-priority to it. Six weeks? A woman who just gave birth has most likely not even stopped bleeding by then. I feel like all of Obama’s "grand" plans are just more stale bread crumbs to keep the flock from rebelling.

Also, when we are asked about "American" workers only, does that absolve the profiteers from paying even a low minimum wage of $10.10/hour (proposed) to their workers in other countries who are making their crappy products to be sold here in the US at Walmart? It's a rhetorical question, the answer is "yes." Also, how does fast-tracking the Trans-Pacific Partnership figure into this? I believe it has been shown that the TPP will have a negative affect on all workers.

4. Do you support President Obama’s plans to close the wage gap and make it possible for women to receive equal pay?

The only wages this would affect would be people who contract with the Federal Government. How about an Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution that would finally mention women as equal to men? I don’t have faith in the Constitution or the ability of the elite to adhere to it, but for over two centuries ½ of the people in this country have been excluded.

5.   Do you support his plan to close other tax loopholes and to simplify the tax code so that corporations and the ultra-wealthy will pay their fair share?

Does the DNC mean the “ultra-rich” like a large majority of Congress? If “fair share” means enough of a tax to make the “ultra—rich” like the 99% rest of us (so we could be the 100%), then, yeah, I’d support it. If closing loopholes on Corporations means that all of the money that has been stolen from us via low wages, high prices, and government largess is returned to the public commons, then I’d say, “hell, yes!” However, as the health insurance companies wrote the “Affordable” Care Act, I am sure the ultra-rich corporations would write the new tax code with built-in new and improved loopholes.

6.   President Obama presented a plan that will allow American workers to gain the modern job skills necessary to compete in the global economy. Do you support these efforts?

I am not even sure what this means, but it sounds like something I should support and immediately send a minimum of $25 to insure the Democratic agenda moves forward.

7.   Do you support President Obama’s plan to reduce carbon pollution, accelerate the development of clean energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and invest in sustainable and resilient infrastructure projects to prepare for the effects of climate change?

While the global oil cartels run US foreign policy, bombing and devastating oil rich countries, approving more offshore drilling leases, increasing nuclear power, increasing hydro-fracturing, letting Monsanto poison our water as well as our food, letting BP get away with ecocide in the Gulf of Mexico, letting big water steal our water and then charge us for it, allowing US corporations to operate in other countries without even the bare minimum of ecological protection?

I don’t support green Capitalism. Energy and energy production belongs in the hands of the workers and communities.

8.   The President has proposed a plan to provide a community college education to any American who is willing to work for it. Do you support this initiative?

Hell, no! Education is a human right and higher education should be free, high quality and accessible to EVERY PERSON that wants to use it. Paid job training, apprenticeship programs, internships, and certificate programs should be free for those who choose that path. Our young people already work their asses off to go to school only to get into lifelong, unrelenting debt. I would support a plan to forgive student debt (but Obama’s buddies at the banks wouldn’t like that) and make all education free. Most countries do this and here in California we did it until profit and privatization became the overwhelming goal of the parasites at the top.

Those are the questions. There is one odd part that asks me to choose three Republicans from a list of ten that may be the likely Republican nominee in 2016. I checked: Other: Hillary Clinton. I evaluated Clinton and she has all the desirable qualities of a Republican candidate for president. However, I am sure all of the evil clowns at the DNC will get behind her rightwing agenda, too.

In the tiny three-line space for any other comments I would like to make to the President or DNC, I wrote in all caps (in black ink as instructed. We are all conditioned well in this fill-in-the-bubble world):


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Cindy's Picks with Richard Belzer (SOAPBOX PODCAST 4/19/15)


 Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox

April 19, 2015

"Cindy's Picks"

Every once in awhile, Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox, will re-present

a re-broadcast from our vast stores of archival shows.

This show is one of Cindy's all time favorites because of the guest actor/comedian/author Richard Belzer.

He is such a gentle-man and very smart and articulate. 

Please give it a listen, or re-listen!


 Past Blog/Intro for the Show:


Dead Wrong with Richard Belzer: Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox (Jan 13, 2013)

Sheeee's Baacckk!!

Happy 4th Anniversary to 
Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox!

Today, Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox marks its 4th year on the air!

We seriously COULD NOT have done it without the generous support of our loyal listeners.

We have been through a lot together and we have a ways to go before we can rest...but we will get there!



This week, Cindy interviews actor/author/comedian
Richard Belzer

Richard co-wrote the book:

Dead Wrong: Straight Facts about the Country's Most Controversial Cover-ups    

Richard is dedicated, articulate, a deep-thinker, and one of the nicest people we've had on the show!

Richard (and now Cindy) recommends this documentary:

The Century of the Self
(This documentary is a brilliant analysis of the cradle-grave
conditioning and brainwashing we receive. Made by the BBC.
Watch it!) 

Cindy also chats with impeachment activist, Phil Restino.

This interview led to the first disclaimer ever for Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox.

Every view expressed by every guest doesn't necessarily represent or reflect the views of Cindy Sheehan or Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox


Thanks for EVERYTHING and here's
to many more years of radical truth telling!


Sunday, April 12, 2015

Eyewitness to Barbarism (Soapbox Podcast 4/12)

Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox
April 12, 2015

Who are the terrorists? 

GUEST: Raed Jarrar
TOPIC: War, what is it good for? (Part II)

Raed jarrar

In 2003, Raed and his family hid in a bunker in Baghdad while the US rained down thousands of tons of bombs in the doctrine known as "Shock and Awe."

Raed's family survived the terrorist attack by the USA and Raed now lives in WashedUp, DeCeit for the American Friends Service Committee and is a dedicated peace activist and intellectual.

As Raed iterates in this interview, war is "ugly," but we say, "not only is war 'ugly' but war is barbaric and totally unneccessary." 

This is a VERY IMPORTANT show that needs to be spread far and wide. USAians need to know the truth and the truth is urgent!

Physicians for Social Responsibility 

from Human Rights Watch 

Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox relies on your good will and donations, please considering making a one time (tax-deductible) or recurring donation!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Hillary H.W. Obama, 2016 by Cindy Sheehan

Hillary H.W. Obama, 2016
Cindy Sheehan

Hillary H.W. Obama

Hi, I am going to try and write this piece with as little vitriol as I can muster, but war criminals and their voracious appetites for grabbing as much power as they can by any corrupt or violent means really anger me.
I am speaking of the recent news item that Hillary Clinton will announce her candidacy for POTUS (President of the United States) on Sunday, April 12. First of all, no one should be surprised, and secondly, all liberal-progressives should (but most won’t) vigorously oppose this person.
Hillary Clinton is proof in living color that for one to rise to the top of Imperial dung-heap in the WaMPO (White Male Property Owner) dominated paradigm, she, or he person-of-color, MUST fully conform and be fully invested in that dominant paradigm.
For example, during the run up to the invasion of Iraq, Clinton joined her Secretary of State predecessor (female and person of color) Condoleezza Rice and other neocons in ramming the false propaganda of Saddam/Osama and WMD down the throats of a too frightened, gullible and revenge-seeking US population. While Secretary of State, Clinton never met an invasion or overthrow of any government (i,e:, Honduras, Libya) that she didn’t absolutely adore.
Clinton’s most recent abomination is the appointment of an ex-Monsanto corporate lackey attorney Jerry Crawford to her cadre of campaign minions. Besides representing one of the most EVIL corporations on the planet: Monsanto, Crawford has long been a political functionary for the most conservative Democrats and Republicans in the "crucial" state of Iowa.
There’s a list of H. Clinton’s un-accomplishments that is long enough to choke an elephant or certainly, a donkey, but the worst problem is that the very people that should be opposing a Clinton candidacy because of all of her participation in war crimes and corporate capitulations will support her and look the other way because, god forbid, a Republican with the exact same mega-faults as Clinton may be elected.
So, many people will say, “Cindy, you always whine about the problems, but don’t offer any solutions.” Of course, I have offered many solutions and opportunities to be involved in a revolutionary movement that looks beyond Federal electoral politricks, but the faux-gressives look the other way about those inconvenient facts, too.
However, here are just a few more productive activities that one can be engaged in besides voting for Clinton or her doppelganger on the “R” side:
1)  Grow an organic garden
2)  Participate in anti-police state violence activities
3)  Support an orphanage in Iraq/Afghanistan, etc
4)  Engage in independent media production or support
5)  Work on local campaigns for good people or initiatives
6)  Read a good book
7)  Volunteer at a homeless shelter/food bank
8)  Take a walk
9)  Support organizations that are truly a-partisan (Like Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox)
10)  Literally, millions of other things that are far more productive than putting your hope in this capitalist dope. 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

War, What is it Good For? (Part One) (Soapbox Podcast 4/5)

Casey and Cindy

Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox
April 5, 2015

Part One*

On the 11th year since Casey Sheehan (5-29-79 to 4-4-04), 
The Soapbox is presenting in two parts, the horror and
pain of war.

This week's guest, Kevin Benderman, 
was a US soldier who, after witnessing horrors and
war crimes in Iraq on his first deployment, refused to 
be re-deployed and was court-martialed in 2005 and served
time in Federal Prison.

 Kevin at his court-martial

*Part Two will be on April 12th and feature Iraqi Raed Jarrar was in 
Iraq with his family during "Shock and Awe." 

Friday, April 3, 2015


FOR IMMEDIATE                            
April 2, 2015                                     

Cindy Sheehan                                                         
Eva Golinger
Chuck Kaufman
Michael Bass
Stansfield Smith


New York, April 2, 2015 – In an Open Letter addressed to President Barack Obama, over 119 U.S. academics, activists and NGOs called on their head of state to rescind his Executive Order declaring Venezuela “an unusual and extraordinary threat to U.S. national security”. On March 9, 2015, President Obama invoked his executive powers to decree a national emergency based on the alleged “threat” represented by Venezuela. The Executive Order also imposed sanctions on Venezuelan officials with potentially far-reaching consequences.

U.S. citizens and NGOs are joined by leaders from over 138 countries and prestigious multilateral organizations worldwide in their demand for President Obama to rescind his measures against Venezuela. Latin American and Caribbean nations have unanimously rejected President Obama’s Executive Order against Venezuela and have firmly called for its reversal. A powerful statement issued March 26, 2015 from the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) which represents all 33 countries in the region, expressed “its rejection of the Executive Order issued by the Government of the United States of America on March 9, 2015,” considering “that this Executive Order should be reversed.”

The United Nations G77+China group, which represents 134 countries, also issued a firm statement opposing President Obama’s Executive Order against Venezuela. “The Group of 77+China deplores these measures and reiterates its firm commitment to the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela...The G77+China calls on the Government of the United States to evaluate and put into practice alternatives of dialogue with the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, under principles of respect for sovereignty and self-determination. As such, we urge that the Executive Order be abolished.”

In addition, regional organizations -- such as the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) representing 12 South American states, the Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) representing 11 Latin American and Caribbean nations, and the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR) -- issued powerful condemnations of President Obama’s measures against Venezuela. One hundred  British parliamentarians have also repudiated the Executive Order and called on the U.S. government to rescind its actions against Venezuela.

More than 6 million people have signed a petition in Venezuela and online calling on President Obama to retract his Executive Order of March 9, 2015 and to cease interference in Venezuelan affairs. Even prominent members of the Venezuelan opposition have rejected Obama’s designation of Venezuela as a threat to U.S. national security.

In a letter to the U.S. president by Venezuela’s Lara State Governor Henry Falcon, known for his anti-government position, he writes, “Let me express to you clearly that Venezuela can't be considered a threat to any other nation on the planet.   We have serious internal problems but we will solve them between Venezuelans.

This overwhelming international support for Venezuela comes just days before Latin American leaders will meet with President Obama at the Summit of the Americas in Panama City on April 9-10. While originally the summit was staged to be a historical event where Cuba would reunite with the organization after its forced exclusion by the U.S. over 50 years ago, now the forum will be overshadowed by Obama’s latest move against Venezuela.

Heads of state from the region have made clear that they will not stand for U.S. government aggression against one of their neighbors. Bolivian President Evo Morales warned, “These undemocratic actions of President Barack Obama threaten the peace and security of all countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa scoffed, “It must be a bad joke, which reminds us of the darkest hours of our region, when we received invasions and dictatorships imposed by the U.S....Will they understand Latin America has changed?”

Despite being the aggrieved party, President Maduro has repeatedly expressed his desire for “respectful dialogue on equal terms” with the Obama administration and has requested Ecuador, as chair of CELAC, play a key role in mediating these efforts. The upcoming Summit of the Americas may just provide the type of environment that could enable such a dialogue.

In this letter to President Obama, U.S. citizens and NGOs encourage their head of state to improve regional relations and show “our Latin America neighbors that the U.S. can relate to them in peace and with respect for their sovereignty.”

Open Letter to President Obama

We, the undersigned individuals and organizations, met your December 17, 2014 joint announcement with President Raul Castro of steps to normalize relations with Cuba with cautious optimism. For decades the US has been isolated in its policy on Cuba, both from the rest of the hemisphere and the rest of the world. For the 23rd year in a row, the UN General Assembly voted last October (188-2) to condemn the US embargo of Cuba.

The UN called on the US to refrain from promulgating and applying laws and regulations which violate the sovereignty of other States, the legitimate interests of entities or persons under their jurisdiction, and the freedom of trade and navigation.

We were pleased that the US was finally taking steps to come into compliance with international law. 

Yet our optimism turned to renewed concern the following day, December 18, when you signed a sanctions bill against Venezuela which appears to perpetuate the same failed policy toward Venezuela that you had just rejected toward Cuba. You hardened that policy on March 9 when you issued an executive order declaring a national emergency with respect to the “unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by the situation in Venezuela.” This action also verified that the US is stepping up its support for regime change in Caracas.

What is US hemispheric policy given this belligerent stance toward Venezuelan democracy? That is the question being asked by the world media and particularly by the sovereign States and multinational institutions of Latin America and the Caribbean. The Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), which represents every country in South America, said your executive order constitutes a "threat of interference" against Venezuela's sovereignty and calls on you to revoke the order. While politics in Venezuela is polarized and economic disruption caused primarily by the falling price of oil have caused long lines and falling poll numbers for President Nicolas Maduro, we see nothing that could conceivably be described as an “extraordinary threat” to the US or even to Venezuela’s closest neighbors. We note that Colombia, the US’s closest ally in South America and even the Venezuelan opposition have rejected US sanctions.

Compared to Mexico and Honduras where state violence is endemic and the rule of law tenuous at best, Venezuela is not at all outside the norm among nations. Venezuela is not at war with any nation, does not have military bases outside its borders, and is helping to mediate an end to the war in Colombia; it is a champion of peace in the region. To call it a national security threat to the US diminishes the credibility of your administration in the eyes of the world.

To those who know the dynamics in democratic Venezuela, this US policy stance is dangerous and provocative. To set the record straight, the Venezuelan government is democratically elected. Presidents Chavez and Maduro were both elected in what former President Jimmy
Carter declared to be the best election process in the world. (The Carter Center monitors and reports on elections worldwide.) Your executive declaration, however, is likely to be taken as a green light to the most hard line and anti-democratic forces in the country to continue to commit anti-government violence.

We call on you, President Obama, to rescind your executive order naming Venezuela a US national security threat. We call on you to stop interfering through funding and reckless public statements in Venezuela’s own democratic processes. And most of all, we encourage you to show to our Latin American neighbors that the US can relate to them in peace and with respect for their sovereignty.

Noam Chomsky, MIT
Eva Golinger, Human Rights attorney, author
Miguel Tinker-Salas, Professor, History Dept., Pomona College*
Ramsey Clark, former US Attorney General, International human rights attorney
Chuck Kaufman, National Coordinator, Alliance for Global Justice
James Early, Board Member, Institute for Policy Studies
Bill Fletcher, Jr., writer/activist/media host
Dr Frank Goldsmith, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, World Federation of Trade Unions 

Cindy Sheehan, Peace and social justice activist and radio host/producer
Bill Preston, President, AFGE National VA Council District 14*, President, AFGE Local 17*
Alfred L. Marder, President, US Peace Council
Beverly Bell, Coordinator, Other Worlds
Andrew Hochhalter, Director, Quixote Center
Kevin Martin, Executive Director, Peace Action*
Alexis Stoumbelis, Executive Director, Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador
Azadeh N. Shahshahani, President, National Lawyers Guild
Glen Ford, Executive Editor, Black Agenda Report*
Natasha Lycia Ora Bannan, President-Elect, National Lawyers Guild
Grahame Russell, Director, Rights Action [US & Canada]
Medea Benjamin, CoFounder, CODEPINK for Peace
Dan Kovalik, Labor and Human Rights lawyer
Steven Kramer, Exec. Vice President, 1199SEIU-UHWE*
Hendrik Voss, SOA Watch National Organizer
David Rovics, Singer/Songwriter, American Federation of Muscians Local 1000
Kevin Zeese, attorney and activist, co-director of Popular Resistance*
Margaret Flowers, physician and activist, co-director of Popular Resistance*
Gloria LaRiva, Coordinator, National Committee to Free the Cuban Five
Brian Becker, director, A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
John (Jack) Laun, President, Colombia Support Network
Joe Lombardo, co-coordinator, United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC)

Marilyn Levin, co-coordinator, United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC)
Roger Harris, President, Task Force on the Americas (Marin Co, CA)
Cherrene Horazuk, President, AFSCME Local 3800
Chris Townsend, Director of Field Mobilization, Amalgamated Transit Union*
Banbose Shango, A-APRP-GC*
John Womack Jr., Robert Woods Bliss Professor of Latin Am History and Economics, emeritus, Harvard U Peter Phillips Ph.D., Professor Sociology, Sonoma State U; Pres. Media Freedom Foundation/Project Censored Audrey Bomse, co-chair of the NLG Palestine Subcommittee
Marc Becker, Professor, Truman State University
Jackie Cabasso and Terry Rockefeller, National Co-conveners, United for Peace and Justice
Palmer Legare, Coordinator, Guatemala Solidarity Project
Dale Sorensen, Director, Marin Interfaith Task Force on the Americas (CA)
Dr. Henry S. Lowendorf, CoChair, Greater New Haven Peace Council
Cindy Forster, Chair, History Department and Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Scripps College Adrienne Pine, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, American University
Barry Ladendorf, President,. Veterans for Peace
Jack Gilroy, Friends of Franz Jagerstatter
Frederick B. Mills, Ph.D., Department of History and Government, Bowie State University
Linda J. Craft, Professor, North Park University, Chicago
Gilbert Joseph, Professor History & International Studies, Yale
Victoria Cervantes, co-chair, La Voz de los de Abajo, Chicago
Harry E. Vanden, Ph.D., Professor Latin American Studies, University of South Florida
Gunnar Gundersen, Exec. V.P., Tokyo International University of America, Salem, OR
Xiomara García Gundersen, Oregon Bolivarian Circle, Professor of Mathematics, Salem, OR
Jack Gilroy, SOA Watch Prisoner of Conscience
Adrianne Aron, Ph.D., Berkeley, CA
Paki Wieland, SOA Watch November Coordinating Team
Barbara Larcom, Coordinator, Casa Baltimore/Limay
Judy Somberg, attorney, Co-chair NLG Task Force on the Americas
Lo Ross, Director, Wo/Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana, Santa Cruz, CA
Cheryl LaBash, Co-Chair, National Network on Cuba
Chris Inserra, SOA Watch Stage and Program Team
Nico Udu-gama, SOA Watch Bilingual Space Collective
Suyapa G. Portillo Villeda, Asst. Professor, Chicana/o-Latina/o Transnational Studies, Pitzer College
Liisa L. North, Professor (ret.) and writer
Susan Scott, Co-Chair, NLG Task Force on the Americas
Irene Rodriguez, Coordinator, School of the Americas Watch-Boulder
Maria Luisa Rosal, SOA Watch Field Organizer
Isabel Garcia, Chair, Coalicion de Derechos Humanos, Tucson, AZ
Jenne Ristau, SOA Watch Legislative Organizer
Francisco Herrera, Caminante Cultural, SOA Watch Stage and Program Team

Gary Prevost, Professor of Political Science, College of St Benedict/St. John's University Dominick Tuminaro, Professor, Brooklyn College Graduate Center for Worker Education Sister Kathleen Desautels, SP, SOA Watch Peacemakers
Arnold Matlin, M.D., Founding Member, Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace, Geneseo, NY.
Stephen Bartlett, Director of Sustainable Agriculture of Louisville (SAL), Louisville, KY
Tanya Kerssen, Research Coordinator, Food First
Mary Ann Tenuto, Coordinator, Chiapas Support Committee

Milton Fisk, Retired, Philosophy, Indiana University, Bloomington IN
Arturo J. Viscarra, SOA Watch Advocacy Coordinator
Susan Letendre, Director, Witness for Peace New England
David Horvath, CoChair, Kentucky Interfaith Taskforce on Latin America
Héctor Perla Jr., Asst. Prof., Latin American & Latino Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz Judy Liteky, Co-Founder, School of the Americas Watch, San Francisco, CA

Robert Nixon, Co-Founder, School of the Americas Watch, Oakland, CA Dana Frank, Professor of History, University of California, Santa Cruz T.M. Scruggs, Professor Emeritus, Univ. of Iowa
Mary Lou Finn, for Neighbors for Peace, Evanston, IL
Brian Peterson, Ascension Lutheran Church (ELCA) , Austin, TX
José E. López, Executive Director, Puerto Rican Cultural Center
Ana Lopez, NYC Coordinator to Free Oscar Lopez Rivera
Alejandro L. Molina, Coordinating Committee, National Boricua Human Rights Network
Judy Robbins, Let Cuba Live of Maine
James Wandera Ouma, Executive Director, LGBT Voice, Tanzania
Sharat G. Lin, Former president, San José Peace and Justice Center
Dr. Ramona Fernandez, PhD, Associate Professor, Michigan State University
Kim Scipes, Associate Professor of Sociology, Purdue University North Central, Westville, IN Ray Pagliaro , co-president, New Haven /León Sister City Project
Charles Callman, Coordinating Committee, Portland Central America Solidarity Committee Stansfield Smith, Coordinator, Chicago ALBA Solidarity Committee
Dr. Ed Brown, Chair, Leicester Masaya Link Group
Ann Tiffany, former SOAW prisoner of conscience
Hector Aristizabal, ImaginAction
Michael Wisniewski, L.A. Catholic Worker
Elizabeth Deligio, SOA Watch Council
Mike Tork, Veterans for Peace
Ed Kinane, former SOA prisoner of conscience, founder of the SOA Abolitionists
Charlie Hardy, 2014 Wyoming Democratic US Senate candidate
Jeanie Keltner, host Soapbox TV talk show, The Undernews radio talk show, KVMRFM Claudia Chaufan, Associate Professor, University of California San Francisco
Dwight Lawton, SOA Watch Prisoner of Conscience
Margaret Knapke, SOA Watch Prisoner of Conscience, Dayton Ohio
Daniele Kohn, Director, Action Resource Fund, New York
William Camacarro, Coordinator, Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle, WBAI radio host
Crystal Zevon, Independent Writer and Filmmaker, Searching for Occupy
Roger Keeran, Professor Emiritus, Empire State College (SUNY)
Katherine Hoyt, National Coordinator, Nicaragua Network
Steve Watrous, Chair, Milwaukee Fair Trade Coalition
Gary L. Cozette, Program Director, Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America (CRLN)

* For identification purposes only