Monday, May 15, 2017

USA: Hands off California (SOAPBOX PODCAST 5/15/17)

May 15, 2017


Tim Vollmer
Shankar Singam


California Independence Movement


March to the Capitol on May 19th!

    • The original Calexit petition (16-0011) was withdrawn on April 17th.
    • A new initiative will be filed on May 19th.
    • The California Freedom Coalition (CFC) is fully behind this new initiative.
    • Cindy Sheehan (the famous activist who directly challenged George W Bush) has joined the CFC Board of Directors.
      • 12:00p Meet for a CFC hosted lunch at the State Capitol Park (exact location TBD)
        • Press and other activists will be invited.
      • 2:30p We march to the AG office 1300 I St, Sacramento, CA 95814
      • 3:00p File the initiative
        • Possibly more press interviews
      • 5:00p Join Nurses March
    We are going to march to the California Attorney General's Office to refile the petition and we are hoping you will join us.

    We need to show them how serious we are about re-gaining our full franchise and voting rights!

    The CFC is announcing full support of California HB 562 Single Payer Healthcare for all. We hope to march in solidarity on May 19th with Healthy California and the California Nurses Association.
    Follow the event on Facebook for more information:

    For more information, including transportation options to/from Sacramento, please contact: Steve Gonzales

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