Monday, October 30, 2017

Over-worked and Underwhelmed: Fall Fundraiser for Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox

Dear Friends,
I have been completely underwhelmed by the response to the Fall Fundraiser (but, a HUGE thank you to those few of you who have donated!) and I have been wondering if
The Soapbox podcast is something that is even necessary at this time.
I have been reflecting on the past nine years of
amazing shows (I am working on a searchable archive of hundreds of shows right now) and I knew if I had to put The Soapbox aside, I have a deep well of wonderful guests/topics/history to offer. It is quite an important body of work, if I do say so myself.
However, I went to speak at an event on Friday in San Francisco and the young woman sitting next to me was very excited about my talk, so I told her she should sign up for the newsletters.

She said, "I listen to your podcast every week."

With the addition of Dakotah's perspective and the energy I drew from the young woman in San Francisco, I cannot stop with Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox and I am excited that we will be going into our 10th year of shows in 2018.

So, please, if you are able, make a donation to Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox at the Fall Fundraiser link above.
Thank you!

Love, Peace, and Solidarity!
Cindy Sheehan

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