Sunday, December 2, 2018

Irene and Matt's Soapbox Guest: Amoja Sumler (December 2, 2018)

Matt and Irene's Soapbox
December 2, 2018
Guest: Amoja Semier

Amoja Sumler is a nationally celebrated poet, essayist and one of the preeminent emerging voices of leftist intersectional social advocacy. From his essay’s discussing the role of law enforcement to capitalism he is best known for fusing the art of the intellectual into the familiar. Amoja has headlined poetry festivals such as the Austin International Poetry Festival, the Bridgewater International Poetry Festival, Write NOLA in New Orleans and Rock the Republic in Texas. As a resident artist of several southern Arts in Education rosters, Amoja lectures at schools and literacy nonprofits, while teaching creative pedagogy and keynoting at social advocacy conferences like Long Beach Indie Film Pedagogy Conference and Furious Flower, throughout the nation.


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