Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A Walk to Peace and Beyond!

May 14, 2010

Dear Friend,

As the gov race (and probably my candidate "career") winds down (unless I come in 2nd here in California on June 3rd), I wanted to give an update on what we are involved in here at Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox and, once again, ask you to donate. 2014 has been a harsh year for fundraising for the Soapbox and we want to see it continue.

Of course, we will continue to provide informative and inspiring shows on a weekly basis with brilliant and inspiring guests. We are in our 6th year of Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox, and I am very proud of the work we have done.

Where's the Peace Movement? Even though the country is still mired in economic woes and environmental decline, here at the Soapbox, we believe moving from Empire to Peace would go a long way to solving both of these frightening problems. We will continue to strive for peace on a global scale and hope that we can be part of a larger movement in the near future.

Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox has endorsed and will participate in UNAC's call for rallies and other events to oppose further US involvement in the Ukraine.

Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox is supporting and is involved in A Walk for Peace which begins at the Golden Gate Bridge on May 17th and ends at Beale Air Force Base on the 27th (walking through Cindy's hometown of Vacaville on May 22nd).

We have had many projects on the back burner due to the gubernatorial race that we will be moving to the front burners soon;

A book about Tour de Peace called: 2013: A Bike Odyssey;

A movie about Camp Casey commemorating the 10th Anniversary of that historic Peace Camp in August 2015, called: Prairie Fire: The Camp Casey Story;

Camp Casey II, Crawford, Tx. August 2005

And another book about insider's experience with the modern peace movement called:  Peace is our Profession! ( in response to the many times we have been screamed at to "get a job.")

I will be continuing my work highlighting the disgrace of political prisoners here in the US as I travel to Washington, DC (WashedUp, DeCeit) in June to participate in the 3rd Annual: Five Days for the Cuban Five. 

Please give whatever you can to continue our important and vital work, or become a sustaining member with your tax deductible contributions:

 Love, peace, and perpetual resistance!

Cindy Sheehan
Team Soapbox

contact Cindy at:


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