Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Lavender Party (SOAPBOX PODCAST 12/1/16)

December 1, 2016

Guest: Andrea Mérida Cuellar

(National Co-Chair of Green Party US and
Chair of Colorado Green Party)

Topic: Green Party opposition to Jill Stein's recount efforts

This show is a must listen for Andrea's cogent and articulate

"Lavender's blue, dilly-dilly, lavender's green;
When I am king, dilly-dilly, you shall be queen." 
Old English Folk Song-Nursery Rhyme

When I first heard of the Jill Stein (Green) campaign's 
efforts to raise millions to recount states where Hillary Clinton (Democrat) lost by a narrow margin (Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania) the above song started to run through my mind.

I thought, "why do we even need a Green Party if it is going to regularly collude with the Democrats?" During the summer, I was dismayed when Stein courted the imperialist Bernie Sanders to step into her slot and run as a Green, but recounting states that could help the mega-imperialist Clinton really bothered me.

Then I was approached by a segment of the Green Party that felt the exact same way I did about the recount, which I summarize:

1) If this is about "election integrity" then why not recount all 50 states, or at least add states where Trump narrowly lost, or North Carolina which is completely refusing to count Green votes.

2) If this is about "election integrity" then why do the complaints that Stein filed with the states only mention "foreign (Russian)" hacking of voting machines?

3) The millions the effort has already raised is mostly coming from angry Democrats, not Green Party members, because Stein has raised almost twice as much in a little over a week than her entire campaign for president raised in total.

4) Appearances count, and no matter what is said publicly, the state filings for a recount spout Clinton campaign talking points and the states targeted point to a Stein collaboration with centrist Democrats. 

5) No "complaint" from the Stein campaign about minority voter disenfranshisement in especially Michigan.

I discovered that the action of the Stein campaign is not supported by the national committee for the Green Party or, reportedly,  even Stein's own running mate. Stein, ignored the vote of the committee and Green principles of transparency and consensus.

In short, I was relieved and pleased to discover in my conversations with GP activists and the great chat I had with
Andrea Mérida Cuellar, that the majority of the US's 4th largest political party is BRIGHT Green and not Lavender!


Please read the sign-on statement from these Green Party members here:

Greens Speak Out on Recount and Our Commitment to an Independent Party

Please read the complaint to Wisconsin opposing Stein's alleged perjury in signing a statement that blames "foreign" hacking with absolutely no evidence, made by GP member Don DeBar:



  1. Great interview, thanks for the insight on green party strategies.

  2. The two "perjury" links are bogus.

    1. "bogus?"
      What do you mean?
      Or you just don't agree with it?

  3. I haven't seen or heard anything from JIll Stein recount effort that indicates a concern over foreign hacking, but I have heard about the possible manipulation of EVM's which Black Box Voting (Bev Harris et al) have documented. And I've heard election fraud experts/activists talk about the various anomolies in these 3 states as being exceptional which is why they (not the Clinton campaign)focused on recounts in them.

    1. I guess you haven't seen the two formal complaints that her campaign filed? One in Wisconsin and the other one in Michigan?

      The campaign can publicly say one thing, but the formal complaints say another.


Please limit your comments to the content of the posts---not your self-perceived, self-righteous, personal opinions of the authors/activists who post at this blog. Personal attacks, or threats of violence will not be posted....moderator.