Sunday, January 22, 2017

Dede Miller's Remembrance Page

Dede being arrested in Crawford Tx in December 2006

Christy "Dede" Miller
June 16, 1958 - January 22, 2017
 (Passed at home from breast cancer and complications due to treatments)

 Dede Miller's family has been so overwhelmed with love and gratitude for all the warm wishes and wonderful remembrances we have already received about our dear Auntie/Sister. 

Please feel free to comment on this post with your good memories or condolences to the Sheehan/Miller family.

Thank you!  

For UPS mail:
Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox, LLC

PO Box 6264
Vacaville, Ca 95696


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The first time I met Dede was at the Tour de Peace. We went to Casey's grave to start things up, and someone that was at Camp OUT NOW came up to her to say hello. It was clear that she has probably made many friends over the years. They will all miss her, as will I. My condolences to the Sheehan and Miller families.

  3. I have so many, many, many good memories of Dede. Many of them involve drinking, or causing a ruckus of some kind. Dede was kind, and funny as hell, intelligent, stubborn, and just a good person. She loved her family so much, especially her sister. One of my favorite memories of Dede is from one of her numerous arrests for civil disobedience and had to get stripped searched, Dede was a modest person but thought it was so funny and kept asking the jailer doing her search "you know I'm a peace activist right???" We laughed so hard when she got out of jail because she couldn't believe she had been stripped searched for protesting and had to squat and cough. xxx Where ever she is now, I'm sure that Dede is probably laughing that this is the poignant memory I am memorializing her with. ❤️��

  4. Sincere condolences to Cindy Sheehan and her beloved family and their many friends. Sisters are forever.You will be so missed Dede

  5. Sincere condolences to you Cindy and your family . . . Dede will always be part of you and she is part of the reason you have impacted the anti-war struggle and continue to do so - she and you have made an impact on history. Hugs and love to you . . . and wishing you strength and healing. You can never live this down but you can find ways to survive - let her life renew your resilience and strength in empowering our anti-war and justice fights forward!

  6. De-der was one of the best things in the worst times. We laughed, we cried, we marched, we protested. And then we did it again, and I loved that she was there for it all. Tell Casey everything!

  7. De-der was one of the best things in the worst times. We laughed, we cried, we marched, we protested. And then we did it again, and I loved that she was there for it all. Tell Casey everything!

  8. Dede was there to help me at one of my lowest points and I will always be so grateful not only for her support, but also for her sense of humor and the fact that she was able to make me laugh through that time. I will always remember her for being full of love and being one of the most unselfish, giving souls I've ever known. Her unwavering dedication to peace and justice will always be an inspiration to me.

  9. My heart is breaking for you, Cindy, and your family. I know how close you and Dede were. My memory of Dede is her deliciously naughty sense of humor. Love to each of you.

  10. Dede, you made a difference in this world! A big difference. You were a much needed voice. Your message resonated throughout the world. RIP.
    May your family find solace in knowing that you ,who fought so hard for peace, are finally at peace.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. My days with Dede go back to the 70's, when we played Bobby Sox softball in Bellflower. My parents took a team down to San Diego for some sort of tournament. Between games, one of the players broke her arm body rolling down a hill. We loaded the bus and went to a local hospital for the normal X-rays and casting. During this time, we all waited for what seemed like an eternity, on the bus. At one point, we began hearing someone calling for help. She was saying "help me, Mr. Blakely, help me! Upon searching around the seat, it was discovered that Dede somehow got her body stuck under the seat. When the seat bottom was lifted open, there was Dede's sweet little face looking up from underneath the bench. When it was evident that all was fine, we all, Dede included, had a nice chuckle. It has remained a story that we still, to this day, share and laugh about. Another Dede Miller story. She was, and still is, tremendously loved by the entire Blakely family! Dede will be missed by all her knew and loved her!

  13. First time I heard about Dede was from her sister Cindy. In my language (from Pakistan/India) "Dede" means big sister. She was sister to Cindy, so she became sister to me as well. I learned that like her sister, Dede is also a very courageous person. Instead of her illness she was with Cindy in her mission for PEACE. Each time her deteriorated, like thousands of Cindy's followers, I also prayed for her health. I know she may not be with us but I am sure where ever she's, she's watching Cindy. I am sure she is in eternal peace now. May God give courage to all the loved ones of DEDE to bear her physical loss. She will for sure will live forever in our hearts. PEACE!

  14. Thank you for spending time with me at lunch that day in North Hollywood years ago. I wish I had known you better. Your deep loyalty and protectiveness towards your sister was evident from the moment I met you years before in the march against the Iraq War in LA. You left a deep and profound impact on me because your intentions and your love for Cindy was powerful. Rest in the starlight, Dede.


    My heart cries with your heart dear Cindy

    I am sitting here weeping and typing

    I am sadder than sad for your heart aching loss

    I hope you are knowing and remembering what a wonderful sister you were and still are to your beloved Dede

    All my love


  16. Respect, thanks, and safe home to Dede. Deepest condolences to Cindy and the family. Much love and peace to all.

  17. Thinking of you and your family Cindy. Blessings and Healing to all of you.


    Eric Peterson

  18. Love you Dede. Thanks for all you've done for anti war soldiers, for peace and for what you've done for all your nieces and nephews!

  19. I will forever remember the last time we were together in person. You were with Cindy at a fundraiser in San Diego at The Big Kitchen. I remember how lovely and kind you were that night. The evening was so special, I was there with my daughter Sydney, and you and Cindy have made a huge impression in hers and my life. Thank you for always being there for each of as and for the entire world. You constantly strived to make a better place for us all. Your work will not be forgotten, I for one, will always keep you in my heart and mind as we re-double our efforts to "un-fuck this world"
    Rest in Power!
    Your fan forever, Mitchell Sterling

  20. Dede will be with us in every march and rally for peace and justice. Dede Miller, PRESENTE!

  21. I've been a supporter of the Cindy Sheehan peace movement for 8 years now, and every time I get ready to retire, I have to come back. First I thought after 8 years of protesting Obama's wars, I would leave it up to Donald Trump to end them. Now, with the passing of Dede, I'm coming back again.

  22. I met Dede the night that the 2,000th soldier died in Iraq. I decided to stand in front of the White House to protest, and I was on my own. People in the crowd were talking about Cindy Sheehan, and the fact that she was getting arrested. I asked "does anyone know Cindy Sheehan?", and Dede turned around and said "she's my sister." We started talking and she invited me to come with the group to Busboys and Poets (it had just opened). I went along and spent the evening with Dede (not by myself, she had too many other people to talk with, too) and met Cindy. It was such a memorable night for me, and I loved seeing them afterwards at actions in D.C. I also loved following and conversing with Dede on FB - what are we all going to do without the fabulous Mona Lisa in different garb? I am broken-hearted for Cindy and her family. Dede was so unassuming about all of the amazing work she was doing, and brought that wonderful humor and irreverence to spice it all up so beautifully. Those who meet her on the other side are in for a treat. Let's keep our spirits open to hearing from her - I'm sure if there is a way, she will give us guidance. Love you, Dede.

  23. I will miss you Dede. My sincere condolences to you Cindy and your family.

  24. I am so very sorry for the passing of a great compassionate peaceful warrior sister friend.. I am asking for a part of her incredible activist energy, to now enter my peaceful warrior's body to help carry on her fire for PEACE,EQUALITY and the END of WARS. Love and light...and PLEASE watch over your sister Cindy....she needs your continued LOVE, SUPPORT....and badassery!! DeDe Miller PRESENTE~

  25. Rest in Peace ,Dede. Keep up the noble work dor Dede and ALL of us-whether many of us know it or not. Thx, John Mesler

  26. I met Dede that first year at Camp Casey. My biggest memories of her are just how much fun she was--she loved life, lived with an open heart, but also with a keen mind and no tolerance for bullshit. She said what she thought, without reservation. But mostly when I think of her, I will remember her kindness, big heart, and joy. Cindy, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know you and the kids will miss your sister/Auntie so much. Sending all my love. Safe journey, Dede. You are loved and missed.

  27. My sincerest thoughts and condolences with you all. So sorry to hear we lost another wonderful advocate for all people.
    We will miss Dede in the long journey over various administrations.

  28. Much sympathy for you, Cindy, as i know how great Dede has been for you, your family and the Peace movement over many years. You both have been our shining lights in this battle against the m-i-c-c and we thank you for this knowing that Dede will be one more guardian angel for grieving masses. Our day will come and your efforts have not gone unnoticed.

    Peace and Love forever.


  29. My condolences to Cindy and the Miller family for her loss. It was an honor to have known Dede from Camp Casey demonstrations. She was courageous and untiring in opposing the evil Bush/Obama war machine. Rest in peace.

  30. I will not lament that I did not get to spend more time with Dede but be grateful for the opportunity to get to know her and spend some time with her two years ago. Dede is free from pain, and we will get through our pain from her leaving us together. Tho't with Dede's wonderful family.

  31. Dear Sister Cindy, Iʻm so sorry for the pain you and your Family are experiencing. You and Dede have been leaders of the revolution of consciousness, which we all need if we are to survive. Women like you must lead and co-lead if the human species is to undo what the greedy and stupid among the men have done for so long. Many Blessings and much Love to you. fred, a Veteran for Peace.

  32. Farewell Dede

    By John Kaniecki

    Farewell Dede
    You are now free
    The cage always opens
    It is destiny
    You were noble
    In the struggle and the fight
    You took on trouble
    To do what is right
    I pray for the peace
    You sought in this domain
    I am glad for the release
    From torment and pain
    We will weep
    We will cry
    But we have much to keep
    After goodbye
    Flap your wings
    Soar to the stars above
    Tomorrow always brings
    Endless Love

  33. We send our love to you and your family and are so very sorry for the loss of Dede.

    Ron and Kris Graham

  34. Hello, Cindy. Getting ready to celebrate my 69th birthday with my lil Sis, who is only 65. ;) I hate to think about either one of us losing the other. Dede's walking on has taken a little (really big) piece of your heart, as Janice used say. Your shining courage has been a lodestar for me since you took up the cudgel against the Empire after it took Casey. I can see from your comments that you are meeting this loss with the same stout heart that has carried you this long way. My heart goes out to you and your family in this sad time. Linda Jansen, Seattle

  35. Please accept my sincere condolences, Cindy, to you and your family at the loss of your dear sister - Ilona Watzlawick

  36. Cindy and family .... so deeply deeply sorry for your loss as it is too big to even think about. Dede was a profound ground of being and love. Her humor could get us through anything, her strength could hold you up. She was an amazing sister, aunt and grandaunt. She was an awesome friend and activist. She was tireless and a caretaker, she was curious and fearless. She worked hard and played hard. She was a bright light and true blue. I blow you kisses and love and celebrate the life of Dede with you. It feel impossible that she is gone.
    I love you and hope to hug you soon. jodie

  37. I'm sorry to hear this news. But, Dede is right: she lived a full life. Dede was able to do what most never even think of doing, and that is standing up for herself and standing up for what is right. My condolences to all who knew and loved Dede up close.
    Cynthia McKinney

  38. Cindy dear,

    In these first hours and days of your loss of your beloved sister, we’re reaching our arms out to embrace you. Some of us knew Dede face to face, but all of us know: Dede lived an adventurous, vibrant, and kickass life, and even if it was too short she made every day count, and the world is lucky she was with us every hour of it, and she made a difference.

    Some people mistakenly assume that Dede was “just Cindy’s assistant.” But those who know you both, know otherwise. Yes Dede was right by your side, all your lives but especially for all these years after Casey’s life was stolen and you courageously went out into the public eye to challenge the system and its illegitimate wars for empire. Dede was with you from the start and as you kept going, standing up against even more crimes committed by this system. And yes, so much of what you’ve personally shouldered was more possible because Dede was right there, in loving support and having your back..

    But Dede was not just an “assistant.” Dede really esta presente, as one wonderful woman whose was a resolute activist, whose heart and soul were about loving the world and hating war and all injustice. We’ll always remember Dede as a person who did everything she could to upset the system’s applecart!

    Everybody who loves you and Dede can watch her here, captured in a Youtube from Military Families Speak Out 10 years ago, when Dede says “I have nothing to be afraid of.”

    Our love and condolences and to you and the whole Sheehan-Miller family,
    The World Can’t Wait – Debra Sweet and the Steering Committee, Curt Wechsler and the SF Bay Chapter

  39. Thank you for allowing us to share your journey.

  40. Sincere condolences to you Cindy-san and your family.

    After the earthquake, tsunami and the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe on March 11, 2011, and the sly union busting scheme under the Democratic Party administration, Japanese workers and people were in the greatest difficulty. In August that year, Cindy-san participated in our rallies and meetings in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Okinawa and Tokyo and helped our organizing effort and fight-back. Didi-san had helped you in your greatest difficulty and organized perseverantly with you an amazing movement in the belly of the most ferocious beast.

    Thank you so much and Solidarity Forever,

    Tadashi Seto
    International Labor Solidarity Committee of Doro-Chiba (Japan National Railway Motive Power Union of Chiba)

  41. My heart is broken. Cancer takes the good ones and leaves the scum determined to destroy humanity untouched. Dede was one of the greatest, most honest, kind, caring, considerate, loving, loyal, dedicated woman/activists many of us have ever known. This is such a devastating tragedy -- such an unfair loss. I don't know anyone who didn't love Dede.

    To Cindy, my heart aches for you and your family. You and Dede were a remarkable team. You shone a light of truth on the darkness of political lies and militarism. We are all indebted to you and Dede. I'm so very sorry my friend.

  42. Dear Dede. I'll keep old Blue safe. Rest in Peace.

  43. What a shock. Dede was one of my favorite activists of all time. She was loyal and fearless and compassionate. I am so sorry for your loss, Cindy. I know she's in a better place.

  44. Emhardy14@gmail.comJuly 29, 2017 at 7:40 PM

    Yes, a very delayed yet heartfelt message to all of you. I so appreciate, Cindy, what you have done for me and our nation. And, Dede rocked--with enthusiasm and heartfelt loyalty to our country. I loved her.
    Bless you and your family.


Please limit your comments to the content of the posts---not your self-perceived, self-righteous, personal opinions of the authors/activists who post at this blog. Personal attacks, or threats of violence will not be posted....moderator.