Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Archives: Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox 2009

Archives from 2009

(The shows are listed in alphabetical order by guest.
Please click on the name of the guest to find out the topic, or more about the guest)
May 17, 2009 
January 18, 2009
January 11, 2009 

August 9, 2009

August 30, 2009
June 7, 2009 

Asst. D.A. Vincent Bugliosi
February 22, 2009

November 11, 2009

January 09, 2009

February 08, 2009

October 04, 2009
April 19, 2009 

Ann Garrison
April 12, 2009

Matt Gonzalez
January 25, 2009 

Chris Hedges
 March 1, 2009

September 27, 2009

September 13, 2009
June 21, 2009 

Alex Jones

November 22, 2009

January 11, 2009

Ralph Lopez
December 06, 2009
March 15, 2009

Cynthia McKinney
July 5, 2009
March 15, 2009 
March 29, 2009 

Mairead Maguire
July 12, 2009
June 14, 2009
January 18, 2009 

Minister Christopher Muhammad
February 1, 2009
Jan 09, 2009 

Ralph Nader
November 29, 2009 
April 26, 2009 

Brother Larry Pinkney
January 25, 2009
January 18, 2009 

Sara Rich
 April 04, 2009
February 08, 2009 

Paul Craig Roberts
July 12, 2009 

Fariba Safai
August 2, 2009

March 22, 2009 

December 20, 2009

January 11, 2009 

August 9, 2009

June 21, 2009 

Gore Vidal
July 26, 2009

April 04, 2009 

Kevin Zeese
May, 24, 2009 

Kevin Zeese
December 6, 2009

September 27, 2009 

Obama's First Hundred Days
Various Commentary 
May 3, 2009







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