Sunday, December 16, 2018

Stand Out For Peace & For Yemen: (Women's) March on the Pentagon weekend of MLK, Jr. Holiday

Stand Out for Peace and for Yemen
Acts of Civil Assistance to Honor Dr. King

(Women’s) March on the Pentagon

The other women’s march that doesn’t highlight the necessity to end the US Empire and the fact that War IS A Women’s Issue are once again marching for an end to the Trump regime the weekend of January 19th.

We at (Women’s) March on the Pentagon are suggesting that our supporters Stand Out for Peace and for Yemen near and during the time of their local women’s marches (google “women’s march” and your town—or nearby town to get information about those events).

We need people to organize these in their own communities: Pick a place to stand with signs indicating that you believe that War IS A Women’s Issue and demand the halt to the three year genocide in Yemen, or any signs that indicate that(W)MOP is dedicated to ending the US empire and its affiliates.

(Women’s) March on the Pentagon will have downloadable flyers at the website and a picture of our mascot/brand #BadAssBillie to affix to your signs/banners. Please bring our flyers to hand out to people at the other women’s march event, because we think that we can win over some of them to our anti-imperialist side.

We do have organizers/activists who are checking into these actions in the following cities:

* Washington DC
* Boston
* Los Angeles
* San Francisco
* Seattle
* New York/New Jersey
* Raleigh
* Asheville, NC
* Chicago
* Amarillo

If you are interested in helping to organize in the cities above, or in your own city, please email Cindy at:

In October, (Women’s) March on the Pentagon came up with the theory of Acts of Civil Assistance, which entails helping people who are being harmed by the US Empire and its insane war budget. Our first Act was to feed hungry people right across the street from the White House and now we are raising money for aid to Yemen.

To honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, during the weekend celebrating his work and life, we are also calling for Acts of Civil Assistance.

Before Dr. King realized that militarism was just as evil as poverty and racism, he devoted his life to civil and human rights of poor people, so on the weekend of the other women’s march and Dr. King’s birthday, (Women’s) March on the Pentagon is also calling for our supporters and fellow activists to perform acts of Civil Assistance in your community.

There is so much need out there, and even just a little Civil Assistance can go a long way:
*Donate items to a local homeless shelter.

*Volunteer at a food panty

*Donate to a local food bank

*Teach your children/grandchildren about Dr. King and his three evils: “militarism, racism, poverty.”

*Take (W)MOP flyers to a local recruiting station

*Organize a (W)MOP contingent in your town to mobilize against the War Machine quickly and to help in Acts of Civil Assistance locally

*Look at your own community, where is the greatest need?

“An individual has not started living until s(he) can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 


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